146 points
At this time in my life, I am faced with more negativity than I have ever experienced before. As I got older, I realized that this was now a part of my life. My grandmother passed away 15 days ago. She was in the hospital for 3 months and maybe it was for the best. It's a really strange feeling when a member of your family is no longer alive. Since I speak more motivationally to people, I sometimes feel the pain of this when I am alone.
It was really difficult to play poker or stay mentally healthy during this period. I think I did my best. I went on a short vacation with my wife and friends for the last 5 days. I think this holiday will be better for me.
My goal for the future still continues. Even though it doesn't motivate me enough, I will stand behind my goal and not lose my discipline to reach the $20K bankroll. I will use this as motivation for myself. Because it is very important to finish what I started.
After the problems I experienced in GGpoker, I decided to continue playing app games. I will continue this. But I don't have the chance to use a tracker in the games I plan to play right now. For this reason, you will not see any graphics in the posts I make here.
Bankroll 15.6k / 20k
Sept. 4, 2023 | 11:42 a.m.
9-10 Week Check
Volume Target 45/45
My grandmother's illness still continues. That's why I spend some of my time in the hospital. I slowly got used to this situation, even though I didn't want to. But this week a new one has been added to our problems. Doctors gave my husband's father a diagnosis they were unsure of. That's why my wife cries all the time. For the first time in my life I am trying to play poker while dealing with such problems.
But the problems did not end there. This week, my GGPoker agent said that their contract with Turkey is over and that's why I had to withdraw my poker case. Already 3 weeks ago I received a meaningless bumhunting warning from GGPoker and it turned my whole poker rhythm upside down.
The only thing I could do in this situation was to play on Pokerbros, which I still have a connection to, and I've been playing here for a week. Since my Pokerbros and GGpoker databases are different, I will try to share only my Pokerbros chart from now on.
For most of my life, I was afraid to play high limits and applied strict bankroll management. One of the biggest reasons for this was the high variance and low winrate in GGPoker. In the room I'm playing now, my winrate is about twice my GGPoker winrate in the past years. This pushes me to apply a more aggressive bankroll management. For this reason, I will try to play on the NL200 as soon as I find good tables.
Mindset Marker #1 Non-Focus Bankroll
Now my bankroll is 117 buyin for NL100 and 59 buyin for NL200. If i only count my average winrate on variance calculator i need 50 buyin to grind. Because i played in high rake games i also have something like 3,2bb/100 rakeback. 50 buyin looks really safe but i still have some mindset problems and because of that i checked my bankroll alot to make sure not being over agro.
At the same time, I checked my cashier more than necessary as I transferred too much money due to GGpoker closing. But since the main goal is to focus on money and living in the moment, I don't think these are too big of a problem. But after my first sessions on my new site, checking my chart seems like a bigger problem.
I don't have a very luxurious life. I spend the money I earn on sports and food in general. My biggest goal when leaving Pokerdetox was to manage my bank more accurately. But in the past years, I think that I still have not improved myself regarding this situation. I had friends who tried to help me on this issue, but I could not create a plan that was in my head. I would love to know how I can better manage my poker finances by taking risks, at least in these years.
Mindset Marker Target #2 Non-Focus Poker Rest
The fact that I can still stick to my routines among all these problems shows me how much I have improved myself mentally in the past years. I still warm up before the session and cool down after the session. At least 1 hour break between my morning sessions and evening hours when I don't think about poker is very good for me.
Bankroll 11.7k / 20k
July 22, 2023 | 10:18 a.m.
2nd Month Check
Volume Target 83/90
This month actually ended with a performance above my normal standards. I could not reach the time I targeted, but I am happy considering some of the serious problems I have experienced.
Problem 1 This month my grandmother had serious health problems and stayed in the hospital for a long time. We were with them at the hospital most of the time to help my mother. This has seriously reduced both my sleep pattern and the number of hours I can work.
Problem 2 I got a message about Bumhunting from GG poker. I knew this had happened to most players before but it had not happened to me despite playing GG poker for years. As a result of this, I thought about what to do for 1-2 days and did not play games. I tried to get back to the games later, but I spent my sessions stressed as GG didn't really set a standard for table selection. For these reasons, I decided to play RnC. RnC is a game with an incredibly high variance and has a different strategy than normal tables. I spent a lot of time adjusting to this strategy. Finally, after a week, I returned to playing regular table more carefully as a result of the conversations I had with my friends.
