3 points
Generally, our mistakes when constructing ranges in Pio will be negligible.
So all Pio's users will be HS pros in no time
Yeah, everybody that nay-says Pio uses the argument of "it is based on assumptions."... Well yes, poker is based on assumptions.. or are you people just clicking buttons with eyes closed? It is an invalid argument.
Assuming you have played awhile now, I'm pretty sure you would consider yourself pretty good compared when you have just started. When you was a total noob your game was based on dead wrong assumptions... I wonder if you would put the data in Pio what you might get.
Anyway, it all boils down to time managment, if you and other users are using it you are assuming it is an investiment for you future winnings. I don't think it is the case of mine so I'm not study with Pio.
April 28, 2016 | 1:36 p.m.
Probably I've explain myself badly, that's why the whole discussion came up. I didn't say solver are useless by any means. I just said, given the limited time and the stakes OP is actually playing he's better of putting in hours at the table and watch some video instead of digging deeper into GTO play. Regarding making correct assumptions, well... Pio has a lot, of options, and I'm not sure a player who is playing this low is going to make all things perfect.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying OP is retarded obv, but if he's playing this low there's must be a reason for it. Nothing to be ashamed of, probably he's still a beginner and that's fine.
If you are studying Pio at the stakes, you aren't focusing on what is truly important which is getting away from the micros ASAP. Obv if don't agree with me it's fine, I've just stop and post ITT because I know some guys who are very intelligent but they are stuck in the micros for years, they study pio, theory and so on, but still at micros. The goal of the game is to make money not to be the best theorist around. Also I want to remind you there are many things other than strategy in poker, like work ethic, execution at the tables and so on...
All comes to making wise decision with your money, if you think you are going to make more money long term studying Pio at these stakes, go ahead plz. I don't but I think we can live with it :D
Again best of luck
PS. this is a goog reminder for myself to write on my blog my thoughts on the Pio issue, I'll link you here once i've done it and I hope to spark some good discussion
April 28, 2016 | 6:28 a.m.
Abstraction isn't a bad word obv, i'm just saying that in order to get good results you should enter pretty good assumptions. Anyway I'm not in the antiPio camb, not even close, but playing with it at these stakes it's an overkill
April 27, 2016 | 10:11 p.m.
I didn't say anything close to that... but at microstakes, players have glaring leaks and even if you don't know anything about GTO you can exploit them. If OP is thinking is doing a good use of his time, well ok, my post is obv imho, so everyone is free to choose
You are going to get a good map, if you are putting all the data correctly in Pio. If you miss some assumption, your map would be useless or maybe dangerous
April 27, 2016 | 9:19 p.m.
But the result you got in an equilibrium, given the data you input. So it's a GTO abstraction what he found. Anyway, the point is another one... Pio is valuable for sure if you know what you are doing, but imho, @NL 10 other things come into play. Probably the most inportant thing is to build a roll to play a little higher... instead of study Pio
April 27, 2016 | 8:01 p.m.
Hi Saulo, I just saw you posted a session to be reviewed @ NL10 and you opened up this thread also... I don't want to be rude or something, but don't you think at those stakes you are better off to focus on other things? I understand GT is fascinating, but probably you are wasting your time (right now) instead of beating up the fishes...
just my 2 cents obv, best of luck
April 27, 2016 | 7:25 p.m.
Of course not :D
April 18, 2016 | 8:27 a.m.
First week
I didn't played a lot because I got some troubles in RL and these prevented me to grind more, I'll play way more the next week. Also, I started the challenge to get motivated again, well I continue to get sucked out every single time and run badly overall. I don't want to cry or whatever, I don't care, tomorrow I will be at the tables with more determination, hopefully I will eat my opponents' hearts :D
I'm most confident than ever that I will succeed
Along with the update, I'd like to share all I've found throught my 'career', I'm not talking about strategy but things not related to it that 90% of players overlook imho.
I'm more than happy if somebody chime in and discuss anything I post, any criticism is more than welcome, hopefully I can improve further.
Number of Tables - Finding the Sweet Spot
In these years I played from 4 to 20 tables at once, most of the times I played 10-12 but right now I reduce it to 8. Well, probably I'm not that smart as I think I am, since I discovered it pretty late. Players used to play many tables when fishes filled the tables, when the RB was high in general and most importantly, they think their game is strong to play that number of tables. Poker industry is base on players' illusions, most of them overestimate their abilities while underestimate opponents. This could lead to a potential failure because players cannot recognize properly when their game got weak and keep playing without guessing what is going against them. I was in the same spot too, I thought I got huge edge, I think everyone was a stupid monkey so I continue to play too many tables thinking my game was strong. After a BE of 4 months, luck isn't the only thing to blame. Yes I'm running 60 stacks under EV, yes I get also a lot of coolers against, but after I've analized my database, I discovered that I should win, but not much as I expected and I am the only one the blame. I missed many spots, I spewed money in very marginal spots, I continued to play when my mind was clouded and so on. These common errors are that common that there's no reason to discuss, what I want instead is to look at pros and cons of playing fewer tables.
