CherryWaves's avatar


56 points

Hi nice video! Would love to see 8 tables if you could make it work! Even 6 tables the action can go dry for a while.

12:18 - K4s - what rivers would we be turning our hand into a bluff on? Ace rivers maybe? You mention you like his line. Do you like his check OTT? He blocks our AQ/AK auto-folds so should he not continue to barrel?

38:55 - you talk about your strategy with AK vs this tight villain. Am I correct in saying that the hand sample on villain is 19 hands? If so, do you really think this is enough hands to make a deviation in your play? I usually complete ignore stats unless there is at least 50 hands on villain.

Sept. 28, 2018 | 12:56 p.m.

Hi Daniel. Great video exploring exploits.

I have a concern about implementing these kinds of exploits on future streets. We can see in the JJ hand at the end of the video that PIO prefers raising this K high board with a majority of its range OTF once we node-lock the option to for OOP to 3-bet. I feel this can get very difficult to actually continuing this exploit on the turn and river. Once we raise this flop and get called, there will be many runouts where I feel I won't have a strong grasp of our opponents range, or even how are range should look on future streets. (what cards to barrel, bluff OTR after it goes check-check OTT,etc). Since it is such an unfamiliar line for us to conceive our range-on-range interaction, I don't think this necessarily means we have found a good exploit OTF without being able to play a sound turn and river play with an appropriate range. What do you think?

Again, a great video! I have learned so much from these recent exploit videos! Thanks Daniel!


Sept. 18, 2018 | 10:01 p.m.

Hi Chris,nice to see the live play videos back :D My personal favourite. I have a few questions.

1:30 - QTs - are the best 3-barrels on this particular river QT/QJ/JT without a diamond?

8.24: ATo - what are some of your bluff 3 bets in this spot? Should we be 3-betting some 54s/87s suited connector type hands and do hands like 63s/32s/73s get into our 3 bet range at some frequency?

20:18 - 75o - as villain I find it quite difficult to come up with natural bluffs here. Most of the hands that are obvious bluffs on the turn don't usually bet the flop.

28:20 - 44 - isn't this a check back in theory? I know your hand values protection alot more than 88+ but vs a regular in the BB who will c/r alot on this kind of board, do we not want to check back. Is there an argument to cbet alot wider here because the average reg will not check-raise as much as they should and therefore the cbet is the best option.?


Sept. 14, 2018 | 11:38 p.m.

Hi Chris,
19:50 - KK hand. What are some of your other bluff 3 bets from the BB at this stack depth? Are you 3betting some suited broadways and/or low suited connectors?

Aug. 26, 2018 | 9:54 a.m.

Hi Chris.

19:30 - for OOP, how are you constructing your bluff range? You say 109 is your main c/r candidate. What hands are your straight up bets that are bluffs on the river? Would hands like AQ/AJ make it into our betting range or c/r range?

June 24, 2018 | 10:57 a.m.

Hi Daniel. Loved the video. Really like the format of seeing cards at a FT. I personally prefer alot of spots to be discussed in 1 video. I have some questions.

16.15 - you say bit2easy should be sizing up flop to play a 2-street game. Besides overpairs here, what are some of the bluffs on the flop? Do hands like KdTd,QdJd, KsQx make sense for this size too?

17:10 - what do you think about calling 97 on the flop here vs the 30% sizing? Seems a bit weak to fold 2-overs & BDFD & BDSD even though he is up against a chip leader.

31:18 - what do you think of BB's check-shove OTT. What hands would you make this play with?

May 18, 2018 | 10:19 p.m.

30 mins - what are your bluffs on the river here? JTo seems obvious but blocks alot of his bluffs.

May 11, 2018 | 11:14 a.m.

Comment | CherryWaves commented on Sunday $500 MTT

2:20, is this not a good spot to raise sometimes? You block his overpairs. I would have thought raising all 44 and 88 and some QJs or KQs would be good. Especially vs the 1/3 sizing.

April 22, 2018 | 1:20 a.m.

Hi Chris,

2:28 - what are you bluff c/r in this spot?

2:52 - what type of hands are you 3 bet bluffing from the BB here?

March 31, 2018 | 8:27 p.m.

@chasebianchi Think I have to agree. Great video for sure but personally I have alot of spots where I'm unsure of bluffing ranges on river.

Nov. 24, 2017 | 10:34 p.m.

13:37 - what do you think about c/r this flop with AKdd?

14:35 - 54o - thoughts on c/r flop with bottom pair vs the 1/3rd?

41:30 - ATo - what hands do you like to squeeze in this spot? Are ATo/KJo good candidates?

Appreciate your insight, cheers!

Sept. 24, 2017 | 1 a.m.

This is really touches on becoming more self-aware. It's such an important quality for poker life. Great video, thank you.

Sept. 7, 2017 | 3:35 p.m.

Hi Apotheosis, another great video thank you for that. And LOL at the phantom position for full ring, so true.

At 27:40 with the A9s - on the turn are you ever checking a 7x after you raise the flop cbet? And if so what would be the best 7x in your opinion to slow down after a c/r on the flop.

Do you think it's important to construct a range where you are check raising on the flop, check-check on turn & then bet on the river?

32:55 KQo - do you not think that villain should be c/r this at some frequency on the flop? Also on the turn seems like alot better card for your range as you are cbetting 100% there and he isn't check-raising any Tx.

