8 points
Good fold. You will be far better off just folding every time in these spots in micros and giving them credit. The only people I really call in this spot are good regs or extremely loose aggro players and both those player types are very few and far in between.
Dec. 31, 2018 | 7:47 p.m.
SB: $101.50
BB: $89.67
UTG: $224.43
MP: $231.40
CO: $487.14
MP lost and shows three of a kind, Tens.
BN wins $212.50
Rake is $2.50
Dec. 31, 2018 | 8:35 a.m.
SB: $35.39
BB: $177.05
UTG: $173.78
MP: $114.93
CO: $110.18 (Hero)
Rake is $1.28
Dec. 31, 2018 | 8:24 a.m.
Just checked a variance calculator and the chances of this happening with a winrate of 18bb/100 over 35k hands is less than 0.5%. But hey it's not statistically the worst I could lose over that many hands, could've got -4 buy-ins. Lol I feel like buying a lotto ticket now.
Dec. 28, 2018 | 8:55 a.m.
PLO100 graph since I've started, made 64 buy-ins with EV of 34 buy-ins first 25k hands, since then I'm down 1 buy in with an EV of 54 buy-ins
Dec. 28, 2018 | 8:48 a.m.
I like it, thanks for the help :)
Dec. 27, 2018 | 4:03 a.m.
Yeah nvm easy fold
Dec. 26, 2018 | 10:49 a.m.
SB: $85.81
BB: $142.40
UTG: $81.24
MP: $100.00
CO: $100.96
Rake is $0.35
Dec. 26, 2018 | 8:06 a.m.
Oh wow for some reason I thought it was PLO25 woops lol
Dec. 24, 2018 | 2:24 a.m.
Very constructive answer lmao...
If it were 100bb+ it would be kind of gross but given how short he is you can't fold here. He's ripping a lot of pair+flush draw or straight draw combos most of which you dominate. Even against sets you have more than 30% equity, the only hand that dominates you (AAxxss) shouldn't even be in his range he should be 3betting pre.
Dec. 23, 2018 | 9:52 a.m.
Highly recommend Nick Johnson's series on transitioning from NLHE to PLO
Dec. 23, 2018 | 7:53 a.m.
Hey it works at micro's as well you just have to size up on turn and river. Small size on the turn doesn't accomplish much, you don't apply pressure with your bluffs and you lose value on your value bets. You will find you get a lot of folds like this because they are floating flop with such weak ranges. Just don't run very many 0 equity bluffs, make sure you have at least a gutter or overs when you are barreling.
Dec. 2, 2018 | 3:27 a.m.
Open spots still?
Sept. 25, 2018 | 5:13 a.m.
Back in July after not playing for a couple years I wanted to get back into it and was basically breaking even at NL10. Halfway through July I joined RIO and haven't looked back. Started with a $50 bankroll playing NL5 zoom and aggressively took shots, dropping back down when necessary. Currently grinding NL100 zoom with a bankroll of $3147. Feels good to finally climb out of micros :)
Very thankful for the content you guys put out, been a member of like 4 other training sites and nothing comes close to you guys. Special thanks to Peter Clarke, Paul Atwal, Iain Salter and Dekkers for their amazing Zoom content. Peters 3Betting theory videos are hands down the most win-rate increasing videos I've ever watched. Thanks guys!
Sept. 9, 2018 | 10:14 p.m.
SB: $61.84
BB: $94.53
UTG: $99.44 (Hero)
MP: $70.85
CO: $21.34
Rake is $1.83
Sept. 5, 2018 | 10:48 p.m.
SB: $54.84
BB: $64.81
UTG: $86.73
MP: $75.20
CO: $70.21
Rake is $0.48
Sept. 5, 2018 | 12:58 a.m.
Also if I upgrade will it just make me pay the difference or charge me the full $100 and have my billing date change?
Aug. 28, 2018 | 12:20 a.m.
Looking for some opinions on whether or not I should upgrade to Elite membership. I've had Essential for the last couple months and went from NL10 to NL50 zoom and feel like I've exhausted most of the videos/material. Can I apply the concepts to my stakes easily? Or should I just grind it out a little more until I get to NL100? Currently roll is at $1650
Aug. 27, 2018 | 11:45 p.m.
I'm also interested skype is tyler.mclean@live.ca. Playing NL16/25 right now.
July 29, 2018 | 4:02 a.m.
SB: $18.34
BB: $25.59
UTG: $24.70
MP: $29.22
CO: $55.28 (Hero)
CO lost and shows three of a kind, Fours.
BN wins $31.79
Rake is $1.50
July 29, 2018 | 3:56 a.m.
SB: $79.58
BB: $52.45
UTG: $25.00
MP: $69.25 (Hero)
CO: $66.66
Rake is $1.49
Solver has it as bottom of range for RFI. The only worse hand being opened is KJ54ss, but it has KJ64ss as a fold. It starts opening when the bottom two cards are gapped at KJ75ss and folding vs 3bet, only calling if the bottom two cards are connected or once we get to KJ97ss. This is considering micro stakes rake. Also if it's not K high suit then it's a fold.
But if you are new to PLO you will be more prone to post flop mistakes so you could toss it until you are more comfortable with your game.
Dec. 31, 2018 | 7:56 p.m.