0 points
Hi guys,
I am a new player in PLO and I have some difficulties w/ ranges. This spot might be very obvious for most of you but I tend to be result oriented these past few days.
Here is the hand:
I only have 140 hands on vilain. He is 35/24 and 3b 11% overall (19% BB) but the sample is irrelevant.
I'd say his bet range is A+,JT+,9:KT+,Q:KT+ and his stack off range A:KT+,Q9+:T8,A9+,QJT,KQJT. Thought?
Do we have to stack off here?
April 10, 2016 | 9:40 a.m.
All results loaded
Great Vidz, great explanations.
2 Spots:
13:10 KQ OTT on JJxx board, is your 2nd barrel standard ? I lean toward giving up w/ no clubs here.
38:30 w KK OTT, I think we have other hands we want to c/b in order to protect our c/b range such as T9, 98, 96. Here we want to maximise our value vs 9x/draw type of hands. Thoughts?
Feb. 26, 2018 | 1:57 p.m.