FlySooHigh's avatar


59 points

That might be a levelling raise vs competent opponent, cause it really makes no sense to raise anything on this rainbow board except 98s or QTs(sometimes). So, we probably never lose any value from TP+ type hands and could even induce a float from AK, AJ or something.

Dec. 3, 2014 | 1:18 p.m.

Also there is just one hand that is stuck at the back of my mind.
@3.45 you 3b w AQo (SB vs UTG2, loose 62/13) and get jammed by BB.
We need 15/(15+37)=28.8% equity vs his range to make the call, which seems to be right on the borderline.
What would you do in BB's shoes w JJ, TT and AQs, if you have similar kind of stats vs UTG2?
What weigthed your decision towards folding?
Was it a tournament with deep-ish structure, that we 'll probably get a better opportunity to get our chips in with better equity than with this 0 EV chips call?

Dec. 3, 2014 | 1:06 p.m.

@40.00 33 hand, putting a check/fold mark
Wouldn't that be a tell for attentive player that you never have a decent hand and always fold after that action?

Dec. 3, 2014 | 12:49 p.m.

@13.40 (AKs vs T3o), J53, 2 suits, SB vs BB, near ITM
What do you think about his line?
He turned his bottom pair into the bluff and made it 1800 on the flop to win 2460, so he needs his bluff to work just 1800/(1800+2460)=42% of the time.
Considering that your SB vs BB range is very wide and you probably fold everything worse than a 5 or a flush draw, and that your middle stack is under ICM pressure, it seems to be a plausible play from his part. Plus if you call his raise OOP with some medium J, he gets to see free river and might catch his 5-outer. Though the practice showed that you called w A-high, but he is even ahead of that :)

Dec. 3, 2014 | 12:08 p.m.

@7.50: Is not it a mistake to raise/fold w 66 from MP1 with 15bb?
Would not it be better to just fold preflop?

Dec. 3, 2014 | 11:29 a.m.

@2.05: situation w KTs in knockout tournament.
We need to call 13bb to win 18.5bb pot, so we need 13/(13+18.5)=41% equity.
We have 40.3% vs [22+, AJo+, AJs+] range.
Wouldn't the knockout equity make it worth calling and taking the gamble, considering that we have 60bb stack and sliding back to 45bb stack in the worst case scenario would not hurt us that bad?

Dec. 3, 2014 | 11:17 a.m.

@1.40: 99 hand, with 13.5bb there is no question that we'd like to get our stack in, but what if we make it 2bb and get flatted by some passive recreational player? (like that 33/0 in the video)
What do we do on a flop like QTx?
Or even Kxx, Qxx, Jxx, Txx?
We have 11.5bb left and there is 6.5bb in the middle. Any bet seems to commit us to the pot.
Is not it better to just shove 13.5bb w 99, since we are not going to fold anyway? What hands are we trying to induce shove from by making it 2bb?

Dec. 3, 2014 | 11:05 a.m.

That is a very awkward spot indeed.
I believe that is marginal +EV shove, considering our relative deep stack for the turbo and the bubble situation.
In the best case scenario, when everybody folds, we add 8 bbs to our 26.5 bb stack, but in the worst case we risk to get it in with 20% equity and bubble the tournament.
So if we are willing to gamble and take all the marginal +EV spots, than it is a shove, otherwise folding is a safer route.
4B/folding seems to be a bad idea, because we really have no good blockers and 4betting with TT will be like 4betting with any2. Also there is a sizing problem, as our 4bet should be at least 8bb and that is 30% of our stack, which seems to be beyond 4b/fold threshold. The point could be made that such cold 4b looks awfully strong, but would you really play like that with AA and KK? At the end everything can go down the usual reg levelling war :)

Dec. 3, 2014 | 10:14 a.m.

Hey, Owen!
Got a question about 3B w AJo vs loose opener @29min.
You said that you 3B such hands as AJo, ATs+ and 88+ for value, but how do you plan to proceed vs 4B with AJo, 88, 99, TT?
It seems a little bit optimistic to 5B/shove them with about 40bb and we have no 4B call option. So, in a way we turned these mid-value hands into a bluff and have to fold.
Is not it better to call w mid-pairs and 3B hands w blockers that we are comfortable to fold to a 4B, like ATo?
Notice that combination-wise there are 12 combos of ATo, which is equal to 12 combos of 88 and 99, so our 3B % will still remain the same, but the composition of out range will be different.
Also, how would you play AQo here? It is a sure 3B hand, but how do we proceed to 4B again? I wouldn't want to shove 40bb w such a hand, but I ll be uncomfortable folding it as well. Can we sometimes call a 4B IP with it? On the contrary to mid-pairs, Its playability seems to be a lot better postflop and sometimes we can catch a 4B bluff w blockers from our loose opponent, when we flop TP w better kicker.
Sorry we the longwindedness, but it is my best try so far to collect my thoughts together :)



Nov. 26, 2014 | 5:48 p.m.

Yo Stevie, great content as usual! Was wondering if there is any chance you make some future video about how to play hypers or knockouts? There seems to be very little information available on these kind of tourneys and it would've been really interesting to learn a couple of tricks about them :)

May 7, 2014 | 5:24 p.m.

