20 points
I'm working through your videos from the beginning as I attempt to move up in stakes(currently beating nano online and low stakes live). I know poker in general is constantly evolving and was curious if you still found these as relevant today as 2 years ago when created? I ask because I imagine player pool has changed since then. So far I love your content- just wasn't sure if you would have me start elsewhere or skip any videos. Thank you!
March 5, 2022 | 10:36 p.m.
Awesome content. I really like listening to your thought processes in those spots. Two thoughts...
1. Your comment at 23:37 made me chuckle..."sure I have an ace, and it's pretty cool."
2. Unless I am thinking about this completely wrong, the math on the last hand is 60k to win 110k for him. As far as what you are risking, you are have 2.4k invested, so you are risking 76k to win 35k?
Looking forward to part 2!
Nov. 14, 2015 | 11:30 a.m.
Awesome video, so far the only pro I enjoy watching PLO wise.
Aug. 18, 2015 | 10:40 p.m.
Fwiw, to help follow action, I've found that the green background and black cards are miserable. Purple felt with white cards ftw!
Easily the best video I've come across thus far. Most eye opening for me as far as the enormous differences between PLO and NLHE range/polarity board discussion.
March 11, 2022 | 9:11 p.m.