Problem 3 I have been active in sports for many years. In general, daily muscle soreness has now become a standard. However, due to the collapse of our bed this month, some days my back was stiff and I could not get out of bed. We were constantly delaying buying a bed because we were not in a very good financial situation. However, after this problem experienced this month, we went yesterday and bought a new mattress. I hope we get our new bed soon.
Mindset Marker #1 Non-Focus Bankroll
Due to the problem I had with GG and the money I took out of my bankroll, I got stressed some days and cared a lot about my bankroll. That doesn't mean I'm playing a purely money game. But I was far from the standard I set for myself. That's why I need to focus more on this subject in the new moon. The root of the problem is actually deeper. But I can make it better.
Mindset Marker Target #2 Non-Focus Poker Rest
Until the last week, I was incredibly successful at this. Before my afternoon session, I created a 1-hour break where I never thought of poker. For the last 1 week, I spent some of my time off on EV calculations because of the poker-related calculations that stuck in my mind all the time. Some days I even had trouble sleeping and got out of bed and did calculations.
For my third month, I want to raise the bar a little higher. I will increase my target time to 100 hours again. I don't set goals for studying poker because unlike most people, he's very good at spending time on it. I will not include the RnC graph as a graph in the results. Since it is a game based entirely on rakeback and rakerace, I think the graphics will affect me badly.
Bankroll 11.5k / 20k
July 9, 2023 | 11:05 a.m.
Good Luck.
July 5, 2023 | 3:12 p.m.
5-6 Week Check
Volume Target 40/45
The last week has been a little tough for me. My grandmother was hospitalized. Because of this, I couldn't focus much on poker and spent some time in the hospital. However, I am happy with my playing time. I did my best. Besides, I got a warning for choosing a table from GGPoker during the week. This got me a little upset. I talked to other friends who have encountered this problem and they mentioned that they are starting to pay attention to the table selection. But I have no idea what rule I should apply and I haven't received any definite response from GGpoker about it.
GGpoker is a poker room with high rake. Table selection is more important here than in other rooms. Frankly, I don't think I can be a winner in these games without a good selection of tables. That's why I decided to play RnC for a while. Because when I cannot choose a table, the game is no different from RnC. I can't predict what kind of winrate I will have in RnC. I have a 100k handset from when I played NL200 RnC 2 years ago. Winrate was around 1bb/100 without rakeback. But I don't know the current status of the games. I think as the number of hands increases, I will have a better idea about it.
Mindset Marker #1 Non-Focus Bankroll
I always get better with the period when I don't feel financially pressured, and this period is one of those periods. I need to see when the games went bad before I could make a more critical assessment of this issue.
Mindset Marker Target #2 Non-Focus Poker Rest
When I was at home, I started to set aside 2 types of rest for myself. The first is when I don't play poker but can think about poker, watch videos and check out the strategic stuff that pops into my head. The second is the time I relax by doing other things completely away from poker. I make sure that this second period is at least 1 hour before my second session. In the first period, I usually talk to my friends and sometimes play chess.
Bankroll 12.7k / 20k
June 24, 2023 | 12:25 p.m.
Monthly Focus Theme:Grind without excuse
Monthly Volume Target 90 hour
Your process for accomplishing
-Plan for 5 hour session mid-week. If you feel great do it. If you dont you dont feel great you can give up from some hours.
-Not push yourself with bad pre and post session routines.
Why is this important?
-My main mission is to spend a quality life with my family away from financial worries. For this, it is very important to reach the NL200. In order to reach the NL200, I need to save more money than I have spent playing enough games. I need to play enough poker in it.
Mindset Marker Target #1
Non-Focus Bankroll
Your process for accomplishing
-l will check my bankroll weekly on Friday and update my blog.
Why is this important?
-It helps me better educate myself to remind myself that short-term results don't matter.
-I do not experience unnecessary emotional ups and downs during the week.
Mindset Marker Target #2
Non-Focus Poker Rest
Your process for accomplishing
-I wasn't good enough in my first week. That's why I want to set a more specific target on this topic. After my morning session, before starting the second session, take at least 1 hour of poker rest that does not require much thinking and focusing.
