Carter2tierd2taco's avatar


2 points

If you want to bet TT 99 T9 overpairs and this board is a selective cbet, why not use this huge combo draw? As for the 3! shove Im not sure how I feel about it, in that I don't know if we want/need a balanced 3! shove flop range. we are blocking hand we are hoping he is overplaying like Tx 9x JJ J8 Axc we remove 2 combos of this, esp IP. I think a call is fine and maybe get it in on the turn.

May 7, 2020 | 2:29 p.m.

and if you are going to bet on that board he needs to be polar and use a much bigger size

May 7, 2020 | 2:23 p.m.

At 2nl really there are almost no bluffs certainly on the river. Having said that I would call AJ and fold any river, however I am a calling station which is why I never won at 2nl :( worst stake thank god im out of it.

May 7, 2020 | 2:17 p.m.


May 7, 2020 | 2:15 p.m.

At first this hand looks very attractive x/r flop, however upon further examination I think it is not a good candidate here is why. You are certainly not x/ring for value and you block alot of the J9 JT AJ hands you hands you want him to have here.I think a check call is the right play maybe x/r turn depending on the run out and sizing. If they check back I think you could consider block value betting brick rivers. hope this gives you something to think about and would love to hear any thought you have

May 6, 2020 | 1:59 p.m.

J7o is a pretty marginal call you are always folding J6o, with rake and you being a new player I would advise you to just fold all these marginal hands pre. You still want to play wide in BB facing BU min raise but that might be too wide.
Donk leading is always a bad idea. a funny quote I heard about this is it is called DONK leading for a reason. I would much rather prefer a x/r with this hand. Although without a club to barrel later streets and the reduced fold equity of 2nl maybe it is not. Having said that I still like a x/r to fold out J-K high and folding out A high on the turn as well as underpairs and perhaps a pair of 5s.
On the turn I would bet much bigger w a 7 and no club 55%+ to make drawing unprofitable and to get value from worse value hands sticky top pairs and 2 pairs.
On the river I think a 50% pot bet or maybe a little smaller is good as T7 is an unlikely holding and you can still get value from worse at 2nl. However due to you not having a club in your hand maybe a x/call or fold is better depending on sizing. However let me make this abselutly clear a river raise in 2nl is 90% of the time the nuts 9% the second nuts and maybe 1% a bluff probably less, just fold to river raises unless you have the nuts or second nuts. I say call with the second nuts not because I think it is profitable but because I think if I fold the second nuts I cannot live with myself so I pay that money to sleep at night. GL at 2nl get out as fast as you can.


May 4, 2020 | 9:33 p.m.

I'm not sure what you think overbet accomplishes that a 50% pot bet does not?
flatting in the SB means I auto tag as rec. you have more 5 than he should. You can have A5s and A5o K5s 65s 45s 75s, depending on your opening range 75o. he should only have pocket 5s and maybe A5S some of the time.

With the above taken into account I think he mostly flats on he flop w pocket pairs Ax and maybe 66 and some weird 5x that somehow shows up (but I doubt it).

based on above analysis I'm not sure what an overbet accomplishes that a 50% doesn't.

April 7, 2020 | 9:27 p.m.

what happened pre. Im assuming you opened he flatted?

March 19, 2020 | 4:28 p.m.

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