14 points
@ 17m 15s, you def Q543ss in bb vs CO open and sb peel. I would have thought this is too loose especially 3 way.
@37m 5s, you def J985ss in CO vs a BTN 3b. Even though we're given ok pot odds, the playability of the hand is pretty poor; you set yourself up to make weak bluff catchers, pairs and draws. Is there something I'm missing here?
Nov. 14, 2013 | 2:34 p.m.
Yo Mr Oddsen,
@ 1m 50s, the spot where you're facing a bet with KJ63 on 643J2 is pretty interesting. Since all our non-straight bluffcatchers are going to be pretty much the same, I'm wondering what's the best way to distinguish between them. I think it's best to call down with the 2P with no diams because they don't block villain's turn semi bluffs. What do you think?
@ 8m 5s, are you including all J4 in your flop ch/c range on J48ss? if so why?
I'd assume betting is best when you have the Ad, NFB.
I've only watched the first 15 mins of the vid for now so maybe more Qs to follow.
Nov. 14, 2013 | 4:49 a.m.
Pre is ok. I wouldn't assume "he is gonna put me on a very high card heavy range when I 3b". Deception isn't a relevant point vs unknowns.
Getting it in here is not good at this stack depth. My general plan here would be to cbet/call vs most c/r sizes and fold to ch/pot.
Oct. 25, 2013 | 4:54 p.m.
Pre and flop play is fine.
Turn, prefer to bet $40 with my range as it sets up potential river pot sized jam.
Once BB squeezer peels the turn bet, I'd assume villain has a strong but also narrow range here: {AA, hands that wanted to crai on flop like set+flush, K9+flush}. So if we bet river, we're trying to get villain to fold AA. What's the best betsize that achieves this? I'd argue that given villain's range is pretty strong here and we're repping a flush i.e. a hand that beats almost all of villain's range, the betsize should be big.
Now since the K and A suit are on board and BB didn't cbet after 3betting pre, villain's range shouldn't contain many flushes. If villain is aware of this, he should be calling his AA+one club hands. So if we assume villain only folds AA+no club, does he fold enough for a large betsize to be profitable? For example if we pot, we require villain to fold 50% of his range.
To conclude, I don't think your river betsize is good because villain's turn calling range is so strong. You offer villain too good a price to call any bluffcatcher (basically AA). If you want to bluff, I think the best betsize, without being specific, is big; although the bluff might not be profitable if villain does not fold AA often enough.
Oct. 25, 2013 | 4:40 p.m.
Villain's range should contain 45 more than yours so as an overall game plan I think checking with your whole range is good.
Check/call hands like the one you have;
Check/raise 45 and some hands that block the nuts like 985.
The only comment I have about the previous streets is that I think your hand works best as a c/call rather than a c/r because once your c/r is called and you don't improve on the turn, you set yourself up for a tricky to navigate spot. Plus you can nearly always call turn, realise your equity and if villain is aggro and realises you can't have too many 98s that arrive to the river by c/cing, c/cing you can potentially make a lot on a 5 or T. So overall prefer to c/r bare 98 or 98 with a weaker pair.
Sept. 22, 2013 | 9:35 p.m.
This flop is pretty dynamic, your cbet size is probably fine if the flop were rainbow but ~$8 is good especially vs this villain.
Pot this turn when SPR < 2; by checking you allow villain to check back all his drawing hands and realise equity.
Sept. 19, 2013 | 4:12 p.m.
@26 mins, top right table when you cr T845ds on Q53r with 2 bdfds, I think this hand works best as a c/c rather than a c/r mainly due to strength of hand it can make.
Sept. 19, 2013 | 2:16 a.m.
Top left table @ 9 min, when you flop nut flush on A74m after calling a 3b, you talk how to split your range with 2 or 3 different betsizes. Rather than doing this just based on feel, I think the best way to split up your nut flushes is to use the smaller betsize when you have 3+ diamonds in your hand and use the larger betsize when you only 2. I think this is good for two reasons:
1) By having 3+ diamonds in your hand it's less likely the other players have a flush themselves combinatorically so we want incentivise their weaker ranges to continue;
2) Combinatorically we have more flushes with 2 of a suit than 3 or 4 of a suit so it makes sense to use a larger betsize with these hands theoretically.
