0 points
Hey Janne,
I'm curious, did you run sims that show how this hand performs 4-way? We are investing very -EV preflop and we rarely flop dominating hands on safe textures, so we need to flop correct EQ with a high frequency. Also, we need to not shove or fold incorrectly more than a fraction of the time.
Are you sure the math is right? Which method to calculate the EV do you recommend?
Other question, which reasoning do you use to check or bet the flop?
Jan. 1, 2015 | 4:43 p.m.
At 28:00 with the RR FH you talk yourself into a call which is fine even though I think folding is correct until we have history/reads/dynamics.
But that's not what I wanna talk about. I wanna talk about three other things.
First, your betsize on the river is quite large. Do you think a lot of hands can call? I'm thinking villains range is elastic on the river because he ch/r flop, so we should not bet large. In fact I thought checking back is best, but I have no way to prove that. It's just villains line that is really suspicious.
Second, is checking back turn a good option?
Third and most important, after calling and losing you change your mind. I don't like that at all. What if you won? I'm thinking you're being results oriented, and you should work on that part of your game.
Hi Phil,
At 8:10 with 9763ds from EP you say that against weak, "foldy" BB you'd open the hand. I understand overfolding, but I don't know what you mean by "weak"?
I keep hearing this from so many players. Weak this, weak that - but people never name the exact traits / plays (or the lack thereof) that make a player weak, which makes it impossible for me to understand why our specific hand / line becomes +EV when it normally isn't. I get little to no information as to why and how it's -EV under which other circumstances.
A player is weak, therefore we are in a +EV situation. The explanation often stops at that point or gets fuzzy. It leaves me confused, not informed.
What's your take on this?
Thanks for another quality video!
April 3, 2015 | 1:44 a.m.