Why is this important?
-It allows me to use my energy more efficiently and get less tired.
Bankroll 12.2k / 20k
June 11, 2023 | 6:35 p.m.
4 Week Check
Volume Target 94/100
I used to get up and play poker on Saturday mornings. Now I have tennis lesson at this hour and I started to think that it would be better for me to spend the next time with my wife. For this reason, I did not have the opportunity to make up for the weekends when I could not play during the week. Despite this, I am satisfied with my performance. 90 hours for the next month seems like an ideal target.
Study Target 10/10
I finished the A-Game master class. I try to apply 75% of what I learn every day. Can I do this well enough? Of course no. But at least my sessions have started to progress in a certain pattern and I'm sure I have less tilt.
Mindset Marker #1 Warm-Up,Cool-Down
I warmed up before all of my sessions and did not rush it. This has been one of the greatest habits I have gained. I did not cool down after 1-2 sessions, but I think even this is a big improvement.
Mindset Marker #2 Non Focus Bankroll
I still have the urge to look at my bankroll at a high level from time to time. I'm not sure if this is a problem. But at least I can postpone it and look at my checkout day. I'm sure the problem with this is deeper. The developments we experience during the day and the state of my games trigger this problem. For example, if I have a bad session on a day when the landlord asks for a rent increase, my urge to look at the cash register increases. I wish I could have delved deeper into this issue.
Mindset Marker #3 Non Focus Rest
For the first two weeks, I was more successful at spending time in front of the computer without focusing on poker. For the last 2 weeks, I have randomly found myself practicing poker during my rest periods. I think this is especially bad for my afternoon sessions. I need to find a solution for this. That's why I want to put this topic at the top of my goals for the next month.
June 9, 2023 | 2:08 p.m.
Week 3 Recap
Bankroll 12k / 20k
Volume 24 / 25
Study 2:30 / 2:30
Mindset Marker #1 Warm-Up,Cool-Down 5/5
Mindset Marker #2 Non Focus Bankroll 7/7
Mindset Marker #3 Non Focus Rest 3/5
What went well this week?
Being able to learn from other players' games is one of the cornerstones of my game. For a long time, I had some questions especially about my preflop game. Because I didn't have enough samples, I couldn't trust myself to change my game. I've spent most of my gaps this week reviewing other players' preflop games, and I think I've learned some things. My mental state is much better than before. I'm not as focused on cash and results as I used to.
With our new rackets, we started to play tennis with my wife, with crossfit and tennis lessons some days of the week. We are still not in very good shape. But I think we will close our deficit and make 10-15 rallies in a short time.
What could you do better?
I learned to do things to relax my mind in short breaks. But I'm still very bad at resting between my 2 main sessions. Because I have poker on my mind all the time and I'm trying to do more research and learn more. This causes energy loss in evening sessions. My first session in the morning is usually between 7-10. Between 10-11 is spent preparing breakfast and coffee. I usually set myself a goal of resting for 1 hour after washing the dishes. But on these rests, I find myself doing poker-related stuff all the time. I can take a short nap to spend this time more quality. It will be my priority to try this next week.
June 2, 2023 | 1:28 p.m.
Week 2 Recap
Bankroll 11.9k / 20k
Volume 23:30 / 25
Study 2:30 / 2:30
Mindset Marker #1 Warm-Up,Cool-Down 5/5
Mindset Marker #2 Non Focus Bankroll 6/7
On Monday this week, after returning from vacation, I woke up tired in the morning. Because I drove too long the day before. As a result, I started the week stressed and could not handle the stress of a bad session. I had money in my GGpoker account for about 10 buyins of NL100 and for a moment I felt the urge to check my safe. I am aware that this is a completely unnecessary and artificial concern. I think it's caused by overlapping things. I have been in a bad situation for 1-2 months both in terms of performance and luck. This made me worry about the future. In the following days, I became aware of this problem and asked myself questions and sought answers to get away from the anxiety of the future during the day. But most importantly, I meditated every day and tried to live more in the moment both in my sessions and in other works I did.
Mindset Marker #3 Non Focus Rest 4/5
During the day at home, I sometimes have a hard time finding anything to focus on other than poker. I find it hard not to do research on poker, especially during the lunch break. Because, although this curiosity seems to be good at first, it takes the energy that I need to spend on the session in the following hours.
