3 points
Player1 posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
Player2 posts big blind [$1.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h 7h Js Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises [$3.50 USD]
Hero calls [$3.50 USD]
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls [$2.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ah, 9c, Jd ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets [$6.96 USD]
Hero calls [$6.96 USD]
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5d ]
Player4 bets [$15.78 USD]
Hero calls [$15.78 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 3h ]
Player4 bets [$33.00 USD]
Hero raises [$119.34 USD]
Player4 calls [$86.34 USD]
Player4 wins $292.16 USD from main pot
Player4 shows [2d, Ac As Ts ]
Hero shows [9h, 7h Js Jh ]
I have no hud, no money, no friends, nobody like me-borat
So with my hud currently not working, I have been playing blind and it is seriously more difficult. I have limited myself to only 2 tables, to make it easier, yet it is still hard to remember basic things like how often someone raised utg etc. On the river it was a decision between shoving and calling. Obviously can't fold on that board run out. I thought the shove was okay because of his bet sizing kind of had me thinking he didn't have top set. But something I had not thought about is what can call my shove that plays the hand like this. I don't think he ever has 99 and without a hud I don't know if hes going to even play aj this aggressively.
I know good players would obviously bet 3 streets here as wide as a9+ My feel for this guys style of play is hes not messing around too often. In retrospect I think I should call here 100% of the time given the information I had available. But looking for second opinions. Call or shove?
Sept. 28, 2014 | 1:44 a.m.
I'm almost 100% sure it was by phil galfond. All I remember from the video phil says something like, you have to balance the times you snap call preflop with AA with the times you snap fold them preflop.He also said you should call shoves with AA preflop according to its equity preflop vs someones shoving range
So if someone shoves a range that I have 80% equity against with AA i should fold AA 20% pre.
At first none of this was making sense. But its phil so I trusted it and have been doing it for awhile now. With mixed results at best. Does anyone by chance know which video this one was? Thanks guys.
Sept. 17, 2014 | 6:55 a.m.
Yeah I know it kind of sounds bad. I just cashed out most of it and left myself with 450 dollars to grind with. I figure I better start at like 10 nl and prove myself than just start at 100 nl vs guys who probably will kill me if i don't play my A game and don't tilt. I also have the casino blocked so I am hoping that those roulette days are behind me. I also like your 100 buyin rule for tilt prone people like me. I read that it is okay to have 30 buyins for micros so I am kind of unsure if I should drop down to as low as 5 nl which might be too painful. But I am really determined to succeed this time. And must do what is necessary to avoid busto/tilt and guarantee my poker success. Sigh. So I will start at 5nl/5plo. I gotta pay my dues like everyone else.
I'll keep this thread updated with any breaking news or progress I make. Wish me luck guys.:)
Sept. 17, 2014 | 1:43 a.m.
Well I just had a breakthrough. I did lose that last 115 dollars but I also got a free entry into a punta cana satelite package worth 4100. Top 3 got paid. Took 90 minutes for the bubble to burst. First time I ever won anything while being completely broke (had 5 dollars in my bank account and 29 cents in my poker account.) So obviously I am left with the choice of selling the seat or flying down and playing the tournament and shipping 6 figures. But with no money to my name I just sold the seat for 2300+800 I received for travel expenses. So bankroll is an amazing 3100 now woohoo! Unreal to me. With my casino now blocked and 31 buyins for 100 nl, I am a 100 nl reg now!!!.:)
Sept. 16, 2014 | 10:07 p.m.
More than poker players clearly. Less than doctors obv.
Sept. 12, 2014 | 3:06 a.m.
I don't have an advanced degree in mathematics but would I be at least close in saying poker is as complex as some of the most advanced mathematics concepts out right now? A lot of people say poker is an infinitely complex game, so maybe it is much more closer to a science than being "just a gambling game" like black jack or definitely roulette or slots.
I personally would agree with the general view society has on poker players. They think we all are degenerate gamblers with a massive addiction problem. However the reason I refuse to agree with it, is because it is just not correct. When you tell them oh but wait poker is different from slots. They laugh at you and scoff at you and say oh you are just saying that because you are in denial you have a gambling problem etc.
Perhaps in my case I do have a gambling problem but my experience with poker is that if you have a 5th grade class room and you ask all the students what they want to be when they grow up. One says I want to be a doctor and the teacher claps, then another says i want to be a lawyer, and everyone claps, then you have another student say I want to be a online nosebleed professional poker player, the room will go silent and the student will surely be sent to the principles office as the principle calls that child's parents demanding to know why their kid wants to be a degenerate gambler?
I think we all get the point I am trying to make here. Society looks down upon professional poker players. Poker players who play professionally are stigmatized to no fault of their own. But because of the ignorance and lack of knowledge of the general public. Online gambling being illegal surely doesn't help inform people of this gap in knowledge they have. No in fact it strengthens their conviction that online poker is bad and that's why it is illegal.
