1 points
Well I've found 3-betting it to be more profitable (realistically, less -ev) for myself. It's seemed to work for me, and I'm more comfortable doing it.
^^^^ That being said, I'm by no means implying it is necessarily the best option/strategy for every player. Simply giving an opinion on the matter from my experience, take it or leave it. Place to share opinions, no?
Dec. 2, 2014 | 10:03 a.m.
I don't like flatting for the reasons you just stated and it gives us another crappy decision to make otr, increasing the likelihood of a mistake. I think J9 shows up more here than 33/44 does, that being said what do we think of hands like J10, 56s, 78s, 910s, or suited one gappers giving him turned combo draws? I also think our AA is underrepped. We raised standard x3 from button and c-bet flop, fired again ott on a very wet board. We need to look at what villain thinks our likely range is, I mean on this draw heavy board I think we're semi-bluffing a lot of hands in this spot? I'm hyper aggro so I'm almost always betting this turn after the way the action has gone.
Dec. 2, 2014 | 5:05 a.m.
I hate playing Axo oop. That's why I prefer 3betting button with it. When flop comes Axx I find you're either winning a small, fairly straight forward pot or you end up calling down a better ace.
Dec. 2, 2014 | 1:17 a.m.
What's status on this?
Dec. 1, 2014 | 11:55 p.m.
I tend to lean towards a 3bet with Ax from bb vs late raises. I prefer having opportunity of taking it down pre. Fold vs EP raises. I don't EVER recommended flatting Ax oop. It just ends up being too hard to play profitably. (Read dependant too obv) Might now and then flat with Axs in bb if it's a multi way pot I can get in cheaply and look for 2pr or a flush. Not looking for an A when I do that though.
Dec. 1, 2014 | 11:44 p.m.
Villain could entirely be peeling off a card with aqs/aks no? Turns nfd and doesn't buy that we have a legit hand so x/rs with a semi bluff putting us on Broadway cards or a weak pp that he can get to fold out.
Dec. 1, 2014 | 11:29 p.m.
So are we polarizing villain to a pp bigger than ours? Villain 3bet oop pre and then followed up with no c-bet but a x/c on the flop. I feel like aa/kk is going to be c-betting that flop a lot oop, and slow down ott if he gets called.
Dec. 1, 2014 | 11:27 p.m.
BB: $60.33
UTG: $53.22
CO: $50.00
BN: $50.00
I don't think I could have gotten it in much better lol...love starting my night like this.
CO wins and shows two pair, Aces and Queens.
CO wins $98.00
Rake is $2.50
Nov. 29, 2014 | 9:39 a.m.
My assumption of KK,JJ,99,KJ not being in his range here is honestly just from what I've seen at this level since being back. I guess it isn't entirely impossible, I've just seen a lot of 3 bets from 77+ and have been quite surprised with the frequency KJ+ seems to be 3 bet. That's where that assumption comes from. I'm not saying it's accurate, just what my thinking was during the hand.
Nov. 27, 2014 | 3:41 a.m.
I'm not a fan of the shove on the flop, as was said above it really polarizes his calling range and I don't think he calls often when he's behind in that spot, which loses you value if he is semi-bluffing something like QJ, 78s, 89s. That being said I'm not folding that flop either. At this level I've seen that play with overpairs, J10, QJ, 78, 89, A10, or really any pair+sd so I'm not usually worried about getting it in with AA and hoping for a hold. If you do flat flop, I assume he shoves turn and you're getting it in either way. (Without stats its hard to gauge his range imo, I mean I've seen some fairly loose 3bet calls at this level.)
Nov. 27, 2014 | 3:35 a.m.
Just getting back into poker and feel I'm a little rusty hoping I could get some opinions on this hand, thanks in advance.
I had just sat down, this was my second hand at the table and don't have stats.
Think pre is pretty standard, always looking to play suited connectors multi-way and I know there are at least two others going to flop.
Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players -
BTN: $19.65
Hero (SB): $25.00
BB: $25.00
UTG: $48.34
MP: $25.97
CO: $47.75
Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is SB with Qd Jd
1 fold, MP raises to $0.75, CO calls $0.75, 1 fold, Hero calls $0.65, BB calls $0.50
Flop: ($3.00) Kd Jh 9c (4 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, MP checks, CO bets $1.90, Hero calls $1.90, BB folds, MP folds
So obviously fairly coordinated board, calling ranges pre are huge at this level so when CO bets I'm thinking he's either stabbing at the pot or betting out with, Kx, 10x, Qx, Jx, 810, 78s or he could have flopped the nuts with Q10. KK JJ 99 KJ are all out, as I think he 3-bets them preflop.
Turn: ($6.80) Jc (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $3.24, Hero calls $3.24
At this point I think I'm most likely ahead and didn't see much reason to lead as it probably causes worse to fold and eliminates all of his bluffs.
River: ($13.28) 6s (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $8.45, Hero calls $8.45
Same reasoning as turn for play here. I think he check backs most of his Kings here. Really wasn't sure if I should be raising or folding with that sizing and aggro throughout hand. Sort of felt like a weaker J at this point, a straight, or air.
Not taking it personal lol, wasn't intended to come off that way. I have a somewhat more aggro style than most, so no, I don't like flatting (or recommending) Axo oop because I find, from my experience personally, I end up in more -ev situations than +. If the numbers say I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'm alwaaaaaaaaays looking for more money ;).
Dec. 2, 2014 | 12:14 p.m.