7 points
I am in .fresh so can´t play RIO, GG, ACR or any of these
Just 2 rooms, Pokerstars and Winamax
Here rake of both
Stars is the first image, winamax second one.
The difference is that in winamax the tables are 5 max and I can get a rakeback of about 15% in NL10 and rake in 5,75%, while in pokerstars the tables are 6max and the rakeback is almost 0%, rake 6% with less cap. Right now I am playing NL5 on pokerstars, but I have doubts if it should change, it is difficult for me to understand which is cheaper.
June 11, 2020 | 3:39 p.m.
Any tip for cut range % when a CC happens?
It is hard to know how much should i cut my defend range un BB when a player calls the or. Just doing It intuitively and don't del good with It.
June 11, 2020 | 12:08 p.m.
I'm surprised that you offer training watching your comment on my thread
June 3, 2020 | 5:44 p.m.
Actually I'm cbeting very little OOP out of sb, (in EP the CbF down to 32% :S) I thought this could be another problem for my non sowdown winings. But i feel that it is a hard spot for work in, because player´s cc range IP vary a lot, some people have 5%, some 10%, then some 30% so i feel really lost there. Will improve there anyways.
What you guys think about the WSD and River call eff?
It is not my WSD absurdly high?
June 3, 2020 | 3:29 a.m.
the stat is "Raise first in" and not PFR
link below
June 2, 2020 | 5:15 p.m.
I've been playing a lot lately, but I don't know where to start improving my game. I put here my 2 zoom stats that I played the last two weeks, now I started in nl5 very badly, so low sample, but very unconfortable, I feel bad especially because I don't know where to start improving, I think I should focus on bb defense especially, and also on 3b OOP pots, since that I feel quite lost in those spots. I feel like I'm really bad at bb and 3b OOP and these pots happen all the time, so I feel really bad while playing.
My red line is very creepy and it seems that it is due to these two spots, especially very low xr, but I don't know. when i see that line i just feel depressed, because i try to steal how much i can in small pots and dont fold so much, but steal crazy down.
What should be a WR std in BB and SB?
And what should be a WWSF std in BB?
Can you give me some advice? where should i focus? Any obvious leaks in the stats that I should be focusing on?
EDIT: see that stats see very little so will put imgur links for it, if any other stat is interesting please say me and i´ll put it
TY so much
June 2, 2020 | 3:29 p.m.
Very thanks for replys guys
I saw that the strategy without xr has more ev on both boards.
There is one thing I don't understand and I don't know if I'm doing it wrong
When I look at the AKQ flop the original OOP strategy has an ev of 2,129, then what i am doing for see different strategys as oop on the flop is just blok IP strategy on flop as it is in the original, then I do my strategy as oop without xr, i select what i want to pay and fold then run solver.
The result of this is a higher ev than in the original sim as oop, just 2,137
I don't understand this, is it normal? Is it because I'm blocking IP on the flop to do the original strategy? Shouldn't I do this to see how different strategies work as OOP on flop?
This is counterintuitive to me, how can you have a more ev strategy than the original GTO response?
May 12, 2020 | 2:59 a.m.
Very thanks for the fast reply Raoul.
Just a think that i can´t catch, i understand that in AK9 we prefer just to not xr, and it is clear for me now, but in AKQ i can´t understand why. I mean we got nuts in us range, i understand that the board is very good for IP, but have 12 combos of nuts, why is better just to not xr here?
If i xr all the 12 combos + like 24 combos of bluff, it is like equilibrate range? why it is worst than just 0% xr here?
and other question btw, just seeing Axx flops atm, but it seems to pick +- it relation value/bluff 1/3 for that in all that boards, it is correct to build it like that in all boards where we want to have xr range?
very thanks
May 11, 2020 | 11:24 a.m.
I am started trying to understand flop BB ranges vs BTN with GTO+, but i am a little stuck.
when i see a flop like AK9, where i have no sets, it x/r is obviously low, but is x/r like 4%, K9 the most, A9o and A9s less than K9, (thing that i can´t catch) and then any bluffs.
