0 points
I think the SB is very likely to hold the m Ace of s in his hand.
Without knowledge of the players preflop range and postflop tendencies I opt to fold here. Also given you don't have any redraws I think going with it is gonna be substantial -EV.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 4:20 p.m.
Of course it's gonna a difficult decision on the river but when playing hands like that you should find a way to make them since they are gonna come up often.
In this case you only get beaten by aces up or better. You have three pair which makes it less likely for villain to have the above.
Combine that with him very likely having a wide barreling range I would call definetely call here and hope to showdown or to bluffcatch on some rivers.
I like leading and don't mind not 4betting. spr of 2 is when it starts to lean in favor of the calling. By calling you have much increased chance of keeping the fish in the pot which I suspect makes up for a bunch of EV.
I think this flop is gonna be used to pot control often by the 3better and I'm not expecting the fish to lead much. I expect both to call with most of what they would be betting and raise with most of what they would call a checkraise with. So what's gonna make the difference imo are the times that you loose value when the 3better pot controls.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 4:35 p.m.