0 points
Hi, i have been on the hunt for PLO MTT information as well. I found Tom chambers MTT material very insightful found here: https://www.plotheory.com/plo-mtts-modules
I was advised to read Tournament poker for advanced players by David szlansky.
My process is to understand how to play full ring plo well then understand tournament dynamics which should give me a good foundation
Jan. 20, 2019 | 3 a.m.
Hi, i have been on the hunt for PLO MTT information as well. I found Tom chambers MTT material very insightful found here: https://www.plotheory.com/plo-mtts-modules
I was advised to read Tournament poker for advanced players by David szlansky.
My process is to understand how to play full ring plo well then understand tournament dynamics which should give me a good foundation
Jan. 20, 2019 | 2:59 a.m.
Hi, i have been on the hunt for PLO MTT information as well. I found Tom chambers MTT material very insightful found here: https://www.plotheory.com/plo-mtts-modules
I was advised to read Tournament poker for advanced players by David szlansky.
My process is to understand how to play full ring plo well then understand tournament dynamics which should give me a good foundation
Flop equities
board: Qs5s9h
Hand Equity Wins Ties
JT,ss, KKss, Q9,99,55 37.26% 215,532 16,219
7c9cTs8h 25.47% 144,190 17,382
JT,ss, KKss, Q9,99,55 37.27% 215,643 16,166
Given you checked i would have folded on the flop. With the ranges i put into pro poker tools it gives you 25%. Without spades in your hands then i would preserve your chips once checked. Betting the Flop: on this board it seems like you would need to bet 70%+ of the pot to get a decent amount of folds. The calling positions were MP3 and SB which would make their ranges a little stronger (without specific reads) so could have you in draw domination situation on the flop a little too often to continue
April 5, 2019 | 11:23 a.m.