6 points
Great video - a good refresher of some things I need to keep a mind of in-game.
Dec. 6, 2021 | 7:16 p.m.
Hey Owen, as someone who plays in these games this was a good watch. Confirmed some of the stuff I was already doing but gave me a few pointers too, e.g. my sizing multi-way is too small with my strong, vulnerable hands. Cheers!
Dec. 6, 2021 | 5:30 p.m.
Hi Ryan, thanks so much for this video - Trying to get my head around ICM as I'm aware I'm making some terrible mistakes atm and this vid was a perfect place to start. Really enjoyed the concepts of ICM priority and Equity protection - Gonna help my game a lot I feel. Cheers :+)
Feb. 18, 2019 | 10:52 p.m.
Hi belrio42,
I have a general approach to these spots where players rip in a ridiculous amount of chips - which is that I'm calling with 1010+ AK - mainly because I view my opponent's range to look something like 88-QQ, AQo, AQs which we're doing well against (obv some can be wider but this is my go-to readless assumption from experience and reasoning).
My other thoughts when approaching these spots are whether we have any reads like the one you do here - Imo, these reads are very reliable and players will often be consistent with the hands they choose to do this with. For example - if we call and see AA here, this is super noteworthy and we can change our approach accordingly.
Feb. 18, 2019 | 8:42 p.m.
Hi magik244,
Generally, I would approach this hand in 2 different ways: If this was the first time I'd seen this line from this player and didn't know if he was a reg or not - I would be giving a lot of credit and folding a lot of turns with top pair type hands cos some players just aren't capable of running bluffs like this and vs. regs I'd be looking at where abouts my hand strength fell into my range and planning my approach from there. But you do have some info.
For me, this is all a question about aggression - I think vs a reg, we are just comfortably calling down here. But vs. a relatively unknown player, I'd be looking for any kind of info. I could find such as aggression to find out whether we thought this player was capable and if we don't know then I just think it's a but dangerous to assume he is - I just think we get shown Q2s, Q7o, Q7s, 22 and 77.
With the info. you have posted - I call flop, call turn and feel sick on the river tbh - I feel it's very close...
Did you have aggression stats on villain magik? Cos this is the main thing that sways it for me.
Feb. 18, 2019 | 8:27 p.m.
Hello again guys, starting to get this set up now - if you'd like to join, pm me and I'll give you my skype email.
Aug. 13, 2018 | 3 p.m.
Hey Hype Beast,
Currently looking for exactly the same thing - skype would be perfect for me. Happy to start straight away, then hopefully get some more people involved.
Lemme know
Thank you Owen. This is an area of my game where I have been playing very 'by the book.' I needed this!
Dec. 6, 2021 | 8:08 p.m.