ChooChooTrain's avatar


1 points

I am currently on a vacation trip. I will be back on Friday. Cant send PMs from my phone, dont know why :( I'm gonna add you when I'm back at home.

Feb. 11, 2014 | 4:37 a.m.

The reason "why you would check/fold a full house" is because it's the worst possible full house and villain will most likely check his overpair, straight or tripps behind. I'd only bet a medium sized bet if villain is a total fish and able to call with his straight. 

Feb. 10, 2014 | 3:28 p.m.

I don't like the river shove tbh. Given the action on flop/turn/river you _allways_ have a full house when shoving the river. So your range is pretty face up 55/66/22/76 which allows him to play perfectly against it (fold weaker hands like 34,78 and call with better full houses) and you are at the bottom of your range (worst full house). I can't see him hero calling with 34 or 78 here. 

So river is either a check/fold or something like 1/5 pot blocking bet/fold as he will never ever push the river with worse hands like 34 or 78.

Feb. 10, 2014 | 12:56 p.m.

@NoHubirs: Have you tried Equilab so far? It's basically comparable to pokerstove with a couple of extra features. It's for free and you can download it here:


@Topic: I think it's a close fold if villain is a reg. You are totally crushed by his value range QQ/KK/AA/77/KQs and some random flushes like JhTh etc. and overall there are not enough AhX combinations to justify a call. I don't think that he is bluffing with air in this spot and I also don't think that he shoves AK here. Equilab agrees on folding. Your perceived range looks really strong like AK/KK/AA/QQ when you bet the turn and he nevertheless decides to push - your are beat :(

Feb. 10, 2014 | 10:35 a.m.

Hey guys, I made the experience that huge donkbets (nearly potsize) on the lower stakes at the river are allways almost nuts. Given his relatively strong oop 3Bet range we are beating nearly nothing on this board and I don't really see bluffing hands here.

We are losing against almost his complete value range like AA/KK/JJ/TT/AQ.

Let's take a look at the busted flushdraw combinations he might bluff here: KQ, AK, AQ and sometimes 67, 89, A3, A4, A5. As you can see we are only ahead against the rare combinations of suited connectors and small aces, but we also lose against his standard range KQ,AK,AQ here.  

I really don't see much hands we are winning against and I don't see him bluffing here. Keep in mind that the board is pretty scary and hits our perceived range pretty good. We could hold a ton of valuehands (sets, straigts, 2 pair) here which would call the river. So it's a pretty bad spot for him to bluff.

Feb. 10, 2014 | 6:52 a.m.

Hey guys, I might be interested as well. I switched from Fullring NL50/NL100 to 6max a couple of days ago. I started playing NL50 6max but I am considering moving down to NL25 to get used to the action without burning a ton of money ;) Not sure though.

Located in EU CET too.

Feb. 10, 2014 | 2:54 a.m.

Hey guys, thanks a lot for your responses!

Yeah, preflop should be a little bit bigger, I agree. I also like the idea of check/calling the turn at first glance, but I definitely have to think it through tomorrow when I am not as tired as now.   

Feb. 10, 2014 | 2:43 a.m.

First of all I think you should reduce your Cbet size at the flop to half pot because his play on this board should be somewhat inelastic.

As played I would fold at the flop because he could hold the nuts (22, tricky played AA/KK) and especially because 55 is the wrong part of our range to bluff catch here. You will nearly allways see overcards on turn and river an his total air bluffs could improve to a pair beating your 55. If you decide to bluff catch here you should continue TT+ and Ax/Kx.  

Your comment on the river is weird: Your reason to continue 55 on flop/turn is because you want to bluff catch and on the river you change your decision because your hand is too weak to bluffcatch?!

I don't like your play overall. Try to focus on "straight forward value poker" at the micro stakes and try to avoid these high variance spots based on weak reads. You have invested only 8bb before his raise on the flop and you decide to put your whole stack at risk based on weak reads and with the wrong part of your range. 

Sorry for my bad english but I think you will understand what I was trying to say.

Feb. 9, 2014 | 9:01 p.m.

Hand History | ChooChooTrain posted in NLHE: NL50 SH - AA in 3Bet Pot vs Turnraise
CO: $62.33
BN: $20
SB: $69.44
BB: $87.05 (Hero)
HJ: $50
No information on the villain, but he seems to be somewhat regular-ish.
Preflop ($0.75) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt A A
HJ folds, CO raises to $1.50, BN folds, SB folds, Hero raises to $4.50, CO calls $3
Standard play I think.
Flop ($9.75) T T J (2 Players)
Hero bets $4, CO calls $4
Cbet should be pretty standard.

I'm really not sure about the sizing to be honest. I made it less than half pot because

- it's big enough to fold 22-99
- I am no huge (equity) favorite against strong combo draws, so I don't wanna build up a huge pot out of position
- the board somewhat hits his range well
Turn ($17.75) T T J 7 (2 Players)
Hero bets $9, CO raises to $21, Hero calls $12
I decided to fire a 2nd barrel because the turn blanked and I want some value from his draws and QQ/KK. What do you think about the sizing?

His raise really puts me in a tough spot here and I really thought about folding. At the end I decided to call because AA is top of my range in this spot and he definitely could hold some combo draws which he raises to gain some fold equity.
River ($59.75) T T J 7 5 (2 Players)
Hero checks, CO bets $32.83, and is all in, Hero folds
Polarized between nuts or nothing (busted draws).

I decided to fold here because I don't think he has the balls to shove his busted draws after I called the raise on the turn and could easily bluff catch with KK/AA. But on the other hand he probably should shove his busted draws here.
Final Pot
CO wins $56.75

Feb. 9, 2014 | 7:48 p.m.

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