AT 35:20 - with the KK contemplating the river bet, i get confused in these spots. Is having the Kd here a good or bad blocker? Blocking turn and river bluffs but also block the nuts.



Sept. 5, 2017 | 12:50 a.m.

Personally I prefer the live play, good to hear insights as he is playing.

Aug. 29, 2017 | 4:31 p.m.

25:00 - what is your reasoning for checking flop with KK?
26:50 - what is your opinion on raising 2.5x or bigger on btn with QJo when there is a sub 10BB stack in BB? Seems to me the MR lets him see way too many flops with a tiny SPR, letting him profit.

BTW love the phrase pseudo nuts, haha never heard that before! Thanks chris!

Aug. 27, 2017 | 2:20 p.m.

at 13.30 with J2dd what would your bluffs on the river be? Are you giving up because you block all his FD auto folds? Thanks!

Aug. 27, 2017 | 12:53 p.m.

Hi jason, great video. I have a q about the last hand. 40:21 - does it not benefit some parts of our range to have a jamming range on the turn? If you did raise Ah on the flop is it not alot better to jam for max fold equity? You can also have some Tx or 5x without a heart. Thanks

Aug. 12, 2017 | 3:14 p.m.

32:42 ; what are your bluff jams on this river? Would something like a T7 that blocks T9/97 here be good?

Aug. 11, 2017 | 3:49 p.m.

at 28.18 : what are your 3 barrel bluffs here? Are hands like JT/AJ without heart top of your list? Would you be jamming river with Ah8h or Th9h here? Thanks Chris!!

Aug. 11, 2017 | 3:26 p.m.

Hey nice video, at 4:25 what are your bluffs in his shoes on the turn? The obvious ones like FDs but what other hands would you pick? Thanks!

July 27, 2017 | 12:27 p.m.

5:20 - do you have a polarized raising range here or are you limping everything?

July 22, 2017 | 3:40 p.m.

Hi Daniel loved the video, have a question that I hope isn't too off topic but something you said made me wonder. Do you think that the population of MTT regs are not check raising cbets nearly as often as they should and therefore a counter exploit is to be c-betting more than PIO suggests? Cheers.

July 3, 2017 | 10:02 p.m.

Love the video Sam, don't worry about just 1-tabling when you're playing for such high stakes. Don't put so much pressure on it, great content as always and good to know high stakes regs get nervous too.

0:45 - T9o - what do you think about limping here as opposed to jamming bvb? Definitely a +EV spot to shove but would you try to limp vs weaker opponents and reduce variance or just straight up pressure with 2 tables left?

11:30 - can you elaborate why the raise-call is a bad option with AKs here? Does the ICM of the situation dictate that you should just be open shoving?

14:30 - AJo - do you not prefer to 3x and call shove here bvb since you will be opening so wide?

34:53 - what do you think about 4 bet jamming AQo here vs Doug? I think vs the population it is always better to flat but doug is very wide with 3bets at FT even with middle stacks. It seems slightly better to me than playing OOP here vs this villain.


July 2, 2017 | 1:48 p.m.

26:30 - AKs - is this not a board where it is better to bet more than 1/3 and closer to 1/2 pot. It also is nice to be able to have a SPR of 1 for turn jam.

June 27, 2017 | 5:23 p.m.

2:45 - would it not be better to bet turn with K9 here for value/protection. You should have alot of semi bluffs on turn so I think this can go into your value?

17:12 - 105o - is this a good candidate for raising over the limp bvb? I know you said you should go after him on the bubble, but earlier in the tournament would you raise here? What are your bluffs preflop here? low suited cards like 32s-92s,etc & some 84o,95o type hands too?

31:00 - you talk about Philborts 3bet shove as apposed to 3bet folding. Does this play by philbort not assume that villain will be playing with a decent concern for ICM? I think AKo is actually a fold there vs a reasonable shoving range. In general I would think that you have to be careful applying too much pressure vs the kind of regs who are just like 'fuck it, I know this is an ICM fold but I'm not folding AKo'. what do you think? :)

K7 hand at the end - is this not a spot where you need to bluff? You are at bottom of your range completely, and have KD to go with it?

Loved the video man, thanks for some consistent amazing content!!


May 27, 2017 | 4:04 p.m.

Absolutely loved this series!! Thanks for great content and congrats on a sick scoop for you :) would love a FT review like these ones from them in the future!

May 20, 2017 | 4 p.m.

At 42:57 with J2s, what do you think of betting turn for value/protection? give alot of equity to any diamond or overs there.

May 18, 2017 | 4:04 p.m.

At 10:15 the K3s hand - what do you think of his line there, are you checking turn or jamming in his shoes?

May 7, 2017 | 10:12 a.m.

At 8:14, what would you be doing with AK here vs the 3bet, would you prefer to just 4bet shove as apposed to 4bet-call, because of the ICM.

Also in his shoes, after he 3-bets AK and you 4-bet rip? Is AK just too high up in your range or are you making a very strict ICM fold?

Thanks alot, love these reviews of final tables.

May 7, 2017 | 10:07 a.m.

Comment | CherryWaves commented on Leading Turns

Great video, kind of funny, just discovered this myself about a week ago

May 5, 2017 | 1:20 p.m.

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