Gennariello 72's avatar

Gennariello 72

0 points

i would have cbetted the flop against some oppo's.. (not against total calling station etc)..

with the intention of barrelling many turns like T-J-Q-K-A..

check calling the flop is unuseful 'cause you're paying so much (since you're giving away your flop and turn fold equity) 6 outs for the turn.. 

check raising the turn against most is unuseful too 'cause i think that if you had 4x you wouldn't have raised on that dry flop against a totally unknown.. .. or better, raising or not trips it's obv totally oppo dependent.. maybe raise maybe check call.. but anyway..

on the river, i don't think a normal oppo would have called with 9x +.. since there aren't missed draw etc.. so i just have check called.. and said lol to 4 quads aha


June 21, 2013 | midnight

aha 22? i think i've to fold.. :(  some slowplays here.. :(

June 20, 2013 | 11:43 p.m.

Thanks to all..  Aleksandra has been to pessimistic.. :)

i prefer Bad English's answer...  :)   

and, i forgot another important parameter, the post flop play..  since i'm not playin Pre flop only games..

so i've to deal with oppo's post flop play,when he calls a 3bet of mine.. whether i 3betted a Gay King or 68off.. :)

June 11, 2013 | 12:19 p.m.

great.. no answers <3 thanks everybody <3 :)

June 10, 2013 | 12:26 a.m.

i prefer to call and not shoving here.. and you?

June 4, 2013 | 11:25 p.m.

aha the effective nuts

June 4, 2013 | 11:24 p.m.

hi everybody.. how can i tag somebody? i tried with both @ and # but didn't function :)

June 4, 2013 | 12:55 a.m.

i think calling is the best option, since even if the river completed everything,he won't fold top Pair to a bet even with kicker 2 .. at least he'll just take time,but will call for sure hoping you're bluffing with AK (ahaha).. and without many infos i don't wanna shove.. 'cause he's a fish and he can donk with a 5 too..

i play Hu cash and i see the most incredible things.. one big blind donk with everything: air,top pair,bottom pair, full,poker,royal straight flush, badugi, 2nd pair.. etc.. the same player i mean.. and doesnt' fold 2nd pair no kicker and call river bet too..  and some does slowplay some does not..

June 4, 2013 | 12:06 a.m.

does the tag function? i try..   @Phil Galfond    .. (i don't think it will work but it's nice)

June 3, 2013 | 11:49 p.m.

Hello everybody..  i started playing Hu a few times ago.. and, i've 2 questions for Phil G since i saw him playing (and he's my hero btw aha)

On a Bluefire's vid, "Phil's Member Review at 600NL HU - Bluefire Poker Training"  the guy 3betted K2s, and (at least what i've understood 'cause i'm italian) Phil told him that calling was better 'cause on his oppo's calling range were some better Kings for sure, reverse implied odds etc..   

and i'm totally agree.. i saw Dwan and Haxton also calling with baby KXs..  but,on another vid.. the first Phil G anonymous HU.. @ min 36, he 3bets K2s facing an oppo who folded many 3bets..   

what about the better King question?   i'm confused..    

And what do you think about baby Suited Queens? Do you wanna 3bet them again many oppos that have a decent fold to 3bet percentage?  What do you wanna do with Baby Suited Queens? 3bet or fold right? or not?

And... what about the baby Suited Kings? Since i saw 2 different plays with?   Calling vs someone who steals a lot and 3betting vs someone who folds a lot of 3bet even if since he folds a lot of 3bet, he can have a better King to call with?

and... about Run It Once.. since i now play micro (Nl50 and Nl100),i wanna wait to move up at least to Nl200 to sign to premium account,'cause it's costly for me..   and i wanna know,there are some vids or other forms of material for HU nl1000- ?

thanks to all.. and i hope Phil will answer.. otherwise i think many Aces will be cracked :)


June 3, 2013 | 11:47 p.m.

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