55 points
Yeah I was trying to critize my play, I dont really like the bomb river neither. Just in game I came up with this betsize but agree with you both smaller sizing is better here.
March 9, 2015 | 7:28 p.m.
Thats what I tought too... But folding seems so weak.. but its zoom.
5Bet is prob worst option tough... not sure really what to do lol.
March 9, 2015 | 7:27 p.m.
SB: $276.57 (Hero)
BB: $240.50
UTG: $242.26
MP: $233.77
CO: $446.61
IDK guys what do you think about having a leading range OTR?
CO wins and shows four of a kind, Jacks.
CO wins $552.34
Rake is $2.80
March 6, 2015 | 10:26 p.m.
SB: $244.52
BB: $583.82
UTG: $743.74
MP: $409.82
CO: $279.11
Whats your plan here guys? Flatting the 4bet? Prob the best play... idk...
March 6, 2015 | 10:23 p.m.
SB: $206.00
BB: $340.58 (Hero)
UTG: $200.00
MP: $305.32
CO: $200.00
What are you re toughts on this spot? Ill reply later!
Thanks guys!
Rake is $2.80
March 6, 2015 | 10:20 p.m.
Hey guys! Long time no see.
Sorry for the lack of updates Ive finished my points then took a lil break and didnt think about poker.
So March started well so far, been playing well and not under pressure (wich is very good for me) I want to do leak finder on my first 80k hands. What should I be looking for? What kind of filter should I put? What do you guys do to review your play?
Alrighty! thanks guys see ya and GL!
March 5, 2015 | 7:48 p.m.
Very good suggestion!
March 5, 2015 | 7:47 p.m.
Yeah Im a spewtard but its kinda inked in me lol. Really hard to play ABC and not bluffing as I always want to win the pot syndrom
March 5, 2015 | 7:46 p.m.
I think I would bet most value combos OTT wich narrow a lot my value x raising range otr
March 5, 2015 | 7:45 p.m.
I usually dont 3bet KQoff combos pre as a default as those stack depth
March 5, 2015 | 7:43 p.m.
SB: $1000.00 (Hero)
Altough cant find that many hands that I wouldnt fire turn that I could bluff x raise the river with
You like?
March 3, 2015 | 10:58 p.m.
No but seriously, you guys can keep calm and keep playing after this?
Feb. 28, 2015 | 10:14 p.m.
i'd say fifty fifty chance ldo
Feb. 28, 2015 | 10:13 p.m.
3x AK vs AA in 12 min
Whats the odds ??? for real???
Feb. 28, 2015 | 6:07 a.m.
I prefer c-betting almost always with this hand. Unless you are trying to explo him. But as samu said I prefer having KK, KQ, AQ in my checking range otf without a heart.
Feb. 27, 2015 | 5:54 a.m.
I would call almost always here vs 400nl reg except I have a good read on OPP. And if I fold I snap fold.
Feb. 27, 2015 | 5:31 a.m.
I really don't like the 3bet pre.
As played I would jam the river, but not liking it. x folding is an option too but I think jamming is bit better.
Feb. 26, 2015 | 12:31 a.m.
SB: $201.00
BB: $233.26 (Hero)
UTG: $210.43
MP: $222.30
CO: $276.46
Do you think jamming here is better or checking?
BB wins and shows two pair, Sevens and Deuces.
BB wins $464.72
Rake is $2.80
Feb. 26, 2015 | midnight
I think betting turn here is pretty important.
Feb. 25, 2015 | 11:50 p.m.
I think betting turn here is pretty important.
Feb. 25, 2015 | 11:50 p.m.
This, depends on vilain but def never bet big here
Feb. 25, 2015 | 11:50 p.m.
Hey guys!
feb25th, didnt update last few days because I was too lazy ;P. I had one crazy bad sessions where I lost 5k then won a bit back. I was so tilted. Had like 3 KK vs AA, one AK vs AA, top full vs quads 250bb deep, etc played bad...
Oh well last sessions were better, did play a lot better, but I still feel that anger when I loose a pot I felt I didnt deserve to loose if know what I mean. I have a lot to improve on my mental as its not as solid as I would like to be :(.
Anyways, hopefully I can maintain my status this month and march I can play less and study more do more stuff outside the tables. Here is a graph... still cant win at SD :(
Feb. 25, 2015 | 11:47 p.m.
Hey OMG,
Thanks for the great analysis. Vilain is not a fish, but he is a losing reg on 3 millions hands. He does some very bad things and we obv want to abuse him on his big leaks.
Agreed with you that Jonas is the best for an overall strat against good opp., but here I think it might be +ev in a vacuum to do that. I am not sure if opting for this strat is bad in a sense that ill be very inbalanced... but at the same time we are explo vilains tendencys (leaks).
As for the 6x combos, I dont agree that he has that many offsuit combos of 6? I think he mostly 4bet or fold those you mentionned. We might want to add some of them for the sake of analysis but I am positive he doesnt have that many 6x off in his 3bet flatting range.
Blockquoteah btw i think checking ur whole range after 3betting on paired boards is not really good
Why do you think its bad? I adopt this strategy when stacks are 200bb+ because paired board kinda give an advantage to vilains. Against aggro vilains its going to be tough to deal with raises on those board with our range that dont have tons of trips or fullhouse when vilains will have a lot. What do you do to combat aggro vilain that will raise flops and bet turns and rivers aggr? We will have to stick a lot of BB with a weak range and I am not very liking this idea.
Anyway thanks OMG, very good analysis guys!
Feb. 25, 2015 | 11:42 p.m.
Hey Jonas, I agree with you that x calling turn is prob. better for my range. But what I did here was purely based on exploitation reads I had on vilain. In the sense that if he bet only value on turn (No bluff only thin value + value) I think raising the turn here is better.
So yeah I agree 100% that raising turn here kinda sucks, but vs this vilain I think it has more value. What do you think? I know I use to play a very explo style before, now Im trying to be more balance, gto. But do you agree sometimes you can just do the best play in a vacuum vs a particular opp.?
Anyways, thanks for your output I apreciate it highly!
Feb. 25, 2015 | 11:33 p.m.
BB: $2985.22
What do yoou guys think?
SB wins $2282.50
Rake is $0.50
Feb. 25, 2015 | 1:27 a.m.
Yeah I as Samu said, I dont really see the point of betting turn? We want him to get there with his bluffing range as it will contain a lot of Ace so thats good. Plus we dont want to get x-raise. My strat on the turn would be that most of my range x and I would bet very polar
Feb. 23, 2015 | 11:45 p.m.
SB: $580.99
BB: $1099.13
UTG: $549.13
MP: $502.50 (Hero)
CO: $747.55
I think flop x-fold is fine.
SO we have 12 combos of bluff PF, if we want to jam the river GTO we need something like 10bluff combo right?
Rake is $2.80
Feb. 23, 2015 | 11:43 p.m.
SB: $361.64
BB: $260.14
UTG: $203.00
MP: $650.82 (Hero)
CO: $200.00
Feb. 23, 2015 | 11:19 p.m.
Hey, thanks for the reply.
Well my assumption on villain is that he will most likely raise his 2pair + on flop as he is a weak bad regular. So assuming that I think we have the best hand almost always. The river play is justify by his poor unbalanced strategy that raises hands that have us beat on flop. So that's why I decided to OB the river with AJ here.<
Agree with you all, against most regs this will not be a good play.
Hi there, I am interested in joining a study group as well. Playing NL100 and 200 on PP atm.
May 13, 2020 | 5:06 a.m.