0 points
Looks very nice :-)
Will there be a general auto-rebuy to 100bb? It looked to me like that because everybody in the video always had at least 100bb stacks but that is probably just the case for this test video.
Sept. 3, 2018 | 3:19 p.m.
Great video! I kinda was a little suprised about your c/f with the KJT6 on the 763ss against sauce. I understand the point that sauces range hit the board much better than yours but I was wondering what your bluffingrange you have there. It seems like you have a hand that can hit some turns pretty well and it feels like sauce it not raise a huge persentage of the time if your betting range is that tight there. Are you checking most of your good hands like overpairs with spades as well on this board and what would your flop bluffingrange be if you bet some good hands here as well?
Dec. 8, 2012 | 6:39 p.m.
All results loaded
This is very true.
I understand it might look weird for some beginners if they have to pay rake when they are not winning hands. But in the end it really would help the games, especially the lower buyin ones, if rake wasn't taken out of every winning pot. And this propably matters more for everyone than how the rake is taken out.
It might be better to try some type of time rake, where you pay once when you sit in and then every two rounds or something like that. The overall price is really good, the way it's done just could be better.
Feb. 8, 2019 | 2:21 p.m.