Francisco Dias's avatar

Francisco Dias

5 points

@15:51 You say you wouldn't mind 3betting with QTs there. Could you give an argument to like 3betting there with a hand that you'd have to fold to a 4bet?

@34:02 Why do you say you would check back an A there?

Thank you

Aug. 11, 2014 | 9:48 p.m.

You're welcome. I'll keep following you here, you're a reference.

Thank you and good luck for the next scoop.

Aug. 11, 2014 | 3:58 p.m.

Thank you for the quick answer, Grayson.

What are your thoughts behind defending your J8s rather than shoving? You still have ~20bbs and the hands plays well post flop?

Btw, nice score on the wcoop, you deserved it. Ty.

Aug. 11, 2014 | 3:46 p.m.

Hi, Nick, started to see this serie and im enjoying your thought process, i think you explain all your movements very well, so thank you in advance.

Just have a few (noobish) questions though, if you don't mind to help me:

I remember one hand where utg opens and you make a tiny 3bet (i guess it was tiny, i mean, for me it was tiny) to ~2x his open. Why so small? Why not 2.5x? Is that to give the utg opener to call you with worse hands when you have KK-AA? Even though there are regs who open a somehow quite range utg, it doesn't happen quite often. In that case, i believe you had QTo. Whit these kind of hands (QTo in this case), shouldn't we be 3betting 2.5x once these are hands we don't wanna call, so we 3bet them to fold to a 4bet?

I might be missing something, but to summarize, my doubt resumes to this: why making a 2x 3bet with hands we will fold to a 4bet and not a standard (i believe it's standard) 2.5x? You make 2x to make it cheaper for you (once you are folding to a 4bet with those hands), once you believe the result is the same with 2x or 2.5x? Aren't we giving a good price to the utg opener to call our 3bet by 3betting small? Once QTo is not a good hand to flat, shouldn't we 3bet big?

Im trying to improve my 3bet sizing and im counting on you to help me.

Thank you, you're just great.


Aug. 10, 2014 | 8:08 p.m.

Hi Grayson, really enjoying the series, just a few questions:

06:05 Why is the turn (3) a great card for you?

11:36 Why do you say Keyser's 3bet to 29655 is pretty big? Isn't the 3bet size a standard one?

40:53 You say your A3 would have been a fold because of the sizing of his 3bet. What makes you think his sizing looked strong? What would you think if his 3bet was something around 24-25k? Kinda noob question, but i really want understand bet sizings, if you could help me.


Aug. 7, 2014 | 9:44 p.m.

Hey, Grayson, nice vid as always, just a few questions:

05:35 Could an argument be made to check back flop?

30:19 Would you consider ship your J8s there after the open from the btn?

Thank you.


Aug. 6, 2014 | 6:47 p.m.

Hi Grayson

42:20 - Why do you think it is fine to make a cbet in that spot with 66? Which range do you give to jpa so that a cbet becomes reasonable to make?

Thank you

Aug. 3, 2014 | 12:59 a.m.

Gray, im new here and my doubts may seem weird to you, but im here to learn, so imma post them and hope you can help me

03:30 Why shouldn't we flat anything (only AA and KK in trap)? Foutight leaves 40bbs behind, isn't it a reasonable stack to Monk only push or fold?

09:50 Why is that a good spot to 3bet?

30:10 Why is Ricar not flatting pairs (you say that if he is a good mtt player, he won't flat)? Or are you referring to calling the wemax 3bet?

1:00:47 You say Abziikzn should not flat to set mine because he is not deep enough. However, once they (abziikzn and heibtercamp) hit the flop, heib still has 32bbs behind. Isn't it enough so that abz can play to set mine?

Thank you in advance, you're just great.


July 28, 2014 | 6:04 p.m.

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