DrZoltar's avatar


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1.) I think it is well played.

2.) If he calls your c/r then I would be looking for a card thats not a spade and that either is a King or makes your straight. That is because if he calls a reraise on the turn he has probably got something that he will call with on the river with the exception of the draws. The option for me besides folding is to jam if it is a brick, knocking away all the draws and make it a difficult decision for him if he just got the queen.

Jan. 15, 2017 | 9:23 a.m.

At first glance it seems like you played solidly. But after thinking a while I might have check-called the flop. Making him think that you might have a flush draw. If the spade hits or you get your straight you can check raise him on the turn or check and bet on the river.

As the hand is played with the raise he is repping a straight/set or a small overpair. And when you don't have any read on your opponent the fold is given.

Jan. 14, 2017 | 9:18 a.m.

First of all. If I don't have any read on my opponent I wouldn't 4b AQ, you will most often come to a difficult decision when you don't hit the Q. And because of the 4b you have narrowed his range to a lot of hands that got you beat.

If I 4b tho I will come out with a half pot bet on the flop. Just to see how he is reacting. if he is sitting there with something like AJs or QJs or maybe a middle par you will put him in a difficult spot. If he raises its an easy fold. If he calls you could bet the turn also if you feel that you can hit him off the pot.

Tho when you check the flop i don't get the turn bet. The deuce does nothing to the board and can't possibly have done anything to your hand. When you bet it, it seems like you are just trying to put an aggression on my flop check.

Thats just my two cents.


Jan. 13, 2017 | 10:59 a.m.

First of all a great example and a decent played hand, tho I would have also raised turn and checked river. The same hands that are going to call you on the turn are in my opinion the hands that are going to call you on the river.

If he has a big hand that he wants to slowplay, then with your turn bet he will expect a river bet and you can just check and see what he got hiding. A correct fold tho, with the river reraise it seems a lot like JJ to me.

Jan. 11, 2017 | 10:40 p.m.

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