FrozenSense's avatar


10 points

Videos are great! Please keep uploading them :)

From my point of view it's great to see the whole thinking process even when some mistakes are involved.

2-tabling is the best option for the practical part imho. Observing more tables is too difficult unless you pause a ton. 1-tabling might be a bit boring.

Feb. 10, 2016 | 12:29 a.m.

Thanks for the tremendous amount of work invested in this series! This video is golden. It has already influenced my strategy and poker vision.

July 20, 2015 | 7:30 p.m.

Hello, moti!

Can't guarantee a 100% accuracy, but I believe XFaspfr is check-fold as preflop raiser; fvturnoopstab is fold versus turn out of position stab; xfturnafercbf is check-fold turn after raise cont bet flop; delcb is a delayed cont bet; ipflopstab is in position flop stab; dbf is donk bet flop.

June 23, 2015 | 9:12 p.m.

Comment | FrozenSense commented on Improving on "1-A"

Thanks for the video, Steve!

I got a little bit lost in one simple spot. Around 23.55 from the start of the video you have mentioned, that if we are open folding the flop with low equity "give-up" hands after 2.5x open raising preflop, we are playing with -250bb/100hs winrate. Please, correct me, if I'm wrong, I've always thought that EV of folding equals zero.

June 21, 2015 | 3:38 p.m.

Hi, Vincent! Nice video. I would like to ask a few questions:

1)You have said, that 50-55% fold to 3b is std. Let's assume we open raise 90%(on the lower side of what you have recommended) and defend by calling 354 combos you suggested in "Range Advantages" video, which is 29.66% of 90% or range. Then let's assume we 4-bet 8% of hands (which is on the higher side of what you have suggested). 8%+29.66%=37.66%, so aren't we folding 62.44% of hands at least which contradicts with the 50-55% number you mentioned?

2)You mentioned that 9d7d is a spew 5b-shove, but calculations show that vs 99+ AJo+ A10s+ 4b-call range it has significantly more equity than A2o-A5o hands (31.5% vs 27.865% at best).

Thanks for your videos, they are really helping me a lot to improve my game :)


May 26, 2015 | 8:12 p.m.

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