pplayer 123
5 points
Ive posted this on 2+2+ aswell, and I just want some input and comments. That would be very appreciated. Since im about to take an decision about my future mttgrinding.
Fields are smaller, variance is less of a factor and the rythm off a normal life is perfect. Ive personally found it really nice. There is one factor tho; profit. Ive combined on sharkscope some of the best grinders "to year" profit and volume.
24k games avgprofit 2,41$ avg stake 23,29$ avg roi:11,7% and total profit 58k$.
Is there any good coming of putting all grinders together, the roi should be pretty close to eachother and this is about 1,5years grinding. Seems like it will be hard making a good living of it.
Avg profit on about the same players is about 8$ and an roi around 30%. What does this say?
June 14, 2015 | 10:13 p.m.
Thanks! I love you man.
Great video. Would been interesting tho to see how you proceed postflop on those spots where you f.e cr and also the k3 hand sb vs bb. Was hoping for you to get called in one of those.
April 22, 2015 | 9:56 p.m.