0 points
SB: $136.04
SB raises to $2, Hero calls $1
Nov. 26, 2013 | 6:04 p.m.
SB: $101.50
SB raises to $2.50, Hero raises to $10, SB calls $7.50
Nov. 15, 2013 | 9:51 p.m.
you are right that he probably barrel a Kh Qh Jh 9T ...etc himself. and he suck at valuebetting/raising, so it is highly probable that he have a nutty hand here. bet/fold turn is best i think now
thx marrek
Nov. 14, 2013 | 11:02 a.m.
so, if he do not bet KT there and do not have that many bluffcombos and have all the A-highs (like the others said) than it is probably not the best idea to bluffcath here.
a short calculation:
villians valuebetting range: AK AQ AJ AT 44 66 (probably more Ax) ==> 46 combos
potential bluffing hands ==> 20
you can see for a break even call he needs to bluff in nearly 100% of the time he or valuebet really thin.
once i check, i ch/f
Nov. 14, 2013 | 10:44 a.m.
hi gamblers,
im a HU-player and have hem2. The only thing i have done with this software was some simple sessionreviews (only looking at single hands). Now i want to dig a little bit deeper and anlyzing my opponents, especially such that play with me over and over again. I have never done any kind of analysis before. I do not know where to start, at which spots to look first an so on. Now i am searching for suggestions to do that. How can i figure it out where i lost money or where i can gain more? Does sb have experience in doing opponent-analysis?
thanks for tips/suggestions/thoughts
Nov. 12, 2013 | 5 p.m.
i do not think that he shove AdX for 140bb, thats an enormous overshove. but you are right he probably fold to such a big 3bet most of his draws
Nov. 4, 2013 | 12:50 p.m.
BB: $163.92
Hero raises to $3, BB calls $2
do you see an other way to play this hand? mabe other betsizes?
Villian is a stars nl100 hu reg, i do not know much about him, we played about 50-70 hands together.
I see a ch/r on this board from a standard regular like this:
AdX KdX 33 55 Q5s Q3s sometimes AQ KQ etc (but heavily discounted) and a few bluffs
i am not sure how i should play as stacks get deeper. vs a 3bet he continues probably only a flush (4bet) or a pretty strong darw like AdQo KdQo Ad2o Ad4o (call more than 4bet). i doubt that he shipps 33 55 there probably only call to hit a boat.
so the best option is to 3bet to charge his draws and sets. if he shoves he almost always has a flush there. but vs a flush i have 34% equity and with my 3betsize i have to call 95 to win 185 ---> 34%, hence its a break even call.
my questions are:
1) should i 3bet bigger for better odds on a call?
2) does sb see a bet/call as an option?
3) how shoud i change my plan when stacks are more than 140bb (i.e. 200bb)?
thx for help
Nov. 4, 2013 | 10:15 a.m.
"you should not be 3betting that many Ax preflop except for the strong
ones, and many of your strong ones should check this flop, so this turn
is not very good for your range"
this is a very good argument for betting the turn for value. if villian thinks hero has no Ax in this spot than he probably will call any Kx 6x 77 88 99 TT because heros turnbetting range in villians eyes is pretty polarized. And i disaggree that villian will float much Ax on this flop, mabe some AXcc or AXdd but thats it i think.
this combined with the read that he is loose and sticky it is a clear Turnvaluebet.
Nov. 2, 2013 | 9:08 a.m.
i am a hu-guy, and i would not call it in a hu match eom, where ranges much much wider than in 6max;)
Nov. 1, 2013 | 9:45 p.m.
"He is pretty aggressive and probably bluffing this river quite a bit"
thats not enough ;) he has to bluff the River very very often to make a call + EV
2nd, i do not see much busted hands in his hijack-range that cbet barrel and overbet the river
Nov. 1, 2013 | 5 p.m.
your range for betting the river is at least what you have. wether i bet or check depends on how the match is going and what villians thinks about me. with a solid image i probably ch/f because i see him checkback 6x 77 88 99 K8s etc and he should not have much pure air on the river. but overall i think betting is not that bad because many FDs SDs are busted, but it depends on how villian view such bricks. i prefer betting and figuring out.
Nov. 1, 2013 | 4:49 p.m.
is range for checking back on the flop is probably some weak-sd-value sth like A-high or 99 TT. i do not expect this hands to bet this turn, therfore i prefer bluffing.
if he calls the turn he has AT AJ most of the time i think some 99 TT JJ as well mabe some Q6s hands too.
so i bet an A-river pretty big (JJ Qx or worse fold not matter what betsize you choose)
i bet a 9-river pretty small so he can call with Ax TT JJ Qx
and probably bluffing a blank river about half pot to fold out some of his Ax 99 TT JJ
i know my betsize is not balanced but i think at this point there is no need for it.
Nov. 1, 2013 | 10:32 a.m.
BB: $192.23
Hero raises to $3, BB raises to $10, Hero calls $7
Nov. 1, 2013 | 9:10 a.m.
note, if you bet the river your range is very polarizied to 7x and bluffs and you have all the busted flushdraws in your turnbetting-range. i am not surprised if he call 45 or A6. i see herocalls on 4straight-boards all the time. maybe an overbet works but i am not sure.
Oct. 23, 2013 | 8:29 p.m.
hi at all,
why do you think that he cbets 22 33 44 5x 6x. he cbets only 56%, a good portion of his weak-sd-value-hands checkbehind on the flop imo. As a standard i would say his bet/call-range looks like Jx+, 77-TT A6 K6 Q6 J6 and Draws (78 34 47 gs). Most madehands of this range call the turn especially to a small bet, 34 78 fd may call as well.
on the river:
you bet --> 6x 77 88 34 are going to fold; trips, boats, 78 TT call/raise
you can see a bet do not make much sense, worse hands will fold, better hands will call/raise you
i assume most of his worse hands check behind on the river, and there a not many busted draws, therefore ich think ch/f is the best play
Nov. 29, 2013 | 12:33 p.m.