42 points
Thanks for the answer. I have one more a little bit random question, but I've seen/heard you comment something about that before. What's the maximum ev loss in % that you would accept in order to use a simplified post flop strategy 100bb deep? (for example to cbet whole range in some spots instead of 85% that solver suggests)
Dec. 16, 2020 | 10:15 p.m.
Great video. One question: What's the maximum ev loss in % that you would accept in order to use a simplified post flop strategy 100bb deep? (for example to cbet whole range in some spots instead of 85% that solver suggests)
Dec. 16, 2020 | 10:14 p.m.
34:13 don't you think opponent should raise K7s for value?
36:20 Am I crazy for wanting to x/c river? :D
Great video, thanks!
Dec. 15, 2020 | 3:12 p.m.
Liked the video with the fast phase and quick but in dept analazing .
Side note. In settings you can make custom preflop bet sizing so you dont have to write 2.2x or 2.3x everyhand :)
Nov. 25, 2020 | 2:04 a.m.
Hello. How come the numbers are so different on your video and @ElusiveMark video? His video on SBvsBTN 3bet pots shows that total checking freq for SB is around 35%, while yours show 23%? Also about the hand 23:50 Q82fd board your sim shows almost exclusively small cbet strat with 30% check, while on "184 Flops When SB 3B's the BTN" Mark's video same board is played as 31% 2/3 bet, 23% 1/3 bet and 45% check.
Sorry but I feel very lost on how it could be that much different
Nov. 10, 2020 | 3:34 p.m.
Great video, would love to see the same format for 3bet pots in position, or I would really love to see SBvsMP when ranges are tighter I find it way more difficult to manoeuvre. Thanks!
Nov. 9, 2020 | 5 p.m.
Great video, I was wondering how do you think cbetting strategy shifts when it's BTNvsBB instead of COvsBB on these textures? Do you expect to see more small cbets since ranges aren't that polar? Or do we expect more checking in general since the range is wider?
Oct. 18, 2020 | 1:35 p.m.
21:44 67s hand, do you really think opponent (A3s) should reopen the action? oop has a quite a bunch of Ax that beats A3s and also some x/raises. Do you always expect oop to call down pairs? How do you react to x/raise if you'd bet A3?
Oct. 14, 2020 | 3:47 p.m.
39:39 how do you think villain should react to your turn bet with his exact hand? (I assume 33% would be your sizing choice) Is it x/c or x/jam? It doesn't seem to fold out any better hands, but it becomes a really ugly spot on the river if he x/calls
Oct. 13, 2020 | 6:21 p.m.
Great video, great format, I prefer this over reg tables. Really enjoy when you mention what part of villain's range you're targeting with your bet. For example the 36:20 what better hands you expect him to fold or is it enough showdown value with A8
Oct. 13, 2020 | 11:05 a.m.
Great video format, but rather see the high freq spots than the first one you showed. Skip those extra rare spots in the future :) Thank you!
Oct. 6, 2020 | 3:21 p.m.
What is the main sizing used for the same but 2 tone boards here? Still 50%? Would be interesting video to compare these same rainbow boards to 2tone boards.
I also find it strange that oop is supposed to have X/R range on TJQ (where we never have nuts or sets) while don't have one on AKQ (where we do have nuts sometimes just no sets as well).
Nice video, thanks
Sept. 12, 2020 | 12:13 p.m.
20:35 is it really prefered as a range cbet? At least with ante I'm pretty sure it's bet big or check LJvsBB and more small cbeting from BTN
Sept. 12, 2020 | 1:17 a.m.
Hello, at 16:07 what hands do you bet-call? I am interested if we're supposed to be checking back weakish value combos that can't call a shove but need a lot of protection. How do we play KJ J9 T9 98 99 88 78 67 hands? Are we supposed to bet-call pair+gutshot there?
Sept. 11, 2020 | 8:29 p.m.
Deserves more credit than any other video on the site. Kudos for uploading a unique video that teaches people to think through situations in a logical, coherent way.
Another helpful thing to think about in-game is "where is villain's range concentrated?" - you can think about it in terms of bluffs/value, and at least for me it helps keep my brain alert earlier than needed as to where my hand falls on a bluff-catching spectrum, if that situation arises. And then the other points come in, like - "What sizing did he use otf & ott?" "Is this a typical bluffing spot?" "Where is my range concentrated?" etc..
Nov. 18, 2016 | 12:27 a.m.
:) for some reason made me laugh too. Obviously the highest EV play though...
Sept. 15, 2016 | 11:06 a.m.
at 19th minute i think you should raise in this spot because once someone cbets into 4 people and someone calls their ranges looks very strong u will get it in most of the time and there is action killing cards in this spot
Feb. 7, 2016 | 9:54 a.m.
Hi Lucas!
I saw your tendency to bet bigger in BvB limped pots what is the idea behind this play?
Jan. 24, 2016 | 10:28 a.m.
Had to pick between urs and Setherson's video picked yours cause of a previous video's and im happy for this decision. You always explain hands in detail and that allows me to get that winning players thinking and the way you work off table so I can do it in the future.
Big thank you! :)
Jan. 13, 2016 | 11:14 a.m.
I love your videos, the way you speak and explain your taught process increased my game a lot! Thank you :)
Dec. 22, 2015 | 4:37 p.m.
at 19:38 you say that LR doesnt have all the aces. Cant he have like small suited Aces here? and why he doesnt have aces here?
Dec. 18, 2015 | 8:52 p.m.
Great Video!
I have a question for you! What is your play in the last hand with 99 had button folded?
Nov. 18, 2015 | 10:57 a.m.
at 29:00 K8o is a nash -EV shove which and if it is final we need to avoid spots like this
Sept. 14, 2015 | 1:06 p.m.
8:30~ 88 is a clear fold. I'm surprised u didnt consider ICM at all. This player is never shoving 66 here when there are guy with 7BB unless you're crazy maniac opening very wide.
12~ I believe 3beting JJ is more +EV here. The hand before you 3beted A9s as a bluff and now you have a decent hand.
Aug. 29, 2015 | 11:55 a.m.
If there weren't villain such short i wouldn't even consider 3bet jaming but now it makes me wonder which option is better.
Aug. 19, 2015 | 8:54 a.m.
39min~ with AJo I believe there is a reason to 3bet jam here and put ICM pressure on the opener because of the ICM pressure. As long as there is someone with short stack it immediately puts a lot of pressure for other guys and AJo doesn't play post flop in a 3way pot that well.
Btw, great vid :)
Aug. 13, 2015 | 9:05 p.m.
Why don't u flat 44 at 44~minute? If you flat here the reg direct to your left is more likely to jam his 10BB as he is very agresive ( that is what you mentioned before ). 44 should make a lot of money here calling him.
July 10, 2015 | 1:30 p.m.
Great video, Grayson!
I have a question for you:
Why at 29~ with 77 against 2 ops it's such a good spot to cbet?
July 3, 2015 | 10:01 p.m.
Great vid, Seth! It's very useful for low to mid stakes players as there aren't that much leveling going on as it is on Super Tuesday and so on.
Hey, could you give the exact name of the book you were talking about at the end of the video? Thanks for the video
Dec. 29, 2020 | 3:41 p.m.