2 points
I played this hand a while ago and even though i lost a (in BB) a big pot, i can see me do this again in the future.
A few hands in Zoom session. Players are new to me.
Preflop: The hand is nice, my position in good. I should have gone for a 3bet here perhaps. But due to some flops where i can flop huge, i wanted to give the blinds a chance a join in. Hoping for some broadwaycards, diamonds preffered :)
Flop: 2 checks on a dry board, Top pair, top kicker... Seems a bet is legit.
The check-raise rings a bell. Set of aces is possible, but i have one myself. 22 is possible but less likely, because even bad players know 22 only flops bottom set all of the time.
99xx - A9JQ - A9Qx - 3x4x5y6y are candidates here. A2 has a small chance.
But i called. A heart or any broadway card (a K was preffered) could help to take the pot on the river.
Turn: A heart is a pretty good card for me for representing the nuts later. And i got a 1/2 pot bet donkbetted.
3456 would have check-called imo.
So I thought A987 would be close to his range. A set wit a small flush draw would have charged to protect the hand.
So i felt the T scared him in some way in fear of a bigger 2 pair or maybe a set.
I called in stead of raising to his weakness to still have a decent amount behind i case i would take a shot here if a scared card would come.
River: The Q was not the best from the deck, but with 2 blockers to the nuts, a weakish turn bet and a check on the river gave me the green light to try and push him of his two pair.
Somehow if i review the hand, in a way i feel like i am getting better on analyses after being here. Wachting all this stuff from the pros and start playing more with confidence.
In a way i feel i did this one good, but i can't say what i could have done any better. Even though it's about a few pennies, it's not the cash but the way the hand played out that made me think.
So if anyone has any comment, please share. Thanx guys ;)
April 9, 2017 | 9:01 p.m.
Today i sat down at a 6 max 0,10 - 0,25 game and 2 places to my left there was a Hyper lag.
He had a 80/60/70 stat and almost opened every pot...
His C-bet was 100% and checkraising him was out of the question. He never folded to a check raise and pulled to the turn.
He also sat on 500 BB and the rest of the table was on the 20/10/45. So he picked up just about every pot on the flop or turn.
It's hard to flop a good hand, because you really need something to play back at him AND position off course.
And if i or an other player really had a hand, it was hard to brew a pot, because he would shut down or take back some throttle.
I 3 betted him with what i felt was EV+ on the CO and BTN and i just tightend up where i did not had any positional advantage.
But he donked about 60% of pots. So i really had no answer to his LAG play.
Now people say you need to leave the table when there is a tough players to your left.
But with those stats, i think it's a matter of time until you can stack him off.
April 4, 2017 | 10:28 a.m.
I am very tempting to call the river due to his weaker flop bet.
My donkbet on the turn gets called.
I got range to: bottom 2 or A high flushdraw.
A set would have bet bigger on the fop, as top 2 with a flush draw.
So either it's a busted flush or a boat imo... But i have been wrong before :)
March 28, 2017 | 1:42 p.m.
I can find a lot off knowledge in this... Though i remember i having these stated, i could not give them a place...
Like confidence. I can play, be focused and tell yself i do allright. But then i can watch a video here over the range of 4-betting for example against villians 3-bet range... And poof, confidence gone, because i have never thought about it. So with that in mind, the next session i start up, my confidence is not that great, because i feel uneducated in PLO.
I got through the Jeff Hwangs books and tried to apply them. But i got to this site and saw some video's and man... My confidence is really on the lower side becaus there so many things i hvae never heard about and it's difficult to apply all off them because od the bulk of info.
Now i try to absorb as much as possible, but i'm not the youngest player and this really is some heavy literature. Not in a bad way, but giving all that info a place needs time and i feel it will affect my game in multiple ways and i would prefer not to play until i can place the info in a 'safe place' in my head. But nothing beats experience, so i will see it as an investement in the long run.
My live sessions always have been better for me, i could play better, define peoples ranges a lot better, i was more in the zone than online.
I think that had to do with the prep of a live session at home. As i would prep the table with cards, counting chips, etc. i would play the previous live session in my head. Plays that where made, hands that played out great, hands that a few villians would play, bet sizing etc.
Never knew why, but this video cleares that... Prepping the state of mind, i did unconscious while prepping. Great video. Dziękuję
March 23, 2017 | 7:28 a.m.
Thanx guys...
Runned it a few times and i see a made a mistake here. Even though he had QJ for the nuts all the time, i still would have to call here.
