14 points
Hi Ben, thanks for the video.
What are your thoughts on a geometric turn/river sizing scheme in the second scenario (where we have a large preflop advantage) rather than the 80% bet on turn and shove river? Naively this seems a bit better to me as the geometric sizing should increase the EV of our A9+ hands but do other considerations lead us to the type of sizing you used?
June 12, 2020 | 9:02 p.m.
Hi Ben, thanks for the great vid. I'm a bit confused about why a higher SPR will in general lead to a more capped range on the flop from a theory perspective (I don't dispute that this is true and it is something I have observed as well in practice). It initially seems a bit counter intuitive to me because in a capped vs polarized range toy game situation the EV of the capped range will decrease as the SPR increases. Is it the assumption that at a high SPR strong hands can no longer force as much money into the pot by the river as they would like if they play the flop passively, or are there other factors coming into play here because of "real world" ranges instead of toy games?
June 17, 2019 | 6:01 a.m.
Hi Krzysztof, I think not allowing IP to shove when checked to is a mistake in your 3rd model. Block betting will be less appealing for OOP in that model as this will allow the player with the polarized range to get stacks in, which IP cannot do if checked to.
Hey Tyler, thanks for the video. At 4:30 you mention that the average player opening to 2bb plays slightly differently than a 2.5bb opener. In what sort of way is this the case?
March 25, 2021 | 5:37 a.m.