On the AA hand, why not just divide your range into pot sized shoves and checks? You'll maximize value with AJ, KK, QQ, you can trap AA, JJ, 88, and 55. You can jam KhQh, 9h10h and use these combos to fold out his better hearts and junk. You can add AhXh to your checking range to keep in any flush draws he opens with that you might have dominated and to keep some flushes in your range when it goes check check or check jam.
Then you can check jam at some frequency some AA, 88, 55, Ahxh, check fold some Ax offsuit, etc.
I understand we bet range on the flop so we arrive at the turn with our entire SB 3betting range, but reverting to a 40% pot bet seems a bit awkward because it lets the pressure off of our opponent, which is part of the point of employing the SB 3bet over a LP open in these tournies. Since the turn favors his range, it seems counter-intuitive to give him a free card or cheap card when he's usually got his fair share of equity when he's behind.
March 21, 2020 | 7:07 p.m.
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On the AA hand, why not just divide your range into pot sized shoves and checks? You'll maximize value with AJ, KK, QQ, you can trap AA, JJ, 88, and 55. You can jam KhQh, 9h10h and use these combos to fold out his better hearts and junk. You can add AhXh to your checking range to keep in any flush draws he opens with that you might have dominated and to keep some flushes in your range when it goes check check or check jam.
Then you can check jam at some frequency some AA, 88, 55, Ahxh, check fold some Ax offsuit, etc.
I understand we bet range on the flop so we arrive at the turn with our entire SB 3betting range, but reverting to a 40% pot bet seems a bit awkward because it lets the pressure off of our opponent, which is part of the point of employing the SB 3bet over a LP open in these tournies. Since the turn favors his range, it seems counter-intuitive to give him a free card or cheap card when he's usually got his fair share of equity when he's behind.
March 21, 2020 | 7:07 p.m.