What went well this week?
Mentally, I was very stable and professional after Monday. My sleeping pattern is back to its usual state. Thanks to the routines I did during the week, I was able to distance myself enough from poker. After a week break, I started Crossfite and tennis again. I bought a tennis racket for myself and my wife.
What could you do better?
I can spend my rest time better. Most of the time I can't find anything to do in my spare time. At such moments, I think of the areas where I am bad in the game and I want to do research on these areas with H2N. For a long time I think my strategy against vs 1Raise is not good enough. I have so many questions about this. Too many questions bring with it too many points to improve. The reason why my BB and SB winrate was low was because my bluffcatch strategy was bad. I still have some uncertain thoughts for other positions. I think my 3D strategy against fis is the most obvious root of the problem. The other reason I think is my 3BP IP PFR strategy. While these problems continue, it is still very difficult to stop without doing anything and just rest.
May 28, 2023 | 5:52 a.m.
Week 1 Recap
Bankroll 11.4k / 20k
Volume 23:15 / 25
Study 2:30 / 2:30
Mindset Marker #1 Warm-Up,Cool-Down 5/5
Mindset Marker #2 Non Focus Bankroll 6/7
Mindset Marker #3 Non Focus Rest 4/5
What went well this week?
-Although I ran very badly, I was more resilient than before and played more poker.
-Most of the time I followed my daily schedule, which created a lot of free time during the day.
What could you do better?
-Sleep better and less worry about the future.
Earlier this week, there was a very important election in my country. That's why I tracked the vote count at night and this caused my sleep pattern to go a little messy and I couldn't go to Crossfit the next day. There are some weeks, no matter what you do, you can't get results on the table. This week was one of those weeks. Especially in my last sessions, this started to increase. Therefore, I finished the session earlier than it should have been.
Employees in my country have 1 day off and we want to celebrate this by going to another city with our friends. Therefore, I will have 1 day less study time than I should and I will not be able to play tennis this weekend. I expect this little vacation to be good for me.
May 18, 2023 | 2:26 p.m.
I will use A-Game Masterclass Focus Theme for my weekly planning. As this challenge continues, I will watch the videos and try to improve myself more.
Monthly Focus Theme:Grind without excuse
Monthly Volume Target 100 hour
Your process for accomplishing
-5 hour session mid-week.
-If i cant hit daily volume for a reason make a small Saturday session.
-Check your bankroll weekly only.
-After last session end on Friday update the Blog and bankroll challenge.
-Not try to push yourself more than 100 hour goal and use warm-up and cool down routines.
-When you're not playing poker or working out, do activities that don't require you to focus.
Why is this important?
-My main mission is to spend a quality life with my family away from financial worries. For this, it is very important to reach the NL200. In order to reach the NL200, I need to save more money than I have spent playing enough games. I need to play enough poker in it.
Monthly Study Target 10 hour
Monthly Study Theme A-Game Mental
Your process for accomplishing
-I will watch A-Game Masterclass video mid-week everyday for 30 minutes.
Why is this important?
-Although I feel mentally strong, I am not at the level I want. I need to develop myself mentally to maintain a healthy balance of life and poker and to be happy as the best version of me.
Mindset Marker Target #1
Warm-Up, Cool-Down
Your process for accomplishing
-Warm up before each session even if you feel not motivate to do it.
For first session use Eliot Roe youtube cash game warm-up video.
For second session use Huberman NSDR.
-After last session of the day quickly review the 15bb+ pots and the hands that you mark.
-Take some notes about your mental and strategic game to the daily Schulde.
Why is this important?
-I feel less stressed and more focused.
Mindset Marker Target #2
Non-Focus Bankroll
Your process for accomplishing
-l will check my bankroll weekly on Friday and update my blog.
Why is this important?
-It helps me better educate myself to remind myself that short-term results don't matter.
-I do not experience unnecessary emotional ups and downs during the week.
Mindset Marker Target #3
Non-Focus Rest
Your process for accomplishing
-In non poker times play a game, chat with friends or watch some youtube videos rather than looking for strategy update.
Why is this important?
-It allows me to use my energy more efficiently and get less tired.
