2 points
Sup guys losing player for over who knows how many years here. Deciding to take it to the basics to hopefully help me get better. I have a feeling this is going to really sound stupid, I always hear video makers talk about constructing ranges ranges. How do I go about doing this? I'd like to build my 3betting ranges etc calling ranges and pre flop ranges for my 6max and 9 max game.
What's the best way to do this? Do I use Pokersnowies pre flop chart? Do I go in Equilab and just start plugging random things in? I play in NV my site doesn't allow savable hand histories or a hud so i need to really work on this stuff thanks guys.
Feb. 9, 2016 | 5:38 p.m.
I just don't get it if I'm 3betting and I hit how am I suppose to get away? I keep 3betting and morons are calling me with small PP's and hitting. How do you know when someone hit a set so u can get away? Or should I never be looking to get stacks in when I 3bet?
Feb. 9, 2016 | 3:35 a.m.
fuck hah meant range I'm sorry :(
Feb. 3, 2016 | 8:32 a.m.
Sup guys losing player for over who knows how many years here. Deciding to take it to the basics to hopefully help me get better. I have a feeling this is going to really sound stupid, I always hear video makers talk about constructing ranges ranges. How do I go about doing this? I'd like to build my 3betting ranges etc calling ranges and pre flop ranges for my 6max and 9 max game.
What's the best way to do this? Do I use Pokersnowies pre flop chart? Do I go in Equilab and just start plugging random things in? I play in NV my site doesn't allow savable hand histories or a hud so i need to really work on this stuff thanks guys.
Feb. 2, 2016 | 8:33 a.m.
Hope this isn't a TLDR and honestly not sure if this goes here, but I mainly play NL/PLO 20c. I'd like to start grinding tourneys since they seem not too hard on the site I play on since it has low traffic. My question is I know watching videos here is great but is there any books or other literature I should be looking into? I feel like I have no clue where my shoving and all that bb with chip stack dependent stuff is explained? Thanks for the help!
Nov. 19, 2015 | 7:47 a.m.
The site I play on doesn't allow downloadable hand histories. So I can't check any EV or review sessions very easily. How I track my results? Just see how much I started with in my balance. I currently play 10nl /20nl
Pretty funny when I made this thread i was down to my last 30 dollars. Then I had a 30bi upswing. Big pots came from some deep play and NL. I appreciate everyone who's read or even took the time to reply my ramblings. Thanks a ton guys!
Now onto poker, being that I play on a site that doesn't allow me to use ANY form of tracking software alot of the content on this site seems hard for me to follow. My next question on home work outside of the tablet.
How do I go about doing this homework? Equilab?? Card Runners ev? (is this essential?) can I use those two without really having a hud or tracking software? How do I go about "Building my range?" I know this sounds like a stupid question. Outside of knowing my opening ranges etc I don't usually have a solid idea where things fit into my overall range.
Thanks guys :)
Nov. 5, 2015 | 10:04 a.m.
Super tilted took me 4days to win like 10bis lost it all in like 5hours
Oct. 22, 2015 | 6:46 a.m.
I live in Las Vegas I can't play on Bovada (i think they offer a hud) I'm really awful I have tilt issues and more then anything I can't read hands worth shit. I never fold relatively strong hands etc.
Oct. 22, 2015 | 6:46 a.m.
I have 0 way to know how much I win before rake in bb the site doesn't allow huds or any saveable hand histories.
Oct. 22, 2015 | 6:32 a.m.
So I'm not even sure if this is where I should post this but whatever. LTDR I've been playing poker for over probably 4-5 years and I still can't beat nl10 I play on a site that doesn't even offer huds or let me have saveable HH's. So most of the content I see here I feel is at most times useless. I always feel like to win not only do I have to run well/decent but I also have to play really well. Well do u fnally give up?
Oct. 20, 2015 | 1:01 a.m.
no reply on my msg? :(
July 9, 2015 | 9:05 a.m.
Question one of the thing that I really struggle with in learning poker at this point, I play on a site that doesn't offer a HUD I play in NV. Is doing this kind of work still going to do me good? Or can I even do it?
July 1, 2015 | 9:53 a.m.
Since I never play with huds I don't know what ranges from positions look like. How do I know how to play against their range if I can't see what it is? Do I just assume it's a normal opening range for that position? What's a normal opening range for certain positions?
Nov. 11, 2014 | 9:22 a.m.
This question might not have much to actually do with the video but I hope it gets answered. I love watching these theory videos but here's my problem. I don't play in Nevada where both sites I'm allowed to play on don't offer a HUD. I feel like most of the information in these kinda format of videos requires some sort of hud. Can all this info still be applied? Tanks.
Nov. 10, 2014 | 9:03 a.m.
