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1 points

last attempt failed, mostly due bad run (at the end i was close to 50bi below ev, ez game) + bad play because of this etc. whatever, lets try again, this time with more safe brm, deposited again 1500 and will start from NL20 and with less tables this time.

Montly goals (pretty safe goals this time, dont have idea what im going to face this time)
*100hours of play
*9tables max
*40hour study
Daily goals:
*Update blog every day i play
*Tableselect well
*Play w/o tension in my head (clear your mind, dont focus too much on details)
*Trust your guts as much as possible
*Use what you have learned


May 2, 2016 | 4:02 p.m.

How to run @ NL50, my game is really broke, have no fucking idea how im going to get out of this :P but i will do my best (bankroll is sinking haaaaaaaard)

March 22, 2016 | 2:24 p.m.

Last time i failed my grind attempt, lets do it again, this time again bit smarter.
Playing NL50SH
Atm i have 18k hands, im going to aim 100k hands @ NL50SH til end of month.
I have been in poker long time (8+years), grinded everything, sometimes havent grind a hand half year, then as pro 6months, then again nothing etc. Higest i have played as pro is NL400.
Im one of these players, who have been here long time and havent focus so much of improving. Its not 2009 anymore and im actually not 100% sure i beat this games still, so i need now hard work and grind a lot to know where im and then i can go from there.

March 14, 2016 | 5:57 p.m.

Comment | FZTH commented on The Grind

Going to start todays grind now, tomorrow morning will reply these nice post here :)

gl all

Nov. 10, 2015 | 4:51 p.m.

Comment | FZTH commented on The Grind

8.11 Another solid day +272$
Played mix of NL50 and NL100.. overall solid day, at the end lost one ~200bb stack @ NL100, what did hurt a bit, but overall im happy with my play.... seems like soon i may be hit NL200 tables allready
200h Challenge
Pace 54h
Time played 54h 44min
Won 2345$
Rake 1594$
Hands 32583
Stats 34/27/8

Today is free day, good to do some real life stuff, tomorrow prob back at hardcore grind. Oberall im really happy how fast i managed NL25>NL100, i would be happy if i would play NL100 @ januar, but love it i did it so fast


Nov. 9, 2015 | 7:25 a.m.

Comment | FZTH commented on The Grind

Did really short session, NL100SH shot, went well +306$
200h Challenge:
Pace 47h 20min
Time played 46h 19min
Won 2073$
Rake 1232$
Hands 27653
Stats 34/27/9

Well im 1h and 1min behind now, today going to play longer since tomorrow i need free day.
Problem is i need 6h 40min/day avg, but since i cant play every day so much (def need some free days to avoid burnout) i need on playing days avg more like 9-10h, but NL100 dont run 9h 6+tables what i need, +6tables running like 5-6hours maybe. So quick solution is play NL50 and NL100 same time, longer solution is to start looking another sites, since i need to do it sooner or later, plan isnt to stay NL100, play is to go up to NL1k.

Next week im going to start reading Mindset book and going to watch more videos, start discussion about strategys/hands etc. That was my plan from beginning, when i reach NL100 i start to focus more learning

Gl all


Nov. 8, 2015 | 2:01 p.m.

Comment | FZTH commented on The Grind

Ty David.
Just finished one book and was wondering what i will read next. Mental Game it is.
Are second part connected wiht first or standalone? Should i read both, or second is just better version of first?

About yesterday session:
Im pretty happy with my play, played NL50SH only. There are some strategy issiues still what i fix slowly, but overall i like my basic game atm. Redline starts dropping, going to think about that bit more, dont want to force fix smth, if i dont know what is exacly the case (i feel like i dont punish so much NL50regs than i did @ NL25, but it just may be feeling, today going to keep on eye on that). Prob going to shoot NL100SH today/tomorrow
GL all

200h challenge:
06.11 Pace: 40h 40min
06.11 Played: 44h 41min
Total 26890 Hands
Total +1767$ Profit
Total 1159$ Rake


Nov. 7, 2015 | 4:13 p.m.