Sept. 10, 2013 | 2:34 a.m.
I disagree with jonna here, CALL
If our range for calling here is JT and wraps, BTN makes a mistake overcalling a hand like KJT9 with 2 bdfds here - http://propokertools.com/simulations/show?b=Ad9s8h&g=oh&h1=AA&h2=T876%24ss%2C+T876%24ds%2C+T976%24ss%2C+T976%24ds%2C+T987%24ss%2C+T987%24ds%2C+AJT%24ds%2C+KQJT%24ss%2C+KQJT%24ds%2C+KJT9%24ss%2C+KJT9%24ds%2C+QJT9%24ss%2C+QJT9%24ds%2C+QJT8%24ss%2C+QJT8%24ds%2C+JT87%24ss%2C+JT87%24ds&h3=KsJsTd9d&s=generic
In fact the only hands that BTN can profitably peel here are the nut and second nut wraps: QJT and JT7. That's not to say villain will play perfect and won't peel too lightly but jamming to prevent villain from making a mistake is not a good enough reason to stack off with an equity disadvantage.
So call and fold on board pairing turns
Aug. 21, 2013 | 5:08 p.m.
Odd @9min when you iso JT94 bet bet 8839, you didn't consider bluffing on the 2 river. I think it's quite a good spot given your hand but do you find you just get called down by overpairs here too often?
Odd @42 min you fold AsK9s4 in the cap game BTN vs CO open. I can guess why but could you explain this further?
Great vid btw
Aug. 17, 2013 | 6 p.m.
For 2) As played, I think the triple is good because your range contains more boats than villain simply because you opened BTN and you have added benefit of blockers. I would bet bigger though ~$12.
Aug. 14, 2013 | 1:12 p.m.
I don't play much HU other than starting 6m games but I'll give you my thoughts.
1) Villain's betsizing is really bad for his range on this board. I believe we should fold for a couple of reasons: one, there's few good turns cards for our hand; two, villain's betsize represents hands like AA, KK, 5x all of which have a massive equity advantage over your hand.
2) You would have to sim this spot to confirm whether betting is better than checking on the turn. I think checking is a decent option because other than the 65/64 type hands the situation is a bit WA/WB and it's nice to have boats in your check back range on 3/5 rivers.
3) Given the SPR is high and we have position I can see why you think we should consider calling but I can't see any real advantage to it unless we have a solid read on what villain's range is so just stick it in.
Aug. 12, 2013 | 2:56 a.m.
Fantastic video again.
Just one question, for hand 5, how did you estimate the frequencies of hands for both BTN and CO exactly? Put another way, why does BTN have 70% of NFD type hands but CO only have 40% and why those numbers exactly?
Aug. 4, 2013 | 1:08 p.m.
Flop peel is good because you're behind a typical value leading range here (QJ, sets) but have ~40% equity vs those hands so want to continue. Also want to allow blockers, QQ/JJ, to continue bluffing.
On the turn, I'd check back for the same reasons unless you think villain's flop leading range is merged ie it contains hands like AK, AJT, AT etc. Think it's somewhat reasonable for villain to go for a turn cr with QJ.
On the river, I'm inclined to fold unless you think either a) villain leads a merged range OTF and also value bets too thinly or b) he will take this bluff line with his blockers.
May 12, 2013 | 3:04 a.m.
Hi Odd,
Table 1 @ 12 min, hand vs Channing: You mentioned you like Channing's turn raise but doesn't it leave him open to be rebluffed given the T8s26s board, he opened UTG (ie not too many 97 combos) and checked flop?
Great vid btw
May 9, 2013 | 4:15 p.m.
I'm not a fan of the 3bet. I just don't think you're pushing a playability advantage with this hand, much prefer this hand double suited to 3bet.
As played I wouldn't pot on the flop because your equity vs a single hand that get it in is at best 30%. You only have 9 outs (of which 7 are clean) so check here and hope to get a free card.