Awesome video with clear reasoning and quality analysis! Ty! :) Enjoyed watching it!

May 7, 2014 | 5:14 p.m.

To my taste live video format is far more fun to watch than aftermath analysis type of video, so keep it up! Great job!

May 4, 2014 | 7:24 a.m.

Great vid as usual!

Have a question about 75o OTB hand @18:25. You said that it is weak and plays poorly postflop if we get called, but can't we use the guy with 2.5bb (Pichon) to leverage the blinds anyway? They have 14 and 18bb respectively and can't reshove wide, plus the guy on BB plays from phone, which might indicate that he is a recreational player and we will still play IP if the blinds opt to defend. So would not these considerations be enough to try to make that loose steal anyway?

April 27, 2014 | 3:20 p.m.

Comment | FlySooHigh commented on $22 Cubed (part 1)

Hey there, great vid!

Have a question about small pockets.

@37:30 you folded 22 (CO vs UTG2) with 25 bb effective, do you fold 33-55 in this spot as well?  And if we fold small pps here, what typical flatting range do we have then? 66-88 and some suited broadways?

April 24, 2014 | 3:18 p.m.

Great video, great format!

More live videos pls! Liked it a lot!

April 3, 2014 | 4:28 p.m.

Great video! More parts pls!! :)

April 3, 2014 | 11:25 a.m.

Great video! Games were really fantastic! :)

You said you played it in daytime, was it Japan day time? What time would it approximately be in Msk time?

March 21, 2014 | 3:30 p.m.

Lol, just watched how the hand progressed and possibly IneedmoneyXX's range is not capped at Kx at all))

March 16, 2014 | 4:13 p.m.

13:10 A7s hand

Cant we sometimes 2barrel turn and shove river representing AK? We can have it easily, while IneedmoneyXX's range is capped at Kx or he might even have some weaker holdings like 2 pair (QJs, QTs, JTs - though he might not call them pre, cause Fenix has 20bb restealing stack, so we possibly have to discount 2pair a little bit). Or is it too optimistic to hope that IneedmoneyXX would ever fold Kx to river jam on a brick (lets say we make it around 60k on turn, and then shove 230k into 240k on the river)?

March 16, 2014 | 4:10 p.m.

17:25 (BB vs HJ) jam w 88, 28bb deep

How do you balance this spot? What other hands can you use the same line with? 77,99? 

Cant think of anything else.

With TT+, AK+, AQs(maybe) it seems reasonable to 3b/call.

March 16, 2014 | 11:55 a.m.

Just found your hud stats in the comments to another video :)

vpip/pfr/3bet/steal/rfi/defend bb

So do you use more detailed stats like popups with RFI from from every position to get a better grip on villain's opening ranges? Or are these more specific stats not so important cause in tournaments we usually have small sample size on our opponents and its better to pay close attention to dynamics, stack sizes, pay jumps, etc?

Sorry if this is an elementary question, but I am a cash player trying to figure out how can I make best use of my hud while transitioning to mtts :)

March 16, 2014 | 11:05 a.m.

32:45 (QTo, SB vs BTN)

What are the reasons to fold kind of good hand preflop in such spot? It could be dominated but not necessarily so if the vilain's stealing range is wide and it generally plays ok postflop.

March 16, 2014 | 7:31 a.m.

Hi Dylan,

4:50 J7o (SB vs BB) hand, are there any merits in pot controling flop in this situation with the intention to bet turn and river for value on good runouts?

And as it played with flop bet, can we c/c this somewhat scary turn? Though we can face tough decision on the river, if villain bets again. 

March 16, 2014 | 6:54 a.m.

Dont know if this has been asked before, but what stats do you use in your hud?



And what popups do you use when in play?

Really enjoy your videos! They were part of the reason I signed up for rio in the first place. Keep it up! Great job!

March 16, 2014 | 6:39 a.m.

LaMente probably meant what if CO opened, BTN called, we 3Bet/squeeze from SB, CO 4Bets and BTN folds...

Oct. 10, 2013 | 5:13 p.m.

Comment | FlySooHigh commented on Making It As A Pro

Great video! Cool thoughts!

Easy to understand, difficult to apply. If everybody could do this on day to day basis, there would have been no losing players :)

Oct. 10, 2013 | 3:25 p.m.

Great video as usual, but is there any way to make better resolution? When I make it full screen on my 30'' monitor the picture becomes rather fuzzy.

Dec. 20, 2012 | 4:45 p.m.

BOOOOM!! @ about 18:30 Made my day!)))

Dec. 10, 2012 | 2 p.m.

Comment | FlySooHigh commented on Edit your posts
Yes, please add the ability to edit comments, that would be very helpful

Dec. 9, 2012 | 7:40 p.m.

Comment | FlySooHigh commented on Payment methods
Actually I couldn't hold the excitement and already paid for the elite subscription :) But for future reference it would've been convenient if there were other payment methods as well. Cheers!

Dec. 9, 2012 | 7:13 p.m.

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