So I go back to my original question. Do you think poker would be a respected profession in society if everyone knew how complex the game is and how much skill is required to become a professional at it? One could even argue that being a professional poker player is one of the hardest jobs to in the world because it requires multiple skills from abilities in mathematics, psychology, speed of processing information, physical stamina and so much more.
Sept. 10, 2014 | 6:44 a.m.
Wait so I can just eat soylent all day every day the rest of my life? Like I don't need to eat anything else? Hell yeah!
I found this:
You can live on Soylent alone, Mr. Rhinehart claims, though in practice
he said customers would most likely use it to replace just their “staple
meals,” by which he meant most of the junk you eat every day to fill
yourself up
Lets do this!!!
Sept. 10, 2014 | 1:56 a.m.
Wow I wish you the best of luck man. I too share the same dream as you. I am going to take a 3.5 month break from poker to recuperate/ and get my funds in order. Then I will also make a 1k deposit and start off at 25 nl and play 6 tables max. What I did before and I think it lead to my failure was I would deposit 500 dollars and plan on playing 25nl and any downswing would have me on mega tilt cause I knew I would have to drop down quick if I kept losing the rate I did. But I think you are doing it correct making a big deposit and sticking to your 40 buyin rule.
So please keep us updated and I will be following this thread and I am hoping for nothing but the best for you. If you succeed it gives me hope that maybe I can turn things around in my life and succeed in the brutal online poker world as well. GL.
Sept. 9, 2014 | 9:12 p.m.
I really like this post. And I am glad to see you were able to kick the old habit of degen games. The post above this in regards to not playing roulette, is part of the skill of being a poker player is also a great one. In regards to my progress I went back to my old ways and started playing stakes I wasn't rolled for and playing roulette:/ Turned the 300 into almost 1600 in a few days before betting 100 dollars a spin in roulette and finding myself broke in a matter of minutes.
I just emailed support to block my casino. I will get around 115 dollars tomorrow from a rake race payout and plan on grinding 2 nl like a previous poster mentioned. I see no reason to make big deposits anymore because I realize that having a bigger bankroll isn't my issue. With my casino now blocked I hope this is a step forward to my dream of playing poker for a living.
I also love your last comment on changing ones dream/goal from this almost impossible task of reaching the nosebleeds to just being able to support yourself playing the game you love. Now that I think about it, that is what I really want anyways. If I make it to the highest stakes it would be great but the main thing is to be able to support myself playing this great game.
I know I am getting older and time may be running out and I must find out if poker is going to be my career or not. That said I am not going to put this massive pressure on myself to get to mid stakes or even 50 nl. I am just going to take it one session at a time and whenever I can move up stakes I will when I have 100 buyins. I'm going to pace myself this time and take it slow.
Sept. 8, 2014 | 2:40 a.m.
I appreciate all the responses. Some good advice in here for sure. I just deposited another 300 dollars and played a little over 3 hours so far today at 10 nl. Ran slightly above EV and won about 3 buyins. I felt more calm today after finally getting up at a decent time(8 am) and exercising which is something I have put off for months now. I feel less tension and stress which I'm guessing is from the exercise and maybe not getting up at 5 pm like I usually do. I'm hoping my previous issues were just a result of built up frustration and anger from being so sedentary and living so unhealthy. So I'm going to try and live a more balanced and healthy lifestyle and see if this continues. Obviously the day isn't over and there is plenty of time left to be tempted by the wheel. But so far so good I would say. I don't think I am going to do anything stupid today. I hope:)
Sept. 4, 2014 | 9:23 p.m.
Come on. There has got to be a way I can beat this and still reach my poker dreams. I mean some people have overcome heroin addictions and now lead normal lives. I know most addicts are in denial and don't realize they have a problem. But I realize that I have an issue here. I'm sure theres plenty of people with degen problems that have been able to overcome it and lead a normal successful professional poker lifestyle. I figured there would be some people on here who could at least understand.
Whats the difference between my issue here and anyone else going on tilt? I know not everyone who experiences tilt reacts in the way I do but there has to be some hope for me to continue playing online poker while battling roulette demons. Obviously I wish I had never took my first spin of roulette. But its too late to change that. I feel like I still have some poker left in me. I'm only 25 years old for crying out loud. I think I get too excited when I play poker sure but I think that can all be alleviated perhaps with the introduction of exercise and meditation and some preventive actions to ensure I don't play roulette again.
I realize now that my issue is more serious than I originally thought and that it isn't normal or okay to get enjoyment out of losing thousands of dollars in a day. It's not okay with being okay with losing your bankroll. I know that isn't normal. Obviously I am trying to win back my losses from poker when I play roulette so there are good intentions but if it comes down to either having to play roulette and suffering what I have with going broke over and over and not playing roulette and having a chance at my poker dream then I am going to have to say good bye to the wheel.
