Eeciaj's avatar


4 points

Hand 1: the limp on the button could be 10-9, 9-7, 9-8, 9-J so I'm putting connectors and gap connectors in his range. Besides sets beng hard to get im guessing any pair on the button is opening with a raise. His flat call on the turn might cancel out a two pair. The river bet seems a little light, I'd call here with top pair top kicker even though there is a one card straight.

Hand 2: would call the bet hoping his semi bluffing with ak aq.

Hand 3: weak players can also describe visual players so top pair is probably in play at minimum it does smell like a two pair for it played out like a set as well. Only possible draws are gut shots, I think I'm folding here.

Hand 4: you hand but flush draw and possible two live overcards in play. In which case your favourite even if only the ace is live you have 12 outs. Which such a big raise preflop I'm guessing he has Broadway pairs maybe even pocket 10s. On a board with no connectors, straights or flushes you can play ur nut flush aggressive because if it comes on the turn u are probably not going to get paid off. A check raise is also a play but getting ur money in wit this board is a good play too.

How did your hands play out?


Aug. 12, 2015 | 1:58 p.m.

Oops my apologies it was a spade but was a rag forgot now

July 29, 2015 | 12:59 a.m.

The villain tanked and asked for two time extensions as we play turbo and called with 89 ss

July 24, 2015 | 7:54 a.m.

$1-$3 Live cash game
Hero MP ($215) calls with 64 SS
Btn: calls
Villain SB ($450) raise to $15
Hero calls $15 now heads up
Pot: $46

Kd Qs 6s
Villain bets $25
Hero calls

Turn ($96)
Kd Qs 6s 2s
Villain bets $45
Hero raises all in ($175)

My question is, is this the right play seeing we are calling the flop to hit our flush and then get the money good when it hits to represent a strong flush? Or is the play to just flat call seeing we have a mid flush and then play the river as we see fit? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks


July 24, 2015 | 7:53 a.m.

Nah doubt 99/100 Ace would just flat on button especially at crown haha. Pretty good hours your clocking. I was there Friday night but at table 41 I think or 42. Was suppose to go this Sunday afternoon but got called into work. Good luck buddy feel free to direct message any hands or advice to me.

July 18, 2015 | 11:46 p.m.

Nice call on both occassions then in hindsight. Gotta love these crown players who just hand over money to you on a silver plater haha. Seems to me you had a great read on the players and situation. While on paper it looks easy to fold it's only half the story.

July 18, 2015 | 3:17 a.m.

I think you should start a new thread with new header to help others view the new hands.

Hand 1: I can only assume that button (villain) is thinking your trying to steal and will test you out with anything from aq, ak, 99, 10s and maybe Jacks. Unless he has you tagged as LAG pocket KK AA maybe QQ or Ak would re raise on the button instead of a flat call. So your analysis is pretty spot on. Not sure if I would call since your best hope is close to a coin flip and only combo you fav against is AJ.

Hand 2: It seems likely that villain has aces. So if the combos you have him figured are JJ+ then Jacks are the only combo you beat and are dead to QQ huge underdog against Aces and calling for a chop against KK. I think I'm folding on the flop here. How did the hands play out?

July 17, 2015 | 11:14 p.m.

It is true what your friend said a lot of people would just limp with AK for a variety of reasons. But I think you should focus more on how the play unfolded. The flop was a strong bet and any callers would have at least a middle to top pair ( depending on your image) at worse bottom pair, therefore you can cancel out j10 or QJ. The turn bet was very strong again and then a raise all in. Since it's a rainbow board and the straight draw didn't hit your probably up against a two pair or a set. The only two pairs you can beat is k5 or 75 and the only possible combos you lose to is 77, AK, KK, AA, A5 (assuming he didn't call flop bet with 55). It's a hard fold and I probably would have called as well since you have invested $52. The image of the villain comes into play as too, so keep that in mind because if he is playing snug doubtful he is going all in with just top pair. Also it's unfortunate that you ran into a two pair on the flop

July 12, 2015 | 10:29 p.m.

Well we can almost cancel out pocket 5s. Pocket 10s is possible since he check called the flop. The lead on the turn makes me think he has trip 5 minimum but cant see him raising with 56 57 45 or A5. I think I'm folding pocket aces here because he most likely has pocket 10s. Did you call?