Here, i am just losed. What supposed to be doing in real games? should i be x/r all 2p and balanced with more bluffs so my x/r% will be bigger, or just go for no x/r range in this tipe of boards because IP got big advantage here?
Same think is bloking me in all boards.
For example, on AKQ, it is x/r just very low part of JTo, then it put like 2/3 of x/r range as bluffs. Then i think that i should be just raising all JTo and then 2/3 of bluff, so my raising range will be bast bigger than solver suggest me. It is correct for a real strategy, or i am just wrong?
Any tips on this way are very appreciated, i am just losed.
May 11, 2020 | 10:31 a.m.
I am looking for advice regarding the bank to be able to play some tournaments a week or month being a cash player.
Advice regarding the bank destined for tournaments, what buy in ?, have a specific bank for tournaments? I do not intend to dedicate more than one day a week at the most.
Any advice related to playing tournaments being a cash player is welcome, I understand well how to have a good cash bank strategy, but I can't reach a good conclusion when I put the MTT in the middle
Thank you
Dec. 22, 2019 | 1:46 p.m.
what you mean with bank winrates? questioning for player win rates, i can´t understand good the facts that there is no EP, bc will win less bb for play more % of the time in the blinds, (true?), but will take the fish money between less people, so it is good or bad? and how it afects on zoom where are the same pool of players (so fish% is the same) but playing more hands in the blinds?
July 25, 2019 | 10:28 a.m.
photo is from .fres
How 5 max tables will afect the regs win rate?
are any diference between zoom pool and reg tables about that fact? I mean zoom will have same pool, how it afects here been 5 max? and how it afects in a reg table where there is 1 fish? here the other 4 players will have more bb/100 from him than in a 6 max, it is true? that fact make 5 max better?
I can not understand which format is better, because I do not know which are all the consequences that there is no EP
July 25, 2019 | 10:13 a.m.
screenshot about what? the details of the ranges are not very important for this, right? Or normally the cbet frequency is usually higher in these situations?
If this is the case, should I cbet 100% of the range in these situations against everyone? The truth is that I intuitively believed that they were flops in which to reach 100% of the range, but seeing that the program wants to check 50% I can not be sure if I should be cbeting less vs people who not like fold or who raise a lot, and not sure about the sizing vs this people
see that the program wants to check 50% confuses me
Nov. 9, 2018 | 8:29 p.m.
SRP, IP 38% range, OOP 33% range.
Sizings 1/3 and 3/4
In flops A96, A95, A86, A75, A73, A65, etc want cbet 50% frequency and choose 1/3 sizin, why choose 1/3 sizing if want cbet polarize 50%?
This also happens on flops K65, K64, K63, K54, K53 ..., want check like 40%-50% and cbet 1/3
How you build range here against someone who not fold too much? and what sizing?
Nov. 9, 2018 | 7:31 p.m.
Is it better to study / review before or play before? I saw that when we woke up is when we are best in terms of attention, etc.
I really do not know what is better
(I know that if there is no traffic you have to adjust to that)
Sept. 3, 2018 | 11:09 p.m.
looking how split makes need a lot of better hands than my for not call vs thes size, but i think it isn´t clear bc not have a lot of sense bet here with AK expecting be calling for worst hands in thes river, anyways if i think guy is a reg who are valuebeting stupid thin seems better push looking he don´t should have better hands, it have sense?
how he is a villain without stats should i expect he are checking turn with her KA, KT, KJ or any Kx (if he have) ? if this is the villain way he are thinking i have a very strong range, so why he go bet me in thes river? yes, maybe any are doing this, but not seems clear, seems more clear for me people can easy knows he haven´t a bet here with a king bc he lost vs all what i go call here, and more when he looks my range as strong and need he are crazy for bet with KJ here, this plus a lot of without stats guys go raise preflop with AK makes me think it isn´t clear. anyways i need any info for think he are crazy for bet KJ here
May 16, 2018 | 7:41 a.m.