I've come up with an infinite amount of excuses to justify the unnecessary risks I have taken with my bankrolls in the past and I know it will not be easy to regain the discipline to say no to roulette and chasing losses. But I gotta do it. I'm also a college student and I have been taking courses on and off after high school and I'm half way to finishing a degree in psychology which I have been also using as an excuse to justify my poor bankroll management. I would always say well I can sit down at a cash game with 1 buyin or chase losses in roulette because if I go broke or fail in poker I can always work a regular job once I finish school.
But now I see the light. There is only one solution to my problem. I must deposit my last 300 dollars and grind from 10 nl to midstakes!!!! And this time I won't make any excuses as to why it is okay to play roulette. This time I will stick to playing no more than 3 hours a day and if I feel the tilt coming on I will say noooooooooooooo!!! I will shut off my computer the moment I sense any kind of degen urges flowing through my body!!!!!!NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!!!
Sept. 4, 2014 | 7:17 a.m.
I use to think the only way to approach poker is to just keep pushing and pushing how long you can play before reaching your breaking point. I'm talking increasing the amount of tables and hours you play more and more each day. If a new table opens I always sit there and I try to act like I'm some sort of poker legend who can take on anyone at any time for as long as possible. Not willing to quit playing till the games die out. But if you read my other thread you can see this type of thinking has lead to my demise because I eventually play for so long at so many tables at such a high intensity level that I just snap. Perhaps it is because I am stubborn at times.
I've always been the type of person who goes all in on something or doesn't do it at all. I always felt if I couldn't do it right why do it at all. But that kind of mentality isn't working for me. I'm looking for a new approach. I'm not sure if there is a video on here that discusses things like planning out sessions and adjusting to how you feel. But I would love to watch something on that. I'd also like to watch a video that discusses my issue of just feeling so restless inside and full of rage if I have a losing session. Some people aren't bothered by losing but I just can't seem to function unless I win. I just feel completely terrible and lose hope and am willing to do anything I can to end the day up money. Even if it means risking my entire bankroll. Which I have done countless times:/
So what I am saying is whatever my approach is, it doesn't work. Playing poker whenever you feel like it doesn't work for me. I need some kind of structure with a bailout plan in case for some reason I am unable to play. I need a way to lose 10 buyins in a session and not have it effect my sleep or mood. I need a way to say okay I'm going to play 4 hours today and quit even if I'm down. But the way I approach the game right now is just so unorganized and the games I decide to play are based off of feelings instead of what is the right game to play. I think playing a game because you feel like it, isn't a good enough reason ya know?
Sept. 4, 2014 | 1:50 a.m.
Sure some might read that line and ask why would I ever continue playing this game if I haven't been able to beat it over 10 years of playing it. Well I still have the poker fire inside of me. I feel like at any moment my big break is going to come through and I will reach the nosebleeds or at least midstakes and make a living out of this game. I'm a pretty smart guy with a poor work ethic and degen problem and although my tilt has improved over the years I eventually reach my breaking point mass tabling hours on end and hit the roulette table to vent out my frustration.
It seems like no matter how much money I win or lose in a session I find a reason to hit the roulette table at the end of the day. I just get this thrill of putting 20-25 bucks on 0 and getting that big hit. I've come up with all kinds of reasons and excuses to play roulette. Things like well if I get hot in roulette I will have the bankroll to play the stakes I want or if I get hot in roulette I can have enough money to move to mexico and play on pokerstars. Well looking at it I won about as much money as anyone could ask to win at roulette at one point I turned 100 dollars into 4500 dollars playing roulette over a 2 day period.
Clearly 4500 is enough of a bankroll to grind with yet I would keep finding reasons to play roulette and well would miss 0 hundreds of times and lose it all. So the amount of money I have to grind with isn't the issue here that much is clear.
I don't know what help there is for a guy like me at this point I'm still young(25 years old been playing since I was 15) but obviously I am running out of time at this point because I've had so many chances and failed miserably each time. Even when I had a break here or there at the roulette table it wouldn't matter because some way or another I would find a way to lose all of my money. I don't know if I have a gambling addiction or not. But I'm not ready to give up on the dream just yet. I've put in too much time in the game and enjoy it too much to quit now.
If anyone has any suggestions that don't involve quitting I would love to hear them. Even if its something as simple as saying I need to take responsibility for my actions or read a book or something. I just have this issue where I get overwhelmed with excitement and my emotions spiral out of control and the only thing that seems to make me come back to reality is if I lose all of my money.
lol a little abuse once in awhile never hurt anyone. Just look at adrian petersons son;)
Sept. 17, 2014 | 2:11 a.m.