5 points
Congrats on the score mate, wp!
I have a question, I can see you have a great understanding of the theory and population's tendencies , It seems you often intuit when to deviate from what the solver would suggest. How should I go about learning how to deviate from GTO on a sites like GG that do not have a HUD, thus far I've been trying to play closer to GTO vs regs/crushers and trying to exploit weaker players (betting thin for value( preflop/postflop) / overfolding rivers ect)
So crazy to me that after all the studying I do, I watch someone like you explain and see how much more I have to learn.
Thanks for the content mate
Jan. 6, 2021 | 9:50 a.m.
Thanks for the video, great content. I'm misunderstanding bet sizing's on wet boards.The QQ cbet on Qd9h10h, I understand that we have the range advantage but do we not have multiple sizes on that board texture? In that specific scenario villain (23bb eff) might not as many of the Jxs combos, that we would want to size bigger for, also since at this SPR we can easily get stacks in. But Assuming we are playing 40bb+ eff, would we then want to be sizing bigger? I think i might be betting too big in these spots, 1/3 to 40%.
Awesome video, was a good watch and really enjoyed listening to your though proccess.
I'm curious about tinnoemulder's strategy at times. For instance, the J4s river bluff with no relevant blockers into a range that has quite a few ax combos with the flop float. Do you think that vs him or players like him we should be letting them bluff as opposed to value betting? take the 86h (bb) vs ax3h (co) limped pot, the flop 2bet , turn bet seems great, but I'm assuming a good deviation from GTO to exploit him would be to check the river knowing he could have such weak holdings (which in theory he shouldn't even have) in that scenario that will bluff, and possibly some strong pairs and maybe two pairs that will jam for value.
Just a low stakes reg here, but I see a lot of players like him that are winning players and trying to refine my strategy vs them.
Jan. 13, 2021 | 11:13 a.m.