1 points
I know variance is a huge part of the game and I'm 100% ok with that. After playing for a couple hours, if I'm running bad or feel even a little off kilter, I'll takr a break and come back later. Doesn't bother me. We've all had those days where 27o seems to be almost every hand dealt to us.
Two nights ago I had an odd night. I was looking at TT+, AQs+, AQo+ and KQs far more often than normal. I even checked with Hold'em manager to see the hole card frequency for the session, and sure enough, definitely higher than normal for all those hands.
Seems like a dream, but almost every time I missed the flop/turn or saw a bad beat/sucked out on. I quit when I started to feel like I would start tilting.
This leads me to my question: when you guys are running hot with hole cards, but not getting what you need on the flop/turn and your all in AA/KK preflops are losing, what do you guys do? Take a break even though your hole cards are really high quality, or weather the storm?
May 5, 2015 | 4:35 p.m.
That's exactly what I was thinking. What if this was say... 50NL or 100NL?
May 3, 2015 | 5:47 a.m.
MP: $11.46
CO: $6.73
BN: $7.71
SB: $7.16 (Hero)
BB: $4.80
May 3, 2015 | 4:50 a.m.
Not your traditional short stack buying in for the minimum (usually what, 30 BB?). He buys in with around 80 instead of 100.
If he stacks someone, he doesn't leave or rathole. Instead he bullies with his larger stack. His buy in strategy is moreso to target regs.
April 28, 2015 | 3:07 p.m.
A friend of mine always buys in for 75-80% of the max. I always wondered, but never asked, so I texted him when I saw this. Here is his response:
"Whenever you watch a video on Grinderschool or any other poker training website, the instructors always target players who have less than a full stack saying they are usually fish. I buy in for less to look like a fish because I crush my current stakes. I get a lot more play if I buy in for less and am not auto topped off. People also call more when they shouldn't if they have me covered because I can't "stack" them. I just get more money."
I do know he table selects aggressively as well, so that probably doesn't hurt. He plays at 100NL.
Yeah. Check-raise was table dependent here. Everyone was playing really tight, UNLESS you showed weakness by checking. It was a weird table, but I could basically cbet any flop I did not connect with and everyone would fold so long as I was the preflop raiser. If I would raise preflop, then everyone would bet/re-raise. I had a fairly tight image, so I believe they were trying to push me off my hands that they thought I did not connect with.
So basically, if I had a hand, I'd check and get value with them betting. If I missed, I'd cbet and they would fold.
I made a lot of money after this hand off that table.
May 4, 2015 | 11:27 p.m.