Comment | FZTH commented on The Grind

200h Pace: 34h, played 37h (Im bit tired, but it feels rly good to be ahead a bit allready)
+1095$ total
877$ rake
22613 hands

Did yesterday NL50 shot, what went overall well, plan was not to lose, what i did - result +75$
But im not happy with my one semipassive tilt what did cost me a lot of money, i was up one point 500 allready, and then shit hits fan.
I dont know, does someone else have been experienced somekind of "black out" when long sessions. Dont know how to describe it better. Everything starts going wrong, every hand and same time you have this blackout, every move what was before close but clear fold becomes clear call etc? (for example, call c/r flop with TPTK (AK) and calldown in ovb spot where you just cant do it or bet/call river with strong holding but not nuts and its clear that he have bit better etc and you just keep doing it for 10-30mins). I have been experienced it before and it seems to happen in long sessions. How to manage it, how to control it, how to notice it (well notice is pretty easy, you can understand when shit hits fan and you dont control your decisions as well as before, but problem is, you cant stop it after 10+mins)
Gl everyone and today playing nL50 again, if i can take control over these "blackouts" then it seems that i can manage this limit also well and waiting to get NL100SH soon, i have ok bankroll allready for shoots, but want to play 50 bit before def.

Its funny to look this craph, this fall is last session and i still ended it up :D


Nov. 6, 2015 | 12:57 p.m.

Comment | FZTH commented on The Grind

Didnt play much yesterday, bit over 2 hours only and ended breakeven. Wanted to take day off before hardcore weekend action.
Today gonna shoot NL50SH
Total atm:
564$ Rake
17067 hands
28h 17min
200h Pace (incl today) 24h, so im bit ahead (today plan 10h)

Nov. 5, 2015 | 1:10 p.m.

Comment | FZTH commented on The Grind

Hey ty,
Indeed bb/100 is pretty massive (26bb/100), havent played "as pro" really long time, so not sure what to really think about that.
Playing little euro site, dont want to reveal it atm, b/c if someone plays there, def notice me and im pretty new back @ poker atm, dont feel like super safe yet still with my play :) Def will say sometime future where i play.

Overall i play somekind of aggressive style - 34/27/8 atm, betting and raising a lot, but have really big leak what i really dont know how to fix - my check fold flop as PFR is 81%. Cant find good strategy to fix it, because all of my game is over agression. Going to start think about that today grind a lot, trying to find really good spot and bring this % down step by step. All other stats seems reasonable

Nov. 4, 2015 | 10:42 a.m.

Comment | FZTH commented on The Grind

+10h 4min
Winnings: 1022.54$ (all NL25SH)
Hands: 15811
Goal Pace: 20h, have 27h 4min
Too tired to write longer, have some strategy issiues what i would like to discuss


Nov. 4, 2015 | 2:14 a.m.

Post | FZTH posted in Chatter: The Grind

Hey all.
No big intro, going to play this month 200h of poker. Starting NL25SH. Playing 7-9tables at once
Im doing it to grow my br, i have been tring to make comeback at poker several time last 2years, alw failed (well alw made nice money but didnt have time to really do it as profession) because so much other commitments. This time i canceled all other thing and go for poker.
I will keep here my day to day results/toughts/questions update.
NL25 9976hands +655.82$
Need 6h 40min avg per day.
Pace 13h 20min
Have 16h 58min

Nov. 3, 2015 | 1:48 p.m.

Post | FZTH posted in Chatter: Some flopzilla learning video?

would like to learn how to use flopzilla for analyze, is here or someone know somewhere else some good video what shows how to analyze with flopzilla.
I havent pretty much ever learner any analyze software to use, would like to start learning these also.

Thank you

Oct. 14, 2015 | 12:21 p.m.

I didnt say anything about hand because i play NL100 and im not sure about my advice quality here, and if i would say anything about hand, i would def mark out that i dont play these limits etc. Didnt want to insult, sorry about that, but it is really annoing when ppl do that. I (and prob some more) read these comments, put our time and work into that to analyze these comments, maybe there is something new, something i havent notice yet etc etc. And then you discover, player who gives advice playing... hm... This discussion dont belong here, so lets not get too detailed. Btw this problem is everywhere in poker forums, so prob nothing to do about that.
I have been there myself personally and im pretty ashamed my post few years ago, these war so much nonsense. try to understand game, dont overthink things. I know its nice feeling when you "click" something about poker and start thinking, than now you can understand this game really well etc. But belive me, there are n+1 times more "clicks" to come.

Sept. 9, 2015 | 3:35 p.m.

I hate it so much wehn NL10z players try to give some advice 6 (read: fucking SIX!) level higer advice, w/o saying that player playing NL10z.. luckily these advices you can filter out pretty quick, but its still annoing

Sept. 9, 2015 | 1:01 p.m.

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