1 points
So this spot has happened to me a few times and I was always curious what to do. Villain opens and I 3bet him IP on BU, mostly we were 150-250bb deep. I have AAxx. The flop comes something like K94r, I cbet and he x/calls. Turn brings something like 7 or 8 and giving me BD nut flush draw. Now the SPR is around 3-4. And here I'm ussually wondering what to do. A lot of villains are slowplaying KK or K9 in this spot to x/jam turn. But on the other hand, villain can still have a lot of KQJx, QJT9,... So what I'm asking is, do I bet turn or check back, realizing my equity. I guess it matters from which position villain is opening and how loose he is playing.
Oct. 28, 2015 | 3:51 p.m.
I have a few questions regarding 3betting UTG/HJ. At 44:00 you 3bet T987ds OOP HU (there was a third player, but he was already all in). Would you be 3 betting this hand with 1 overcaller? What about 2? Or would you rather call, since your FD's are most likely dead and you're just bloating pot and risk getting 4bet(which I guess is not terrible if UTG does it, since you go to the pot HU, with a great hand to crack AAxx).
At 52:00 you decided to just flat T986ss, saying it is much weaker and plays better to flat. I'm wondering what's worse, that it has low gap or that it isn't double suited? Say you would 3bet it if it was T986ds, but you would just flat with T987ss?
I'm not saying I'm 3betting every AAxx combo just that I have random AA in this spot. Cbetting works fine against ppl who aren't x/raising as bluff I think and if I x back I often just give free equity but I guess I could be wrong... And if I'm not cbetting AA on K94r then I'm only cbetting sets, 2 pair, wraps and K+GS for value? Feels like I'll be doing a lot of checking and letting villain realize their equity.
Oct. 28, 2015 | 9:24 p.m.