May 11, 2023 | 12:15 p.m.
Ty so much. Yeah i will also looking my results weekly this days and it can be also great for that goal.
May 11, 2023 | 9:20 a.m.
Hello I am Barkın from Turkey 32 years old.
I just want a challenge to motivate me to play more this year. Because of lots of reasons i never achived 20k$ poker bankroll in my life and i dream about it always. So my goal with that challenge to hit that bankroll.
I play poker for living. Because of that all the money i make not add to my bankroll. My bankroll around 11.5K$ now and will play NL50-NL100 regular tables mostly but if the games dead i can maybe add some NL50 RnC. I really dont like to focus short term results but need to share some results to make post alive. So my goal is to make it weekly. I hope we can finish that challenge in 2023.
May 11, 2023 | 8:23 a.m.
Gl on your journey.
Feb. 2, 2023 | 2:16 p.m.
I think there's something the whole poker world thinks wrong. We see poker very stable and simple. There are so many factors that the player's playing limits depend on, and it might sound silly, but the player's strategic skill is not the most important one in my opinion. We all have a very different risk tolerance. While some of us can live through very high-risk situations, some of us are very incapable of it. While some of us live a very good life on $1000 a month, some of us have difficulty living on $5000. Some of us like to play poker to the highest limits, while some of us like to live our lives without taking too much risk.
I think comparing the success of a poker CFP to the limit played by graduating players is the same as comparing the future money earned by students graduating from the same class. It's not realistic data. Because some children who graduate from the same class live in the village and are very happy, while others live in ultra-luxury buildings and become unhappy. But the real question is, what is the main task of our schools, to make people earn more money or to be happy? I think the answer to this will vary greatly from person to person.
Oct. 22, 2022 | 12:45 p.m.
If this month goes the way I want, the biggest reward for me will be to be able to complete this month in this way. I think the extrinsic reward system doesn't work very well for me. I don't expect anything more from the life I'm living right now. But my computer is very bad. It has a hard time getting most things to work. Maybe not the end of the month, but if I reach my target bankroll, I can buy myself a new computer.
Sept. 5, 2022 | 10:55 a.m.
Week 11
I wanted to give a general update and tell you how things are going. Summer months can be really difficult, especially if you live in a hot place.On top of that, about 3 weeks of live poker series and short-term holidays were added, I couldn't spare much time for online poker. In fact, I know that this time I spare is enough for most people, but it is not enough for me.
It is really hard to focus when you play games in rooms where there is not much action or when you miss the hours of action. Because most of the time, you can find 1 or 2 tables, which is a really difficult situation to focus on the tables. That's why I went on different searches. I tried to increase the number of hands I played by adding different sites. In doing so, I sometimes made wrong decisions.
Especially for 2 weeks, I have been far from my old discipline. I realized that calculating the hours I played on a weekly basis did not motivate me enough. Because playing more poker does not necessarily mean playing poker optimally. That's why I started thinking about different things. My main goal is still unchanged. I want to make my poker bank $20k. For this, I started to try a different system that I could follow myself.
In order to reach my money-oriented goal (I know that it is not very healthy to set a money goal), I will continue to monitor myself at least weekly. But after each session, I will score my notebook out of 10 about myself. If I get a score of 9-10, I will multiply the hours played by 1.25 as this will show that I am playing poker in a very good condition. I'll multiply by 1 as 7-8 is still an acceptable range. I'm going to multiply it by 0.75 since 5-6 is a range I don't want. If I gave a score less than 5, I will not count that session. By doing this I want to remind myself that it is more important to play optimal quality games than to play multiple hands. My goal at the end of the month will be to reach 100 points. Or 25 hours if we think about it on a weekly basis.
There was a player on the Pokerdetox discord channel whose results were not what he wanted, no matter how hard he tried.
This is me since detox high card, obviously 20k hands is meaningless,
but it doesn't feel meaningless when I'm going to group calls and
trying to study and do drills and seeing results like this.
This reminded me of my own experience. I found my own graphic from my old articles. In addition to the things I am worried about now, I once again realized how difficult it was back then. It is very difficult to understand in difficult moments that it is not really the results that matter, but self-improvement. But I think we should at least constantly remind ourselves how much we've improved.
Sept. 4, 2022 | 7:28 a.m.
