CelticOnyx's avatar


35 points

Comment | CelticOnyx commented on $55 Mini Bounty PKO

Great video and straight to the point analysis (reality). And goes out with AA in a sick spot but is totally matter of fact about it. Brilliant!

Jan. 18, 2024 | 10:41 p.m.

Good video. I really enjoyed your in-depth explanations. Loved it!!!

May 15, 2020 | 4:15 p.m.

Great review. I absolutely loved it. Definitely made me realise I need tobreturn to these stakes and enjoy playing again with less stress.

Your "fxxk ICM" comment when Pointerino seemed to be getting out of line when holding AT suited was brilliant as I genuinely thought exactly that whilst watching.

Straight talking review and even your critical points were explained in a very encouraging fashion.

Will be following all your reveiws from now on.

May 7, 2020 | 7:19 a.m.

Fantastic video! The break down of your thought process and assessing villains ranges is excellent. Really got me evaluating some of my hands this afternoon from the past 2 weeks sessions.

April 17, 2020 | 4:47 p.m.

Personally I like the "idea"of anonymous online poker, but I do feel after a while it could be come a little boring/sterile. When playing live, I always look for the table that is not only loose but also full of banter. I am also looking for familiar faces etc. I think many recreational players do the same both live and online.

I love the fact that the site is purposely not supported by any HUD software. In fact, my main site I play at now is exactly the same in that respect but there is also no chat facility which I think is terrible. I love the banter (both good and bad) at the tables and I think (in my opinion) that stripping too much away is like trying to watch a decent sports game with the volume turned down and no crowd interaction. Enjoyable for some, but just not the same for many others.

April 13, 2019 | 3:27 p.m.

Comment | CelticOnyx commented on Impactful Studying

Really good video. Really easy to forget about studying specifically to your own area of play, either as a early bird or night owl etc. You have given me plenty to
think about in such a short video. Thank you.

Aug. 9, 2018 | 8:12 a.m.

After taking a break from MTT and poker in general due to much of what you touched on in this video (boredom, Iack of studying, ego, etc). This has been a really big eye opener for me. The fixed v growth section really hit me in the face like a sledge hammer. Looking forward to getting through the rest of your videos. Thank you!!!!

July 9, 2018 | 9:52 p.m.

Excellent video and a bit of a "eureka!" moment for me. Thank you.

Aug. 13, 2017 | 8:56 p.m.

Excellent vid, your explanation of why 5 bet shoving AK at a final table can be a ICM disaster gave me some nasty ft flash backs of my own. It certainly solidfys the fact that in that kind of spot AK can be released and not dwelled upon. Loved it!

Sept. 3, 2014 | 8:43 p.m.

Fantastic Video! Having suffered a 3000 game down swing (which is still continuing) this really brought home how much variance impacts your results. Its something that mentally I have tried to digest but I still cant help but doubt my ability when things are not running well. This has really helped me clarify things in my own mind. Thank you!!!!!!

June 13, 2014 | 9:55 a.m.

I like your thought process here. I would say its fair to think that BRM can affect how someone plays when entering a higher than normal stake MTT. Would it also be fair to say that some players open up their range when they have qualified to a $250 MTT via $5 Sat?  I have been in many MTT's where I have sharkscoped aggro players ripping up the table and noticed they have qualified via a Sat. But I have noticed other qualified p[layers who are playing overly tight and being exploited.

I always take this into factor when playing a high stake MTT so I can adjust my play accordingly.

You are correct by saying that letting BRM should not affect how you play but surely it is only natural for some micro/low stakes players to be fearful of losing in a high MTT. And that underlying fear could certainly be related to BRM.

March 24, 2014 | 10:42 a.m.

The things I will be considering at this point are:

1: How active has he been throughout the tournament?

2: Has he been strong in his showdowns when the pre flop aggressor?

3: What is your own table image at this point? (LAG? TAG? Passive? ABC Player?)

4: What stack sizes are the SB and BB? (If they are medium then he's likely to steal with a wider range. Attacking the blinds when they are big or short with a marginal hand is unlikely as he could be forced with a re-steal from a big stack or shove from a short stack). I would expect him to be evaluating this before making his play. So if the SB/BB are short or big I would be narrowing his range down.

5: What likely steal hands are you dominating?

6: What hands have you in trouble?

7: What hands are you flipping against?

Your KT is not suited which is also a factor for me as it gives you less probability of running out a flush.

I would be thinking "ok it's the bubble, can I wait a little bit longer for a better spot to shove?".


Feb. 14, 2014 | 10:32 a.m.

Nothing wrong with your play in my opinion. Once the diamond hits the turn you are in a uncomfortable spot. If you bet here he/she could simply fold or get creative and re-raise which would be absolutely ugly for you. Keeping the pot small is essential here. Which is what you did and that is good.

I might have been inclined to float a bet on the river for both value and to try and protect my image. 43 is not a hand I want players at my table see me calling and playing conservatively post flop when it goes a little pear-shaped. It will stay in there minds and might affect later decisions (in their favour) if a similar spot arises later in the game.

Feb. 5, 2014 | 7:38 a.m.

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