March 22, 2017 | 5:48 p.m.
I think i should have called here... I played this yesterday, but i can't get it out of my head.
I thought if i called i was behind... Even so if he had a rundown like QJT9 he had some of my outs.
A flush draw would be little behind... The more i think about it, the more i see i think i made a mistake.
March 21, 2017 | 4:41 p.m.
If interested: Search FB: Small stakes PLO study group. Just started one too have a fster feedback and maybe friedn request to chat over hand...
March 19, 2017 | 10:03 a.m.
I find myself quite few times in this situation.
Stacks are deep, i have position and everyone checked to me.
So if i bet:
- I can pick the pot without a fight.
- Only 2 pair or lower set will/can call to draw to boat.
- Q high flush draw might reraise. Lower flush might call a bet and see what te turn brings.
If i don't bet:
- I have to fold to pot bet if the board doesn't pair
- No more action will come from a (smaller) flush
Think i might have answered my own question here, but opinions are very well appriciated.
March 12, 2017 | 10:56 p.m.
I'll give it go and try to play some more solid... I noticed i lose the most money by semi-bluffing draws against the nuts... Betting out a gutter and nut flushdraw OTT and getting reraised by the nuts on that moment. Numbers run small, but i get in more behind than in front. So that's a leak i need to close :)
March 10, 2017 | 4:31 p.m.
Yeah i know... But some people just can't fold.
I mean, if you bet the flop and turn with let's say the nut straight a full pot and the river comes and makes a flush possible, paires the board or makes a bigger straight possible. Your hand is almost always second best on showdown. And in PT3 this shows as a EV-. Even if you only have 1/6 pot bet left.
Checking the nuts on the BTN OTT against 3 players seems to passive. So i'm not quite sure how to handle such situations.
March 10, 2017 | 4:26 p.m.
March 9, 2017 | 7:09 p.m.
Thanx 4 the feedback. I also noticed that a FR is pretty dry.
Drawback is that i start playing marginal hands in marginal spots...
My game is not that good or solid, so i thought maybe i'll give the FR a go.
March 8, 2017 | 1:07 p.m.
Tried some 9 handed PLO games today.
It actually never crossed my mind to play them and i need to sdept to position play a little more it seems.
Do you guys play rather 6 or 9 handed tables and how do they do in Bankroll's?
March 7, 2017 | 9:39 p.m.
This situation raises from time to time in the tiny stakes...
And even though i have no draws that can help me out, i hate to fold to a tiny bet. Maybe it's a mental thing, but i also know i can't bluff villian out the pot later. The previous hand has proven that he calls my river raise with J high. Also the preflop raiser is still behind and if i call and he just raises with anything... Is this a spot where i just 'let it happen'?
Even if the BTN is not in play? I just call him down or fold to this 'emotional poke' bet.
March 3, 2017 | 9:44 a.m.
Let's assume the players play a 'normal' game.
Average stats, 6 handed play
UTG raises pot
UTG +1 folds
MP calls
BTN calls
Hero SB (Ad-Kd-As-Js or Ad-Ks-Jd-Qs) for example.
Now, any other position would make this easier.
But 3 betting into a field from the SB will put on a sign that says, HUGE HAND HERE.
First to act after the flop, with a great chance to pick up a trainload of callers, unless UTG 4 bets here.
If you hit the flop hard, chances are slim any other playes does, if you miss you have to check fold.
By just calling, only the BB can 3-bet which put a great opportunity the get it in preflop.
And if an ace hits for top set or the nut straight/flush draw, no one will put you on AA because of the call.
Just asking for an opinion here to play this kinds of hands from the blinds.
March 2, 2017 | 8:44 a.m.
If there is room left... I want to give it a go
Feb. 25, 2017 | 12:08 a.m.
I also would like to get an opinion from the more advanced players.
I played 4 tables (2nl) as well as 2 in Zoom. I like the zoom-play better, because i just stepped into the game and have more discipline in hand and position selection, with a increase in pace. I like to play a faster paced game.
I catch myself playing to many hands from UTG and blinds for instance, burning myself on the regular tables, while in Zoom i can fold marginal situations a lot quicker until i get a better hang of the game.
Playing the 'what flop would you like with that hand' works for me in Zoom, but i can't bring up the patience and discipline on reg tables, so far...
IMO: on the regular tables, the competition is softer then in Zoom (they play way more hands). Zoom is more straightforward.
Feb. 22, 2017 | 8:05 p.m.
Great... i feel better already :)
No, i mean... I think gave to much respect in those stakes...
