GhostWithTheMost's avatar


20 points

Regarding hand #1, If OOP leads river, IP decides to shove river with the 97s as a bluff because of the blockers to full houses. IP's river shoving range is very narrow, so blocker effects and bluff combo selection in general becomes more important. This river raise frequency is very delicate for IP. The value region is very slim, which makes choosing the correct bluff combos more important. Having a few less or extra bluff combos can drastically skew the balance to WAY too many bluffs or WAY too few bluffs.

Sept. 16, 2016 | 6:07 a.m.

"If both players are good, initiative sucks balls."

True that, George.

Sept. 8, 2016 | 6:20 p.m.

Post | GhostWithTheMost posted in NLHE: HUNL: Limping the BTN

Are there any benefits / scenarios where limping the BTN is a better strategic option than open raising?

When we limp the BTN in a HU scenario, BB gets to realize some of his equity in the pot with even the worst of holdings (72o, 83o etc.) that he would otherwise fold 100% of the time to a raise. Once BTN decides to limp and BB has bottom of range, he profits > -1BB even if he only continues when he flops superbly well.

I suppose there is merit to a BTN limping strategy when stacks are shallower or in HU tournament situations, but I can't seem to identify exactly why that would be the case.

July 29, 2016 | 8:26 p.m.

When pio recommends to fold more than mdf would suggest, is that a result of a equity / range disadvantage?

July 28, 2016 | 9:32 p.m.

Great idea to do a follow up video, since the last video had a lot of people asking questions. I'm sure that many of the members, including myself appreciate that. It's cool to see that my initial hunch of shipping the KT was proven to be right after the piosolver ananlysis.

Thanks for making this video and addressing the questions more in depth.

Feb. 16, 2016 | 10:18 p.m.

The consensus seems to be that fantasy land in OFCP is worth ~8 pts in equity. Also, great to see a fellow vegan on RIO! GL at the tables.

Feb. 15, 2016 | 8:55 a.m.

At 49:30, should the opponent ever be leading out with KK showing, or should he always be check calling?

Feb. 14, 2016 | 12:56 a.m.

Awesome video, George! Your style is relaxed, concise and easy to follow.

What is the name of the odds calculator you were using in the video?

Feb. 14, 2016 | 12:06 a.m.

i understand you chose to check the flop because V plays a fit or fold style and you don't want to lose him by c-betting. However, the range you assigned to V connects pretty well with this flop. I would think villian won't fold any PP to a single bet, he has a bunch of gutters / oesd, and many Jx combos. Also, the times he shows up with 8x you are coolering him for stacks.

Furthermore, V doesn't seem like the type to bluff this flop often when you check to him. He'll just check back with all of his air and small PPs. By checking the flop, since he'll rarely bluff with his air, you are essentially giving him infinite odds to cooler you when he checks small PPs and turns a full house.

I prefer a bet / bet / AI line here.

As played, bet $220 on the river and fold to a raise.


Feb. 11, 2016 | 8:18 a.m.

Very cool video, Alex!

Regarding the 8895 hand where you flop a wrap at 18:24, would you be raising any flushes on the turn in this spot? With, the line you took it doesn't seem like you can make it to the river with many hands that you would want to bet for value, unless you are checking back flop and calling turn with a lot of flush draw hands.

A little more explanation for your river bet in that spot would be much appreciated.

Feb. 11, 2016 | 6:59 a.m.

At 7:20 you say you decided to check raise the turn smaller instead of check raising all in because you don't have many combinations of KT / T8. Do you think that might make a check raise all in a better play than a smaller check raise, because you'll be taking a polarized line in spot where it's really hard for you to actually have a nut combo?

Feb. 3, 2016 | 4:24 a.m.

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