July 10, 2015 | 4:50 p.m.

Friday and Saturday night are definitely the most profitable but also the swings can be quite strong because you have a lot of recreational players but if you play solid enough in the long run you will find it the most profitable. I normally play during the day and Friday night and Sunday afternoon. Whilst you might still come across a few regs my experience so far is that losing sessions are more because I've made more mistakes not because I was out played

July 7, 2015 | 4:50 a.m.

Yep forgot about the two pair check raise. In both hands not sure I would have changed how you played them much, except maybe to check in hand one OTT.

July 7, 2015 | 4:44 a.m.

The first hand I believe he had an open ender most likely kq maybe of hearts that's probably the only cards you can be confident in check raising. He is hoping your in love with your ace, his check on the turn might be to say hey I only have a jack to induce a bet from you.

Hand no.2 villain could have been tying to trap BB since you said his loose and aggressive and could have slow played AA KK or maybe AK I think it's a easy fold here. I wouldn't go to war with Jacks unless it was against the BB maybe. How did the hand play out?

July 7, 2015 | 2:22 a.m.

Wow a fellow Aussie, I play at crown as well same limits. It is by far the most loose and aggressive table online and offline. The above advices are very good, if you play solid poker and make the least amount of mistakes you should be very profitable. But it also depends what days and times you play because the game will adjust, so your game will need to adjust as well.

July 7, 2015 | 1:07 a.m.

I agree he doesn't have KK or 22. It seems most likely a flush or a straight draw that hit. The way you play your hand I didn't put you on a flush draw so when the straight draw card hit the river I would have lead as well because only a flush would raise my bet. I'd love to hear what others think.

July 4, 2015 | 12:19 p.m.

Comment | Eeciaj commented on Is this an easy fold?

It turns out the villain called my preflop raise with 9-2 os and got lucky and flopped two pair. Thanks for the advice all

July 3, 2015 | 9:17 a.m.

Comment | Eeciaj commented on Is this an easy fold?

Thanks. I for some reason convinced myself it was a pair with flush draw raise.

July 3, 2015 | 2:04 a.m.

Post | Eeciaj posted in NLHE: Is this an easy fold?

Even against a loose aggressive player I'm unsure if this is an easy fold in $1-$3 live 9 ring.

Hero UTG ($175) AK os: raise $11
Villan ($750): calls
C/o ($200): calls
Bn ($400): calls
Sb ($450): calls

Pot: $55

Flop: A 9d 2d

Hero bets $35 everyone folds except for villain

Pot: $125

Turn: A 9d 2d J

Hero bets: $75
Villain all in

Is this an easy fold or with my remaining chips am I committed with top pair top kicker?

Thanks for any advice


July 3, 2015 | 1:48 a.m.

Sounds like v2 was making a cbet and had you on trip jacks when you called. I liked the check on the turn to perhaps make out your on a draw like Q10 or 108 suited and induce a river bet. But perhaps a turn bet would have been good in case either player had a straight draw because they are the only hands which may perhaps call a bet

July 1, 2015 | noon

Thanks for the advice, I think I'll go with the check first and see how the action plays out next time. At the time I was trying to steal the pot there and then with a semi bluff.

June 30, 2015 | 6:26 a.m.

Post | Eeciaj posted in NLHE: Dealing with open ender draws

Hi I'm new to the site so please forgive the layout of my post. This hand is for a live cash game $1/$3 nlhe at Crown Casino Melb, Aus 9 ring table.

UTG: Limps
($90) Hero UTG plus 2: Raise $12 QJ os
I get 6 callers bb, sb and UTG FOLD pot is now $60 most players have $150-$200 stacks

Flop comes K, 10, 2 rainbow.

I believe I played it wrong by acting first and going all in. Look forward to receiving some advice on this

June 30, 2015 | 1:15 a.m.

Came across this situation before and villan had aj flush draw on flop. How did the hand play out. Btw I folded to that turn bet

June 29, 2015 | 1:51 a.m.

What did the guy end up having?

June 29, 2015 | 1:46 a.m.

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