maybe, but havn´t bluffs here, maybe any KJ, KT but seems hard he want bet in this river after squeeze etc, is true is very cheap too but idk
May 16, 2018 | 6:01 a.m.
ty for answer. I know what pot odds mean XD, folding bc think go lost close to 100%. says me how can win 23% of the time mate?
have sense what you says about check flop with Ac, not have sense for me bet 1/3 with JJ here when AK seems big part of agresor range normaly i think and we are in 3way pot where play straightforward seems the best way, not need put money in simply bc my strategy go be more easy IMO
May 15, 2018 | 2:54 p.m.
CO: $29.41
BN: $25.00
SB: $25.00 (Hero)
BB: $22.96
UTG: $26.60
Rake is $1.35
May 15, 2018 | 10:31 a.m.
CO: $12.87
BN: $5.40
SB: $10.10 (Hero)
BB: $11.67
UTG: $5.52
May 2, 2018 | 5:32 p.m.
UTG: $9.30
CO: $9.50
BN: $10.83
SB: $18.02 (Hero)
May 2, 2018 | 4:55 p.m.
Idk what pio says, but we not be playing vs pio. Playing vs 19/7, UTGvBTN, 120BB deep in a hig rake stake, pio don´t know this
I say i´m bad, but you not convince me to call here, you go without serious arguments atm
March 12, 2018 | 10:01 a.m.
Lol return read your comment is very enjoy, you try make my comment ridicule only saying what i say, but you can return read your comment and can look how all you say have sense, when we hit straight he go have better straight, yes it is true mate
When you hit ace he have better aces and bloking her bluffs, yes it is true mate
You appear trying says i mean 100% of time he go have better strIght, so you trying ridiculize me or you are a kid without brain, obv i not says this.
And yes im depressed bc i am talking with a kid, who says it is a call bc it is a call, im losting my time with you
March 12, 2018 | 8:02 a.m.
this hand have a very counter implied money when you hit, and we playing OOP vs strong range, 120BB DEEP, if any person can explain me why i should call here with sense i can understand. you don´t ofense me mate bc we don´t are friends and i dont understand what you say, but i here for learn. your arguments haven´t sense, sorry, maybe you can play a hand only bc other guy says you it´s still a call, it´s not super ev but still a call, you can´t fold a nut gutshot lol
Sorry but i finding a good reason not air, not seems be one good for the moment, and please not says me other time it´s a call because it´s a call
March 12, 2018 | 5:50 a.m.
3 sets QJ and AQ in a short range playing oop 120bb deep, you say me need call with AJ here bc have suficient equity and need defend your range... i only can look how you go lost money doing this. When hit 9 he have QJ who crush you or split vs other J,dont go make clear value vs her sets bc you play oop, maybe he can bluff any like AQ... but sure he dont go bluff a lot.
When hit Ace you lost vs her AQ and sets and it is really not good ace for call i think bloking her QJ and JK.
I,m bad, but i cant look how we need call this here, maybe have sense vs a guy who go bluff a lot with a wide range pre, but here i can,t understand
March 12, 2018 | 12:53 a.m.
I go here finding a serious reason for call, bc i try understand. Sure im not happy listen is call, but ty for try help me
March 11, 2018 | 11 p.m.
I not try gramaticL discussion, i dont speak english lol, but if you have AJ and 9 appear in turn you dont have nuts. You can tell this nuts if you prefer but you dont have nuts, specually when btn have QJ sure. And say you can,t fold a gutshot in worst situation posible isn,t a serious reason
March 11, 2018 | 10:46 p.m.
,QJ is the nut gutshot mate, and is a very good hand for cc in the btn
March 11, 2018 | 10:35 p.m.
Isn,t wide for call the flop? We have nuts, 3sets, overpairs, tp, second pairs, 9x, mybe 87,65, QJ... ,its not suficient? Playing worst situation
Ty so much
June 11, 2020 | 2:07 p.m.