Let's say we are playing 10 tables, averaging 100 hands/h, and let's say we estimate our winrate to be 3BB/100, our expectation is 30BB over an hour obv, RB excluded.
Now let's say 8 tables for an hour, estimating the same winrate, we would make 24BB generating less RB than the example before.
Clearly, the first case is better than the latter, right? Wrong, not for everyone. Playing 10 tables >> 8 tables only if you sustain it for a lonf periods of time. If 10 tables is your upper limit, you will calling way too light or folding way too fast, you will get stressed more easily, you will need more breaks, your game would not improve, your days would be the same, over and over again a fucking grind. In the end, I'm more than sure, you will play way less time you expected because it would be mentally overwhelming. So guess what? You made a good short term decision, to grind 10 tables, only to find out that was detrimental long term because you cannot push yourself for 30 years. I know many players who took long breaks from poker due to different reasons, they grinded a lot and after a few bad stretches they had enough. I'm more than confident this wouldn't happen, at least, not so often, if you played fewer tables, allowing you to enojy the game.
I'm not going to do the calcs, but it is better to play 8 tables 10 months in a year, instead of playing 10 for 6 months... Remember, you can be the best player in the world, but if you don't play because you are burned out, a microstake player is going to make more money than you, because, even if the stakes are meaningless, it's better to win some cents than none,
Now let's say, playing 8 tables would yield an higher winrate (as it should be), how much more you should make in order to get the same profit as playing 10 tables? You should win about at 3,8 BB/100, or simply win 6 BBs somewhere. It sounds pretty doable, considering you are more focused and it would come from a thin value bet, a bigger value bet you wouldn't considered playing too many tables or simply by folding much in a given spot remembering that the money saved is equal to the money won. I'm sure you will make more than 6 BBs, so your overall money won, would be higher.
Don't forget when things are going good at the tables, you will also enjoy the game and life in general, much more.
- Don't be a massmultitabler, unless you have skills and the required mental toughness, odds you possess these are against you anyway
- Improve your game, and don't stagnate at micros
- Enojy the game and thrive on that
Ty for your time and your patience for my grammar errors, I enrolled in a english school and hopefully I will write better in some months
April 18, 2016 | midnight
Right now PS, but I'll switch to other softer sites as I move up
April 15, 2016 | 1:38 p.m.
There's no money in poker, everyone is solid/playing GTO/too strong/destroyed by the rake and so forth. No clearly, that's not the case at all. Yeah time has changed, right now you cannot aspire to make millions per year, but you can achieve hundreds of thousands, which is still pretty good for a job. Right now I'm playing the midstakes but I'm running bad for about 4 months and I lost the drive to play. So, why don't start a challenge to fire up motivation? Also, I'm not the most social guy ever lived so, this is a good opportunity to find friends a share.
So what's the challenge then? I deposited 1500$ and I'm going to climb the stakes pretty aggressively, starting from NL 25, in order to earn 100k (with RB). When the roll grows up I will playing on different rooms, looking for fishes, because that's all the game is all about. I'm pretty confident in my skills and hopefully, I would be able to crush the micros and the small stakes in a short amount of time. I need to recover some confidence and I want to enjoy the game like before.
Also, I'm sick of view the umpteenth thread about the death of online poker, every morning, I wake up and there's some new thread going on regarding the bad state of the games. Certainly, the games could be better, but guess what? After Black Friday, after country segregation, after other gambling laws what are did you expect? What about the absurd rake in PLO games? Well BOTs thrived for years winning millions pre rakeback, without regs noticed anything; this means the games are still pretty beatable. Sure, rake is high, RB is decreasing but if you are a true (professional) poker player you need to adapt right? So your jobs became more competitive then before, now know the rules isn't sufficient anymore, you have to sweat and a lot. 5 years ago, poker was easy while right now is much harder for a beginner, but I'm pretty confident that any newbie who takes the game seriously is going to make a lot of money. I'm not a newbie but I'm here to demonstrate that climb the stakes is still achieveable and you could have fun doing that.
Oh yeah I forget about the games are unbeatable because players are playing GTO. This statement is the funniest thing I'm reading on poker forums, that's why I thought it may be a good screenname. First no one is playing GTO, currently the softwares requires to put in A LOT of assumpions and the abstraction is based on that, so if you fail to set it up correcly, the solution will be far off. Second, we are taking money from the fish, not from strong regs, most of players forget this and against a fish, playing exploitably is better. I do understand what GTO is and how its discover would be groundbreaking, but what I'd like to point out is, instead of using solvers, 99% of players should work on exploit the fish, imho.
In the end, if you are a beginner, don't lose hope in your poker dream, you only have to put in hours of grind and study, but you won't fail, even if most of the guys will say so.
I hope I will get many readers, and I also hope to fire up some good discussion, in the meantime, have a good run.
Well, seems I judge you or something, but it wasn't my intention. I just saw your thread and I thought it might be usefull to write something to avoid to stuck in the micros, as a lot of smart players I know are stuck into.
Hope you to best obv
April 28, 2016 | 5:40 p.m.