Week 9
It's incredible to be back in the sport. Although I haven't been actively doing sports for a month, my condition is very good. My muscle pains are not very high, but I have some weight loss. Physical appearance is in the background for me when doing sports, but I don't like being thin. I'm 185 cm and weighed 93 kg before I quit the sport. I haven't weighed in a long time, but I'm probably less than 90kg. I know that it is very difficult to gain quality weight. That's why I'm a little stressed.
This week I added NL50 zoom poker next to pokerbros tables. I currently have 300 buyin cases for the NL50. I can't find NL100 zoom tables in ACR poker. During the hours I play Pokerbros, the regular tables are in very bad shape. In addition, constantly choosing a table in two separate rooms can be really tiring. Also, when I play zoom, I get bored less with the tables and when I can't find fish in Pokerbros, I have another alternative. Since I haven't played zoom poker in a long time, I don't know what kind of winrate I will have. Also playing NL50 can help me shoot more aggressive shots at pokerbros.
I am aware that I have not shared results for a long time. Because since I started the challenge, my handset is still very low. So my post won't mean anything.
In poker, there are times when I get scared because I often follow different working principles than other people. My coach gives me the biggest support regarding this. Also, a chapter in a book I read this week caught my attention and I took a note to share it here.
If you read what everyone else reads, you will think as everyone else
thinks. Most people do this for social approval somewhere. To adapt to
other monkeys. To get along with the herd. But the rewards of life
come from leaving the herd. At this point, it is unclear whether you
will have a positive or a negative result once you leave the herd.
That's why the smartest and most successful people I've ever met
started out as losers.
Aug. 21, 2022 | 9:03 a.m.
Week 8
Since my family has been on vacation for 2 weeks, I am taking care of their dogs. My wife and I are very used to spending time together. This is a big part of our life. However, when there is a dog at home, I cannot leave it alone and go to the gym. This prevented me from exercising. Actually, my wife and I could go to the gym alternately. But when there is a dog in the house, she can be a little unhappy about cleaning. That's why I didn't want her to stay behind in sports, and I sacrificed myself.
I decided there was no need to keep track of my morning routine. Because I have a routine that changes from week to week, but of good quality. And I am generally less likely to give up on it.
These days, I realized that I'm back to a result-oriented mentality. I decided to think about the reasons for this and dig deeper. It was a chapter in a book I was reading that helped me think about it.
Over and over and over again, I am asked: Why? What drives me. When I
was younger, I was preparing for war. I knew that somewhere out there,
another man was also preparing. That man was my enemy. He was working,
training, planning, and preparing to meet me on the battlefield. I
didn’t know when. I didn’t know where. But I knew that at some point:
We would meet. And I wanted to be ready. Ready mentally. Ready
physically. Ready emotionally. So I trained. And I prepared. And I did
everything I could to be ready for that day.
My rivals at a 6-person table somewhere out there are trying to improve themselves. I do my best to be ahead of them strategically. I do my best to be physically better than them. I don't do everything I can to be better than them emotionally. While short-term results don't matter, I tend to constantly check for them.
What will change if I lose 10 buyin? Nothing
What will change if I lose 20 buyin? Nothing
What will change if I lose 30 buyin? Probably i need to drop the stake.
If I lose 30 buy-ins, I'll understand because I don't have any money left in my bankroll. So why do I still tend to look at my results on a daily basis?
I've been doing crossfit for years. I don't calculate how many kilos I lift more each week. I don't measure how much faster I am each week than last week. I just let myself go with the flow. When I first started crossfit, I had a hard time doing 20 clean-jerks. I can do 100 kilos of clen-jerk right now. So what will I do if I can't lift 100 kilos next week? I will continue without changing anything. I will warm up better. I will try to improve my mobility. I'll focus more on the weight I'm going to lift and try again. But in my 4-year adventure, there are only 2 points that remain in my mind. The weight I lifted at first and the weight I lift now. Why do I have a hard time reflecting this mentality on poker? Because I didn't work for it. I always thought it would be enough to be conscious of that. But I realize it's not enough. Therefore, during this period, I will devote myself to improving on this subject.
