5 points
Great vid! Curious to know about the spade thing too, I noticed them in my sims too cant understand the reason
Dec. 31, 2019 | 4:23 a.m.
Very interesting. Definitely need to know the math on this. Great video
June 7, 2017 | 9:51 p.m.
All results loaded
Hey Alien, great video specifically in regards to reducing variance and controlling your outcomes. With that last hand AA8T5ds, when would you NOT 3b? Deeper? Confident you'll go mulitway (SB flat, and deep).
I play a lot of Cash and find it is a very post flop game, but then experience high variance, especially on boards like these. Just the games nature I suppose?
Sept. 23, 2020 | 6:45 p.m.