FeedDaFish's avatar


18 points

Great video thanks very much. 500plo insight on an essential package is invaluable.

Dec. 22, 2017 | 12:19 p.m.

I don't really mind 3 betting a weaker player with pocket 7s but I prefer button v co or blinds v btn. Mid position range I prefer to flat. As played I prefer to check flop we have several good turns and a pretty disguised range.

Dec. 21, 2017 | 2:09 p.m.

There is too many reshove stacks behind. I presume he would have opened had there only been one( two max) stacks between 10 & 15bb. This is a spot where if we get shoved on we are effectively pot committed against a significantly stronger range than ours.

Dec. 21, 2017 | 2:03 p.m.

Sorry 30:00 for 55 spot

Dec. 21, 2017 | 1:56 p.m.

24:58- Is this not a good case for an exploitative delayed c bet against what appears to be a soft opponent? I get we block AK/AQ but I don't feel btn would fold AJ A 10 very often against double barrel here anyway and some ace rags if in buttons range have hit two pair. Board is very wet which hits some of his suited ranges and we don't block spades.

I feel KQ is bad in a sense here as we are blocking KqQjKJ hands that we want villain to have on this board texture. I'd almost rather have 89/ 910.
the 55 reshove at 34:00 feels very close. I feel like button has mid pockets that crush us too often here and we flip a ton against AJAQ that he flats here also not even including the original openers range. We currently have 4 shorter stacks than us in a table that appears rather soft? I feel ICM should play a big part in this decision.

Granted its always easier in hindsight and I am not trying to criticise here just simply interested in your thoughts on the spots. maybe you had in game reads that you could share or just general theory that stacks up against the plays?


Dec. 21, 2017 | 11:40 a.m.

Presume he has got this from sharkscope mate. Invaluable tool if you are looking to focus on mtts.

Dec. 21, 2017 | 11:04 a.m.

This to me is a spot where mtts play completely different from a cash game in a cash game I feel like I am generally checking back for the reasons swiss mentioned. However, our chips have a value and we only have( I presume) one bullet in this mtt therefore it is absolutely dependant on the opponent.

If we have a solid read that our opponent is likely to bet draws and weaker hands on the turn then I would be check jamming to get the money in on the turn, however if they are likely to check back I definitely prefer a bet- allowing our opponent to see a free card at a draw would be a disaster in this circumstance if we can prevent it.

That's just my two cents though for what it's worth :)

Dec. 18, 2017 | 5:23 p.m.

Should we mandatory have an aggressive cr line here? I mean I fold out all my pps pre and I don't see me wanting to get in an overpair in on the flop for c. 150bb. I definitely have most suited connectors in my range here & JJ+ I just think most of my range check calls here.

I can only see check jam as an option if holding KKAA without a spade as hansa mentioned above.

Dec. 17, 2017 | 12:50 p.m.

villain had 106ss he 4 bet the hand did not call it.

Dec. 14, 2017 | 5:13 p.m.

The problem like you say by 5 betting you turn your hand face up, therefore when you call 4 b oop you never have nut hands and are quite exploitable postflop, also you allow him to fold out hands like 106ss and play perfectly v you. I want my opinion to continue with 106ss this run out just kind of sucked.

I can see the merits in establishing a bluff raise range here 100bb deep but I feel it is dangerous considering the stacks especially with a hand like ak. I would like to cr here with hands that at least have some backdoor value( 89ss etc). Interested to hear other opinions on a cr strategy here?

Dec. 14, 2017 | 3:39 p.m.

Firstly, you played the hand fine. Things to be aware of if not already your 3b in sb v utg looks very strong. Therefore I expect BB to have a reasonably strong calling range( this does depend on the player though and is a factor to consider in spots like this)

My estimate of BBs range if a solid player is something like JJ/QQ/AK( ak less likely due to blocker effect) possibly slowplayed aa but unlikely at low stakes. Though this range can stretch as far as AQss/77/88/99/ 1010 for a looser player and therefore we are crushing the board against villains range.
I personally would bet pot closer to a third as it is so dry and we can keep in more hands that might otherwise fold out.
Turn is basically a brick and a great card for our opponent to continue on. I am betting half pot and snap calling the jam.

I am never checking turn as I could lose value in this spot.

Sigh 1010 unlucky ran into the top of the range.


Dec. 14, 2017 | 1:38 p.m.

Agree with Felipe played both hands fine. My only point I would make is your 4X 3b with kk otb is a bit on the large side I feel.
I prefer to er on the side of 3X in position and 3.5X/4X out of position with light 3bs and value hands.
Having said that if you know the guy is loose and likely to call your 3b you are quite right to size it up.

Dec. 14, 2017 | 1:22 p.m.

Masticlox - would you bet go a set of 3s on the turn there. I feel like I’m always checking back surely we would force out overpairs without a spade

Dec. 14, 2017 | 11:29 a.m.

Villain showed 106ss btw.

Dec. 14, 2017 | 11:27 a.m.