How does one go about doing this? I always hear people say thing like " You want to construct a range here for so and so" so my question is how do I go about constructing ranges? Is it something I need to do in poker stove? Thanks a lot. I know this is a hard question to answer but generally speaking in 6max/ 9max what percentage of hands are a good start point for both those games? Thanks.
Oct. 30, 2014 | 9:08 a.m.
They sites I currently play on don't offer HUD support. Most of the content on this site seems to be covering people using HUDS. I can't really just see my opponents opening ranges. can I really improve and beat the games without this?
Oct. 27, 2014 | 7:38 a.m.
I've asked this before but can't find my post, why isn't there any HU content on this site? I'm trying to learn PLO but getting really sick of it. Everyone I play vs just seems to 3bet OOP and smash any pot. I miss way too often to defend.
Oct. 14, 2014 | 10:58 p.m.
This is just a general question that applies to PLO and NL, when I watch videos or hear people talk poker I always hear something about their "range" how do you know what's good for their range? How do you know what their range is? I'll be honest besides someone chasing a flush draw I never know what the range they're representing is.
How do I go about getting better at this? I play on a site that doesn't allow huds.
Sept. 25, 2014 | 1:26 a.m.
Also what's the difference from a SNG and MTT?
Sept. 15, 2014 | 1:36 a.m.
Thanks for the post ZenFish, Well I play on the two Nevada sites WSOP/Ultimate poker. The sites probably have no more then 200 players at peak hours. I always win free roll tickets to tournaments and sometimes splash around in the Sngs. I've won a couple of 7 dollar sngs that give me entry to a big tournament.
Where do I start on improving? I'm a NL10-25 grinder and marginal winner, when I play tournaments/SNGS I essentially play them like a cash game which I know is wrong. I feel I'm either too tight or too loose, then start shoving when I'm under 6bb. I always hear tournaments are softer then cash, but this variance seems insane.
Sept. 15, 2014 | 1:23 a.m.
Not sure how retarded of a question this is but hear me out, I currently play 10nl-25nl very marginal winner, was just wondering if I should focus some of my attention on tournaments? The sites I play on in Nevada always have decent tournaments or promotions running. I always hear tournaments are softer then cash games. How difficult should it be for me to adjust? What stakes MTT's can I play with a 1k BR.
Sept. 13, 2014 | 9:26 a.m.
I play on a site that offers no hud and I don't understand how to adjust to this, seems like all anyone does is 3bet now
Sept. 10, 2014 | 12:03 a.m.
it's become rather annoying seems like all I see is 3bets in all forms of PLO now.
Sept. 10, 2014 | 12:01 a.m.
Alright not sure when this started but it seems anyone I run into now a days in PLO just mashes 3bet OOP and I have zero answer for this. I feel like I'm playing bingo.
Sept. 9, 2014 | 6:59 p.m.
Curious guys I'm playing on the Nevada legal sites which don't allow huds. Now my question is I currently play the micro stakes and do decent there, I wanted to try my luck at SNG/MTT since it seems they're soft. I take down a decent amount of SNG and I really have no clue what I'm doing. Outside of just shoving a certain range I saw in a push pot chart.
I don't see any 9max sng turbo info on here, where do I go to learn?
June 2, 2014 | 9:58 a.m.
I'll give a little info, I play on the nevada regulated sites. Games seem pretty soft since I'm not going broke yet, I play 2nl all the way up to 50nl and I'm a winner or would appear so across the year it's been up. No huds or tracking software is allowed.
For just 6 max sng what do I need to know? Right now I just wait till the bubble. I open shove AA/KK/QQ when blinds are low I never play PF.. and I've made decent money doing this but I want to get my play right.
May 7, 2014 | 10:48 p.m.
April 11, 2014 | 9:25 a.m.
Hello gents,I mostly play NL/PLO I'm a small winner in the stakes I play. NL5 to NL25 currently and PLO 2c to plo 10c. I'm playing on the Nevada regulated sites. From what I can tell the competition is rather soft compared to what I recall in FTP/Stars pre black friday. These sites give me tons of Freeroll stuff that I just close my eyes in and spew.
My question is where do I start learning about MTTs/Sngs? I've won some SNGs on these sites but I really have no clue what I'm doing. Outside of playing tight and shoving when I have less then 10bbs. Any books I should read to get started? Or any 2p2 threads? What are the majors skill sets I need to do well in tournaments? Thanks again guys.
I guess I always figured I'm never that bad off stacking of 100bb deep in a 3bet pot if i hit my TPTK, Keeps happening where I 3bet and get called flop is like A29, T and the guy hit his set on the turn or. A35 and I hit top pair and he hit a set of 3's. I just don't understand how you can get away.
Feb. 9, 2016 | 5:28 p.m.