DanceOnGreen's avatar


0 points

Hi, I saw in the previous part that you use much bigger sizings than me. Do you think that SQ for 5x is more profitable than somewhere around 4.25x-4.5x with AA, KK? I know that we try to make as big pot preflop as we can with those hands, but we also scare off opponents with weaker hands that we want to play against, such as AQof, 99-JJ. What do you think?
Much love :)

July 5, 2017 | 6:59 p.m.

Hello, Nice video :)
I've got question according to 26:10 hand, AA don't you think that with such a strong hand SQ to around 6-6.75$ is better? I know that we are trying to increase value in those spots, but doesn't betting so big cause that opponents will fold hands that we want to play against?

July 4, 2017 | 12:50 p.m.

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