1 points
Hey Kevin,
I have ben reading a couple of psychology books lately and find this topic to be very interesting. Which books/material about this topic can you recommend?
Sept. 15, 2016 | 6:10 p.m.
Quido should be banned for being a lier and for using offensive language.
Sept. 12, 2016 | 8:49 a.m.
I Would always Call river in this spot. How does The nit have us beat? He cant have higher flushes since he is a nit and Wont Call preflop with any qc xc since we have jc 10c.
most nits Would raise this flop with 99 since its drawy and nits Are so ever afraid of Being drawed out on.
However The lag player might have us beat since he could easely be Playing a lot of qc xc. And all full houses.
However The river bet is smallish and i Would Call here given The Price and The fact there is a good chance we have The Best hand
Sept. 12, 2015 | 10:09 a.m.
What is your Read on villain? Would you never 4bet here?
On The river i Would bet something Like 300$.
But i Would 4bet preflop.
Sept. 5, 2015 | 11:02 a.m.
5$ - 10$ at the local Casino.
Villain is a very good LAG player who can read hands very well.
My image is sort of the same and we have ben doing some wild moves against the table.
Huge fish opens UTG+2 (Very big fish)
Villain Calls in mid position
one more caller
I call in CO with Ad 3s.
BB calls.
(pot is 200$)
Flop comes A-2-5 scc
It checks to me. I bet 100$
Fish calls and villain C/R to 350$
I call. Fish folds.
Turn comes Qs.
A-2-5-Q sccs
Villain check to me. I think for a bit and makes a pot sized bet to put him all-in. (1000$)
Villain tanks and calls.
river is 5s.
Villain shows Ad Jd for a split pot (phew)
I think my turn sizing is to fishy and looks to obvious that i want to push him off a hand.
Also my flop flatting range seems kind of week given the drawish board.
May 31, 2015 | 10:29 a.m.
I find it kind of weird that some of the elite videos we pay 100$ a month to view is available on youtube.
Is this something the guys on RIO are even aware of?
Just wondering.
Best regards
Well played.
Your ranged is not capped at all. At least it shouldnt be. You should hit this board with a decent frequency after 3betting OTB, making it possible for you to even have the nuts on this board.
That being said this board clearly hits villians range way harder than it hit yours.
In this situation with AK and no BDFD i think it would be way to spewy barreling off against a good player with a strong range.
The hands i would those to bluff with in this spot would be hands like Q9, A9, A10 with the BDFD. (But obviously i dont know your 3betting strategy in this game)
I think one of the reasons you are posting this is that after folding the turn, you felt like you played the hand weak. Maybe fearing you got exploited, which you shouldnt as long as you balance your check back range with traps and some showdown value.
Jan. 10, 2017 | 4:40 p.m.