Daryl Kelly
0 points
also, i dont fault any of your plays i only play 100nl reg so you are on a different level than me i'm just giving my thoughts :)
July 16, 2013 | 12:27 a.m.
fair enough. i think your reasoning is good but on the other hand you can have many flushes in your range far more than him since you didnt 3bet from the sb, you can have allot of suited high broadway cards and allot of random connecting cards you think are profitable to call with, although thinking about it you dont have any high spade blockers in you're hand which sucks more, for example if you had aq with a of spades would you be calling?
July 16, 2013 | 12:26 a.m.
at 27.48 aq i think your fold on the river is bad you are giving op way to much to much credit and if you are calling the turn to fold any river is burning money, any thoughts?
July 15, 2013 | 10:48 p.m.
great video man, cant wait for another
is this a decent enough hud to use for plo?
Aug. 10, 2013 | 9:24 a.m.