Yeah good point about deep stacking bringing pps into the calling range albeit unlikely to have as played.

I feel like kk qq have to c back against our range we have flushes here and definetely think 89s could take this cc line here.

KJ/K10 do seem like legit bluffs. I guess there is enough bluffs in range I don’t have pio yet would like to run this and see it’s thoughts on the turn.

I do think the AA with the As is just too strong here but stilll felt gross. Agree that I feel like I would be betting about 40ish here as a bluff.

Dec. 14, 2017 | 11:26 a.m.

Deliberately left the hand out. lets just say it's not standard. Any guesses???

Dec. 12, 2017 | 2:20 p.m.

What are the kind of hands you put in 3 bet range? I'm thinking AQ/AK/ 99/1010/JJ/QQ with a view to 5 bet jam. I feel like I will be mixing in 4 bet calls with AA/KK?

Dec. 12, 2017 | 2:18 p.m.

Thanks man it does get awkward at the stack sizes. what ranges do you think Villain is bluffing here?
I don't think I have many raises on this flop due to stack sizes( not too skilled with playing deep stacked tbh). Interesting line to c jam flop with AA/KK/ flush draws no spade on this kind of wet texture.

Dec. 12, 2017 | 2:17 p.m.

Sorry first time posting HH realise I have put this in the wrong stake.

Dec. 12, 2017 | 12:57 p.m.

Hand History | FeedDaFish posted in NLHE: AA- OTT- Should I be folding?
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) BN: $171.52
SB: $185.82 (Hero)
BB: $127.28
UTG: $137.25
MP: $56.35
CO: $82.67
Villain is playing 25/ 21/ 5.5% 3 bet

Of the 5 hands he has faced a 3 bet he has folded 3 times and 4 bet the other two. Seems to defend to 3 bets with a 4 bet or fold albeit small sample size(150 hands).

I feel this makes AA a good candidate to peel PF esp considering depth of stack.

I think on the flop that if I cr he will simply fold out worse hands and continue with better hands considering the stack depth I don't think this is an option.

OTT i'm really not sure I feel like a chunk of villains range c backs here. Bluffs feel like suited combos without spades that don't block JJQQ(109/ 78/ 56 etc. My real concern is a large majority of villains range with a spade c back. Many hands would just shutdown on the turn. Even hands like KQ with a spade I would think c back turn.

Another part that threw me was the sizing OTT should we generally be betting two thirds pot with a flush on the turn here. Also should sets be betting the turn against our range here?

Was this a huge donk off to get it in on the turn? thoughts on all stages of the hand please. Thanks

Preflop ($1.50) Hero is SB with A A
3 folds, BN raises to $2.00, Hero raises to $9.00, BB folds, BN raises to $28.00, Hero calls $19.00
Flop ($57.00) 3 6 7
Hero checks, BN bets $17.99, Hero calls $17.99
Turn ($92.98) 3 6 7 T
Hero checks, BN bets $66.00, Hero raises to $139.83 and is all in, BN calls $59.53 and is all in
River ($358.34) 3 6 7 T 9
Final Pot SB lost and shows a pair of Aces.
BN wins $341.54
Rake is $2.50

Dec. 12, 2017 | 12:53 p.m.

Yeah I'm never folding river especially against those stats. Recreational player does this with KQ/K10/ K9 etc + random spew. If villain turns over two pair + with that line oh well owned + reload.

Dec. 11, 2017 | 6:38 p.m.

I don't think a recreational player would be checking any two pairs on the river/ or as played be jamming against your river bet. Turn bet is very interesting- I feel like a recreational player would probably interpret the ace as a good card for hero's range which makes me think if villain had qj he would bet turn much bigger. I feel this looks more like 89 looking for a price on the turn and still hoping for some folds.

having said that as played I am still inclined to fold but I'm a nit.

Dec. 11, 2017 | 6:35 p.m.

Comment | FeedDaFish commented on 4b pot A4s SBvBB

axss is a reasonable part of my 4 bet range. Is this a leak, I feel like if I don't mix these in I don't defend enough?

Dec. 11, 2017 | 6:19 p.m.

Comment | FeedDaFish commented on QQ - K - hi flop

So I may be reading this wrong? Villain opens with two calls in front before reaching you on the button and two original limpers in ep- 3 bet seems a little small if that is the case?- maybe make it $50/55 should put villain in an all in or fold position and deter going multiway to the flop. If everyone folds pre it's not a bad result to pick up the dead money anyway.

Dec. 11, 2017 | 6:15 p.m.

Absolutely agree BigFish. I personally am one of those 20 somethings who had to find my feet back in the job marketplace. Can understand this advice in most cases but op seems to be earning a decent hourly at 100z. As someone who has experienced the money from poker and the money you get from a job I take poker every time if you can cut it.

Dec. 10, 2017 | 3:10 a.m.

Slow dealers!!!

Dec. 9, 2017 | midnight

You realise why the majority of people are here right?

Dec. 8, 2017 | 11:32 p.m.

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