3 points
I would suggest it is impossible to stay ahead of the curve by solely playing live. If anything it is far too easy to develop bad habits, sometimes based on localised player pools and trends within that pool - as naturally you will be playing an exploitative strategy.
To make a living as a live MTT pro you need to play up the stakes somewhat - and in these arenas you will run across some better players that play online. I'd therefore suggest that you mix in some sort of online volume - and watch videos on here. Again, this will help you build a DB that can be used for analytical purposes.
Feb. 5, 2017 | 7:55 a.m.
ah I think u kinda correct self and speak of being a little unbalanced right at the end (posted comment b4 finished vid).
Feb. 1, 2017 | 6:10 a.m.
Hi Sam, nice vids as always. The hand ~38 min point with QQ. Would I be correct in kinda thinking you have mispoken/forgotten yourself when talking about raising flushdraws to stack off with/bluff raising a bdfd? I say that with it being the FT. Would this not be setting fire to money versus the chippie with so many short/medium stacks around?
Feb. 1, 2017 | 6:06 a.m.
lol thought so. I played it too ;-)
Feb. 1, 2017 | 2:56 a.m.
Great video thanks - the best I have seen for practically demonstrating the subject.
Jan. 27, 2017 | 8:23 a.m.
Try Elliot Roe pre session warm up; in session have some soothing music that helps concentration, preferably with binaural beats. The have loads of it on Spotify.
Jan. 25, 2017 | 6:20 a.m.
Your 3b pre is way too small. Your small sizing invites him and others into easy peels to set mine or wreck you post with suited connex multi way. I'd be looking to 3b ~1925 in an effort to get HU.
Hating the board we xc; happy to get xx ott, but probs giving up if he barrels it. Otr I probs xf.
Master Main Event? Where is this comp?
Jan. 24, 2017 | 3:48 a.m.
Nice video. With the JJ are we not a little shallow (eff) to be peeling 3 ways?
Would a better line be to cold 4b ~660, with a plan to fold to OR 60bb rip and sigh call off a 45bb rip from 3bettor?
Also, do you feel strategies have changed much from when you made these videos a couple of years ago?
Dec. 23, 2016 | 6:02 a.m.
OK so I am going to now more formally build my BB defence/flat ranges. I'll be constructing them for use against different Btn steal frequencies, but I'm guessing that due to sample size issues for the most part I'll be using one as a default.
Naturally this is a lot of work. Your formula in this video was a real eye opener. Now doing this with a stove/excel spreadsheet is going to be a slog. Would using Poker Snowie or HRC yield similar results, but in a more efficient manner?
Dec. 19, 2016 | 7:44 p.m.
Is it possible to change the slide colours on future videos? White/Black is really difficult for the eyes and it feels like my retinas are being burnt out, making concentration difficult. May I suggest blue background with yellow font?
Dec. 15, 2016 | 5:55 p.m.
Enjoying the video so far. Just wondering if this all still applies?
My concern is with a hand at ~14:00 where you min raise K5. I understand it is on the FT? If this is the case, does our min raise not allow the BB to ICM cage us? There are 2 super short stacks and also 3 more stacks shorter than us. Surely, SB folds out (knowing another super shorty is about to get blinded out)...but more importantly for us - the BB realises this and can literally jam any 2 in our face??
Just play some low stakes bowl stuff to get used to handling chips, table etiquette etc in a more relaxed environment. You'll soon pick it up. When you realise just how terrible people are you'll soon grow in confidence and there'll be no intimidation factor in that environment. It'll also give you somewhat cheap exposure to the nuances of how bad players play - crazy bet sizings, patterns, tells etc. You'll soon learn how to adjust your bet sizes to these guys and also notice how terrible their hand reading skills are - and what narrow ranges you face by SD (or conversley what ridiculous holdings some types get to SD with). Prepare for your mind to be blown!
Feb. 5, 2017 | 8 a.m.