People want to know how to stop laziness. They want to know how to
stop procrastination. They have an idea in their head … Maybe even a
vision. But they don’t know where to start—so they ask. And they say:
“Where do I start?” “When is the best time to start?” And I have a
simple answer: HERE and NOW.
Aug. 14, 2022 | 11:03 a.m.
Week 7
Summer months are really hard especially if you live in a hot place. It can be very difficult to focus on games due to the heat. For this reason, I try to spend the summer months in general idle. I spent almost 20 days this summer playing poker in a hotel.
Since I don't have a lot of money, vacationing in beautiful places can be expensive for me. Thanks to the hotel where I went to play games, I had the opportunity to at least have a holiday with my wife. Anyway, it was very boring for me to spend my holidays doing nothing all day in normal times. That's why a system where I take a vacation in the mornings and play games in the evening has been very good for me.
Games overall are 5/5 ante $5. Rake was too high. 5% $300 CAP. In order to come out of the games with a plus, there must be really weak players at the tables. Games overall are 5/5 ante $5. Rake was too high. 5% $300 CAP. In order to come out of the games with a plus, there must be really weak players at the tables. Because of this, I thought the money in my safe was too risky to play these games. That's why I sold half of my stock to my friend. In other words, my biggest goal was to play poker and have a vacation at a low cost without suffering a big loss.
This time I stayed for 10 days and had bad experiences rather than good ones. I want to share these.
I had to step away from my routine.
I am a person who normally leads a simple life on a regular basis. I wake up early, try to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. At the hotel I went to, the games started to move around 8pm at the earliest, and the tables were generally getting better towards the morning hours. Because of this, my sleeping pattern has completely changed. I had a hard time getting enough sunlight. I have neither the time nor the mood to exercise. After a while, I missed the hotel meals, so I started eating in the poker room. This prevented me from eating a balanced diet. And most importantly, as a person who smokes on special days in normal life, I smoked every day.
Live poker dynamics
Everyone says how much harder online poker is than live poker. I had the opportunity to experience this on the tables as well. Most of the regular players at my table were talking about online poker being rigged and they couldn't even beat NL25. I thought this was excellent news for me, but it's not exactly like that. Because the dynamics of the game are very different from online poker. First of all, an incredible passive game for 9 players is played. Since I had never worked on a game like this before, I had no idea what to do in most cases. I'm very confused about what kind of players people are. When I spoke to them, they said they played poker regularly, but their actions at the tables had nothing to do with their words. I am often confused about what strategy to play against these people. On top of that, it became unbearable when you ran incredibly badly in a system where you played so few hands.
The winner is right
I better understand why most live poker players can't afford online poker. Let's consider a typical live poker player. He went to a few poker festivals, and played poker for about 30 days. His business went well and he made good money. He played 6 hours of poker on an average of 25 hands per hour. This makes an average of 4500 hands. I probably don't need to mention what a small set of hands this is. But most of these players don't know about it. Because his business was going well, he decided to just play poker. But he has no idea what the variance will do to him in the future.
Now imagine that you ran badly at a 10-day poker festival, your bluffs were caught, and most of them couldn't get value by hand. Now imagine that you ran badly at a 10-day poker festival, your bluffs were caught, and most of them couldn't get value by hand. These people are starting to think they know poker better than you, because you're unlucky they're lucky. This is how they try to treat you at the table. They constantly criticize you after every game. I'm not someone who likes to brag too much about myself. That's why I try to listen to them without offending them. What pisses me off is that you give up your life and give everything to learn this game, stay away from your family and friends and work. These people think they have learned poker very well because they watch a poker video on the internet and they try to teach you how to play. And you can't say to them, "You don't know anything." And this is starting to happen every day, every day. An environment where you try to socialize with people and have a good time suddenly becomes unbearable.
I was finally able to go home earlier this week. I'm still trying to get my sleep pattern right. Since my family is on vacation, I have to take care of their dogs and therefore I could not start sports. But I keep trying my best and improving on this game. I would like to end the article by sharing something beautiful that happened this week.
I got the handset of a well-respected online poker player from a friend. I also had a handset from my poker coach. I had the opportunity to analyze a good player outside of me and my coach. I understood this once again. Poker is not as difficult a game as we think. Or to put it right, it's not as complex as we think. Mentally more complex. Good players can play some lines worse than you. Even good players may not know some things you know. There is no need to despair by thinking that this level is very, very high. Yes, it takes a lot of work, but not too much to reach.
