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27 points

After reading an article yesterday I saw how a professional poker would approach the AJ hand mentioned in my first post and how big of a fish I am at this stage of my poker journey . I just relied on instinct instead of knowing how my hand compared to my opponents range . So I put the hand into an equity calculator versus a range of AT+ and 99+ and got the result I was looking for of 40% based on the pot, my instincts were right but to improve as a poker player I must do more range analysis study .
I tried to do a similar analysis with the flush hand but not sure what range to give my opponent on the river .

Day four on Run It Once poker resulted in one significant hand where my QQ was up against KK, the flop had a queen and three spades and my opponent had the king of spades , so I was not confident and the king hit on the river . So these kind of hands do occur on every poker site .

June 20, 2019 | 11:27 a.m.

Post | CrazyFish posted in Chatter: Run It Once Poker Journal

This is my third day playing on Run It Once Poker during the 101 promotion week, would have like to have played more days, but had family commitments .

Run It Once Poker gave me ten euros to start with on their site , hopefully this journal will see my bankroll and the new poker site grow together .

The first day I lost a Splash Pot where I was ahead on the flop, but got outdrawn, the Splash Pots create a dynamic I have not come across before in online poker and it will be interesting how the strategy for Splash Pots developed .

The second day I clawed some of the losses back and did not go bust when my aces held all in against jacks .

Today the third day on Run It Once Poker where I had a boost , I managed to win a pot where I turned a fullhouse against a players trips , this clearly tilted them and a few hands later in a Splash Pot they 3bet all in over my raise , I thought I was ahead with AJ because of their tilt and was just versus AT and I won the Splash Pot .

Another interesting hand came up where I turned an eight high flush on the turn, I bet for value on the river and got check/raised, I was not sure what to do here, would anyone call another raise with a worse flush ?

I called and my opponent had raised with a broadway straight with the ace of hearts, should I have gone all in or not ?

Really enjoyed playing on Run It Once this week, hope the site goes from strength to strength .


June 17, 2019 | 9:25 p.m.

Today's email about earned confidence was really useful way of describing confidence .

April 22, 2019 | 6:28 p.m.

Fear of failure and energy levels are probably the reasons I am not putting in the proper volume Elliot .

April 20, 2019 | 6:22 p.m.

This is how my Six Levers of poker would line up with the weakest first, volume, stakes, skill, rake, edge and efficiency . Looking to keep improving .

April 20, 2019 | 9 a.m.

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