After the session was done, i regretted some chices i made due to plays i have seen.
Thanx 4 the feedback
Feb. 21, 2017 | 9:07 p.m.
Very early in the session, no reads.
But should i bet the turn here oop?
I actually could have played the hand in different ways.
What i have learned so far is that top + bottom pair not not quite strong.
I called, but would have ditched it ott against any heart or non diamond T - J or Q
The turn gave me a draw to the nuts, but i didn't bet it.
I often don't bet oot in these kind of spots because i can't stand a reraise i think.
The fold on the river took me some time, but with the K and Q in my hand i couldn't image anything else besides 6d-7d
Feb. 21, 2017 | 5:38 p.m.
Well... I do try. But yesterday i had a rough day.
I felt like got bluffed a lot, played weak and got a clouded judgement on many choises.
I played the dry ace bluff on a 3 club board and still got reraised even when no straight flush possible.
Wraps don't hit and when they do, i don't get payed off. My EV line in PT3 went up, but i got outdrawn in many spots. Looks like i'm whining here.
The last sessions i put down a 100 and tried the 50nl. Play was more relaxed, got to be a little more experimental and the plays seemed to work better in the higher limits. I got good aces 3x in preflop and lost all 3 times, so i ended up losing those 2 buy-ins. My mistake.
But got back to micro's just to see how people draw out with open enders. I read the Jeff Hwangs books, but i think that's to advanced for the µ's? can it?
Feb. 21, 2017 | 7:28 a.m.
Nice... I'll have to put my back in it..
Anyway. Since position and flop evaluation are more important then in NLHE, is it better to play Zoom then cash?
Feb. 17, 2017 | 3:19 p.m.
This sounds like solid advice... It is a tough process and i started with a 50 buy-ins (100 $) and if i reach 250, then i guess it will be time to kick it up a notch to the 5nl.
I have some swings, but i guess that's PLO. Even though i come from NLHE and i have a hard time to believe people and call in spots where i actually should fold. I still draw out from time to time, actaully masking up my mistakes, because 'i won the hand' eventually.
In the overall i'm a slightly losing player and still have to figure out a great deal of stuff.
Thanx 4 the feedback... I'll keep to that
Feb. 17, 2017 | 9:31 a.m.
Is it actually advised to play the micro's to build a solid foundation.
I mean, it's hard to make plays because people call pretty light even though i (think i) make the right plays.
And then i notice i shut down the next time, because i fear they will call, even though i know they are weak.
When is it advised to kick it up a notch...
I take the 2NL mirco serioulsy even though it's penny play...
I want to learn from my mistakes the cheap way :)
Feb. 16, 2017 | 6:20 p.m.
Well, for me this is what the question is about. I can bet out, give away my hand and have fold to any club, 4, 7, Q (if no gutter falls) If i can't get the odds to draw to a full house.
IMO the best play would be to go for a check/pot if someone would bet out.
But the it got checked around, club hit the turn, SB betted pot and i folded the hand. And this fold also is up for debate.
Feb. 13, 2017 | 6:30 p.m.
Thought was to check-raise here when someone bets.
Because betting out, getting called in 3 spots and a scare would give me a hard time on further streets.
Due to lack of redraws, i have been in this spot few times and don't really know how to handle this situation with little reads.
Table is rahter loose.
Feb. 13, 2017 | 10:04 a.m.
Hi guys,
Just came here to seriously start learning PLO cash...
I played NLHE a few years back, for fun, with not great success. A player who deposits in the community let's say.
I had some great sessions, but more by running hot than actually know how and what.
I had some spare time left and begone to study PLO:
Jeff Hwang: The Big play strategy (write stuff down, experimenting, read over and over, take notes, like school time)
Tri Nyugen: trans from NLHE to PLO (have read it a few times, only to find some contradictions to Jeff Hwang, so a little doubt is here)
To come: Jeff Hwang Advanced PLO volume 1+2
Are these good enough to start working on the game? I played about 20k hands on the smaller stakes (2 + 5 nl), but still i see myself playing marginal spots, going in way behind or as a small favorite. Tried a different approach, but then i caught myself playing less then 20% of my hands. Playing to passive, etc. I also tilt pretty easy and prob is my biggest leak in the game.
I just want to build a solid base on those books... So i'm looking for a kind of 'green light' to go ahead and put some serious time in those books.
Cheers Danny
2nd hand of the session... No reads on Villian.
March 28, 2017 | 8:54 p.m.