5 points
Lol, I've only read the prequel "How to be alive", I'll give this one a shot.
March 9, 2014 | 4:25 p.m.
Re: the 3bet size, I get it that there's disagreement on this so all good. My intention certainly isn't to say "I'm right, they're wrong" but to give my viewpoint.
My smaller 3bet size correlates to my preferred 3betting range which I have chosen after being convinced by a coach last year and doing some work on it. I also disagree that our need for board coverage overrides the benefits of a linear range. I do think that polarised=big 3bet; linear=small 3bet is correct but that 87s falls in neither camp BB vs BTN. If anything it's at the bottom end of a linear range but I think it's more +EV to call it.
March 9, 2014 | 2:03 p.m.
Hi howareyou, is there a way of putting up a video of your play on RIO (not sure)? If not I could sweat you on Skype. PM me if you'd like.
March 8, 2014 | 11:19 a.m.
Thanks Mikey, those guys are both Elite pros, though. Anything for us Essential guys whose girlfriend would kill them if they paid out $100 to watch poker videos?
March 8, 2014 | 11:09 a.m.
Big 3bets work well with a polarised strong range, e.g. you''re betting top 4% balanced with the bottom of your continuing range this size is idéal. I know people disagree on this next bit but I'm in the camp that believes suited connectors aren't idéal as thé bottom of a polarised 3betting range, they havé rubbish blockers and don't generally flop well enough versus call:3bet rangés. They'ré better to call or fold depending on position. They would be ok at the bottom of a very wide linear range but such rangés are best played wirh a smaller 3bet
March 8, 2014 | 2:44 a.m.
Pre definitely used to be standard but suited connectors aren't great in a polarised range here and the 3bet is too big for them to be part of a linear range.
March 8, 2014 | 2:24 a.m.
Having run a site search for "heads up" there seems to be really few heads up nl videos, which I thought was pretty surprising. Is this something that is likely to be addressed or is the view that not enough people would want it?
March 7, 2014 | 3:14 p.m.
You have a point, I'm going to have a proper look at this over the weekend (hopefully...).
March 7, 2014 | 3:04 p.m.
I'd prefer calling pre or 3betting much smaller
March 6, 2014 | 3:16 p.m.
Try to exploit your own play, if it's easy adjust your strategy a little and repeat. Don't ignore range distributions, yours or villain's
March 6, 2014 | 1:49 p.m.
Expert heads up no limit by Will Tipton 5 times
March 6, 2014 | 1:45 p.m.
That's cool, I do agree that river SHOULD be a call.
On the turn my main concern isn't with the range we have when we raise, it's with the range we're left with when we don't. That's the bigger range and for that range this card would be a fist pump but rivers like this will be in the minority.
If we call turn, though, we're happy to see the majority of river cards with our nice wide uncapped range, same if we raise flop and bet turn.
March 5, 2014 | 7:16 p.m.
I think I'd prefer raise/bet/bet or call/call/call this card raise others. The turn raise doesn't do the rest of your range any favours. As played I think your river bet-size is fine to be honest with sadface exploitable fold on the end.
March 5, 2014 | 2:37 p.m.
I wouldn't donk this, either. As played I'd rather bet-fold -> check-call -> check-fold
March 5, 2014 | 2:20 p.m.
Weird spot to donk! What sort of range are you 3betting here? Pretty sure you played it fine.
March 5, 2014 | 2:10 p.m.
Yes but that's not telling the whole story. If he's 3betting 0.45% who cares if he's breaking even? First of all you have to determine whether he's 3betting wide enough that you should care whether he breaks even. 3betting 9% vs a btn open you probably shouldn't.
Also, the 65% would be correct vs an exploitative 3betting frequency if you only 4bet or fold. If you're calling you have to go wider but there's that "but..." again.
March 4, 2014 | 12:43 a.m.
Matt Janda's videos try to deal with this but you can only approximate things unless you have a deal with the other guy that you'll both only raise or fold.
My first comment does give a beginning of an approach to take. Don't aim to make this guy's range 0EV, just defend as wide a range as possible where the worst hand does at least as well as ending up with your starting stack minus your open vs the best 9% range he can have versus yours. This means you have to take postflop play into account and so it's not possible to "solve".
March 4, 2014 | 12:25 a.m.
Do you mean he 3bets 9% from the SB vs BTN or 3bets a total of 9% vs BTN? If the latter I'd recommend getting specific stats for SB vs BTN and BB vs BTN.
Start with the fact that a 9% 3bet vs BTN, particularly from the SB is very tight so don't worry about being exploited, he isn't trying to exploit you.
Are MP / CO not 3betting anything?
March 10, 2014 | 9:29 a.m.