May 7, 2013 | 4:25 p.m.
You played it fine. In position at high SPR with nuts with no redraw you want to call on the flop. Turn raise is good considering you now have a clear equity edge vs villain's range. Something to consider is that once you raise turn and if villain flats, your range likely becomes weak relative to villain on club and board-pairing rivers but seeing as it's 25PLO and the way the hand is played, it's unlikely you're going to be exploited.
You can't go too wrong c/ring villain's hand but I think I prefer calling because you're never pushing a big equity edge and playing turns with the betting lead does become awkward. If villain had AcJJ*c say then I much prefer a c/r.
To calculate your equity, just run your hand vs the various types of hands villain can have. Weighting it isn't easy like in Holdem so I just use the range.
May 7, 2013 | 4 p.m.
The best way to think about this is how things will likely play out if you bet or check and what mistakes you can force/induce.
This flop is volatile (ie there's lots of potential draws and the nuts will likely change street-street) and you flopped a weak SDV hand with a medium strength draw, basically a hand that would like to get the money in now. I like betting and think potting/betting big works best because the goal here is to get either villain to fold hands with decent equity vs your hand; hands like bare overpairs and bare flushdraws.
May 7, 2013 | 7:09 a.m.
Against an aggressive flop check raiser you have to decide whether to check back this hand and call down on almost all runouts or bet/call and be willing to make more pressure decisions.
As played, I like a river bluff. Whilst we do have some SDV, it's also a spot where we can't have air, villain can have better and on this river this hand is like the bottom of our range.
May 7, 2013 | 6:53 a.m.
In the hand on table 4 @ 8:00, KQ97ds on J74Q, what is your plan on various rivers? It seems like our hand is going to play poorly on rivers in that we nearly always have to check and going for a turn c/r solves this. Do you like it with this hand at a shallower stack depth or is the potential problem of giving up free equity too large a consideration here?
With the KT98ds hand at the end, why do you think 3betting is better than calling pf? And OTF, I think the hand is better to bet mainly for protection with the intention of getting it in vs the 1.5 SPR dude and fold vs the deeper stack.
April 24, 2013 | 5:28 a.m.
April 23, 2013 | 4:30 a.m.
Rest of the video was good imo. One piece of constructive criticism I'd give is that you should commentate more to the point and have less random dialogue. I felt the vid progressed along slowly and could be cut down.
April 14, 2013 | 2:48 p.m.
1) CO vs BTN 3bet play. You mentioned in your first video that you fold more than "normal" so I think it would really useful to know the type of hands you think we should fold and the type of hands we should flat and those which we can 4 bet. Think you could also cover some flop play after we call the 3 bet; things like the type of boards we can look to attack with certain hands and examples where we have close decisions between check/calling or check/folding the flop.
2) Situations where we should be looking to check/call or check/raise the flop as the PFR oop. Ideally I'd like to see examples of where as an overall game plan we should look to check our whole range as the PFR oop but this might be too deep.
3) The attacking lock down boards suggestion
April 9, 2013 | 3:25 a.m.
Against players who have high a turn x/r frequency I think we should just bet more polarised with say {slowplayed flop hands, turned big hands} and {weak draws, weak pairs} and look to check our middle strength hands like QQ on A44x. We want to check these hands because the advantage of protection betting is outweighed by the times we're bluffed or have to put in too much money with too weak a holding. I think this is esp good vs villains who will x/r wide for value and with little equity bluffs but choose to lead their draws.
By checking we also get to the river where we can control the number of bets that go in and use our position/informational advantage on a static board.
Also as an aside, if villains' turn c/r freq is too high compared to what is optimal we should definitely be looking to add to our flop slowplay range. Usually the best candidate hands for this are those which are strong absolutely on the flop (like trips weak kicker) but are crushed vs a typical flop value check/raise range. However if we can get plenty of bets in on future streets vs a wide range we should definitely consider checking back some flopped nutted hands.
How much is FL worth in pineapple?
Jan. 16, 2014 | 6 p.m.