118 points
Hi Luke, around the 20:00 mark top left - x down pot with KQo three way, what do you think about having an OB size on this river multiway? Would it be reasonable to have a Block and B120 split instead of your Block and B70 choice?
Many thanks
Aug. 2, 2024 | 9:12 p.m.
Really interesting Thanks
June 25, 2024 | 12:21 p.m.
First time I’ve heard a line being described as super chill (31 mins) hahah
Appreciate the recent emphasis on live poker. It helps us bridge the gap between this and the more theory oriented online cash games you play. Please keep making stars videos also though. Those are very insightful too
June 19, 2024 | 6:04 a.m.
Great video
June 5, 2024 | 3:19 a.m.
Great vid
April 15, 2024 | 5:19 p.m.
I guess my question is more relevant to zone and not reg tables
March 13, 2024 | 2:25 a.m.
Nice video, thank you. Is there any merit in not randomising decisions when playing in an anonymous pool and just taking whichever action we think has marginally slightly more EV or is that fishy logic? (Assuming we have ~100bb and not a recognisable chipstack)
March 13, 2024 | 2:24 a.m.
Excellent, thank you
March 1, 2024 | 5:10 p.m.
Very nice vid. Interesting spot at 24:00 with the AAK2. I find that in practice CO (the sandwiched player) does not fold as much as they should so that when BU jams I am unsure about what to do. What would you do with your hand if the BU rec had jammed? Do we have to massively tighten up here now also given CO uncapped range or do we just go with it given overpair, gut shot and NFD blocker?
Many thanks
Feb. 29, 2024 | 1:11 p.m.
That makes sense, I understand.
Separately, out of curiosity, why spend mental energy and increase variance battling regs like Owen? It seems strange to me (not suggesting he has an edge on you btw, it just doesn’t seem like the best use of time). Is it for training or ego or for EV?
I saw he said on the mechanics of poker pod that he wants to battle anyone even if he might be losing in the match up. That also seems absurd to me.
I would imagine given you only play a few hours a week there are games that give a better hourly, even if it means playing lower or different sites etc?
Feb. 29, 2024 | 2:18 a.m.
An invaluable video. Appreciate it.
It would be great also to see some technical discussion of HUD stats and how they can inform play. It is something I mention every few months because it is the only thing RiO is missing.
I think out of all the content creators on Run It Once, your emphasis on technical content means you might be best placed to do this. Of course I could be wrong and maybe since you play on GG you do not even use one. Nevertheless, I am sure you know how to make use of one in an efficient way.
Many thanks
Feb. 28, 2024 | 10:35 a.m.
Thank you
Feb. 28, 2024 | 2:12 a.m.
Apologies I just realised I said “at these stakes”. I was thinking of 1k, not 5k
Feb. 27, 2024 | 12:47 p.m.
Great video, nice to see your perspective on regs from a different site also. Very informative.
I see that you play on both Stars and GG.. Curious to hear your thoughts on whether at these stakes it is viable to split volume more evenly, say 50/50 or even 33/33/33 across platforms or whether this hurts our win rate too much when sites such as stars (and others such as ACR) now reward high volume disproportionately. Or do you still mostly battle stars and just occasionally hop in a good, bigger GG game?
I guess it depends to some extent on how much volume someone puts in every month.
Many thanks
Feb. 27, 2024 | 11:26 a.m.
Great vid! More like this please
Feb. 20, 2024 | 7:16 p.m.
Great video, thanks for the insights
Feb. 13, 2024 | 5:19 p.m.
Fantastic video
Feb. 12, 2024 | 3:37 a.m.
Many thanks, great video.
7:30 96s is an interesting decision whether to flat or raise v the flop stab. I am never sure how to play those spots.
I had seen some multiway sims that have no raising range because original pfr is uncapped. Those might have been slightly different situations though.
It looks like you go for the opposite approach and majority raise instead of having much of a calling range there?
Feb. 8, 2024 | 9:16 p.m.
Hi Psek
Really good technical content. 10/10
Would be extremely valuable also to get more in depth reference to appropriate hud stats, eg the most useful stats (beyond vpip, pfr, 3b), how much you actually use them in decision making, the reasonable range of values for these stats and size of sample at which they become relevant. That is the one thing sorely missing on RiO at the moment.
May 28, 2023 | 5:27 p.m.
I believe he said people probe turn too often
March 2, 2023 | 7:26 p.m.
Nice video thanks. What was the thinking behind opening Q5s ep at 3:30?
March 2, 2023 | 7:25 p.m.
God tier content. Love that there’s no super deep solver dives - just getting through tons of spots relying on years of Galfond wisdom & also really important that you mention when you’re not sure or there could be alternative actions taken under different assumptions
Jan. 7, 2023 | 12:42 a.m.
Really interesting video. Some ACR content would be greatly appreciated also!
Dec. 29, 2022 | 6:08 p.m.
Very strong video.. love the technical analysis without too much of a deep dive into any one hand
Dec. 15, 2022 | 9:55 a.m.
Such a good video
Dec. 11, 2022 | 3:25 a.m.
Great content, love your videos. Just the audio isn’t that clear.. not sure if it’s just me
Dec. 9, 2022 | 8:41 p.m.
I should add.. big fan of ACR cash game content. More would be greatly appreciated
Nov. 28, 2022 | 12:16 p.m.
Thank you for the video. What software are you using to tile the tables please?
Nov. 28, 2022 | 11:47 a.m.
Hi and thanks for the vid, I am shocked that the K9o continues v b50 at 21:45 table 3, I am folding that even v small cb there. Has to be super marginal with the reverse implieds
Luke you’re the goat but it tilts me how you constantly grim yourself for timebank.
Regarding keeping track of the action in a hand, ACR has a new feature you can enable for that. It clutters your screen but I got used to it and like it a lot.
Great vid, v interesting
Sept. 9, 2024 | 7:17 a.m.