Aug. 7, 2022 | 10:52 a.m.
Week 4
As I said before, there was a holiday in my country this week. As much as I wanted to focus on games, it was not that easy. First, my childhood friend came to stay with us, so I couldn't play poker for 2 days. Actually, I don't like to mess with my routine in such situations. So I could get up early in the morning and play before they start the day, but they stayed in my room because there wasn't much room in the house. Another day we went to dinner with my parents and they drank alcohol until late at night. I didn't drink alcohol as I was going to drive and work the next morning, but I didn't force myself to get up early because we stayed up late at night.
I used to get very angry when this kind of situation happened. Because I don't like disrupting my routine. But I think the time I spend with my friends and family will be worth it. Also, as long as I don't make it a habit, it's okay to take it slow in a week when the whole country is on vacation.
The same goes for sports. I couldn't go because the Crossfit halls were closed. I was planning to run every day with my wife instead, but my wife hurt her foot. In the same way, I have been doing crossfit for 4 years without anyone's force. That's why I don't think there is a danger of such situations at the moment.
I won't be able to play online poker until the beginning of the month for a 10 day live poker series this week. I will try my best to pursue my goals. I'm considering adding simple bodyweight moves instead of Crossfit. I will also have plenty of swimming opportunities.
July 17, 2022 | 3:53 p.m.
Sometimes i ask myself, what is the use of ticking the box? But I have never seen anything more successful for internal motivation than this.
July 13, 2022 | 2:51 p.m.
Yeah. If i remember correctly one of our friend had the highest winrate in GG NL500 pool.
July 12, 2022 | 7:14 a.m.
Week 3
It's really hard to find a friend in poker who shares the same goals as you and is ready to work just as hard as you do. Most of my poker friends around me either don't play or have completely moved away from poker lately. I think that this affects me badly in terms of motivation. On the one hand, there are many advantages to being alone. You can work harder and stay away from non-poker conversations. I think that's the biggest reason I've been able to play more than my regular game this week. I haven't talked to a lot of people about poker. But as I said, I would really like to have people who share the same goal as me and that I can talk poker to all the time.
There is a long holiday period in my country so crossfit halls are closed. That's why I'm going to spend this week without crossfit. Instead, I aim to swim for at least 1 hour every day.
July 10, 2022 | 9:25 a.m.
If you don't make huge mistakes when experience meets luck, you don't understand how. It happens in an instant.
July 7, 2022 | 5:44 p.m.
Last year i started from NL50 with Pokerdetox. Drop to NL25 than move to NL500. Last days of my contract i played NL1K but i only had 5k sample. Now i try to play all the limits between NL50-NL200 depends on table.
July 7, 2022 | 5:16 p.m.
Of course we can chat about it but i think that kinda things very personal. I still think like i don't work so hard. It can be because of in my ex life i worked 8 am to 8 pm. The only problem is grind very focused. It was so hard for me but now if i think like i loose my focus i quit session. That is why i cant grind more.
July 7, 2022 | 5:15 p.m.
Its not full grind time. Its grind time with lots of breaks. Some breaks i do meditation, some breaks i do streching, some breaks i talked with my friends. But if tables are great my peak grind time is around 6,5 hour. Averege 5-5,5.
July 7, 2022 | 2:23 p.m.
5:30 Wake up
5:30 - 6:00 Morning routine
06:00 - 13:00 Grind with small breaks depends on tables
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch and watching some quality Youtube videos
15:00 - 17:30 Grind
17:30 - 20:00 Crossfit, shower etc
20:00 - 20:30 Dinner
20:30 - 22:30 Spend some time with my wife
22:30 Sleep
Its my normal day routine. But i change it alot depends on the things going on in my life.
I know I'm going through a very strange time. After the problems I had at GGpoker, I was beginning to think that I was not improving as a poker player. With the air I caught in app games and my potential to take risks that were more self-confident than normal, I reached my goal. For the first time in my life, I achieved a money goal I set. I have no idea what will happen next. But I'm sure that I can't motivate myself enough with money. I will continue to let myself go with the flow of the game and do my best.
Bankroll 20k / 20k
Sept. 9, 2023 | 1:17 a.m.