CallyBoy's avatar


21 points

Great vid Phil keep the WSOP live ones comin!!

March 19, 2019 | 5:22 a.m.

Is there any argument to 3B folding the AJ in this specific scenario where the money is huge and you're at the final 12? 24m to 85 seems like it would accomplish the same thing.Also flatting to just play post and call if BB jams? 30 bbs was a decent amount at that point.

March 17, 2019 | 3:16 a.m.

Comment | CallyBoy commented on ACR $1k (Part 3)

Why do you have to call the turn raise with AQ? Isn’t it very likely villain jams every river anyway? I feel like the decision for this hand should be made on the turn and not the river.

March 7, 2019 | 1:43 p.m.

I think when LLinus obets turn he mostly chks river, but doesn't he generate more chips by just going bet 3/4 turn bet 1/2-3/4 river ? Given their dynamic/incentive and the fact that he can have as many straights and sets/2 pairs as Hecklen I don't think Hecklen x jams river without having the nuts here (specifically) and he has plenty of hero calls on this river 7x 8x some some KQ/QJ that floated flop. I think he'd comfortably/easily be able to bet fold this river with the top of his range if that were the case and still be in super shape to make top 3.

Nov. 25, 2018 | 9:48 a.m.

I would also like an invite

Sept. 22, 2018 | 12:25 p.m.

Great video Phil.
@6 mins right table, I am curious why you would craise this hand on 952 with 2 bd fd and bdsd/overs. This looks like the perfect hand to chk float with and even lead some straight turns that may give you fds like 7/6/8 etc. h/c.

March 21, 2017 | 1:26 a.m.

Dont think villain can ever have 33xx or 44xx here given that he wouldve likely chked back almost all those combos and probably not 3b them on a dry 934 flop. His range is pretty polarized to wraps.(A25x suited, 567x suited) or 99 which you block. That being said this hand actually becomes kindve easy to play when you know where you stand. I would consider flatting here a decent amount as played and lead jamming any non str8 completing hands like suggested. I just don't see anyone ever bet 3bstting 94/93/34 rainbow flops with that kindce spr in this spot. If you put those hands in his ranfe, it's an easy fold.

Aside from as played, I think you have too good of a hand to turn your hand into a bluff here... and sometimes you even have the best hand. Not to mention that you too sortve polarize your range when you cr, and if he does have aa or kk he is likely to still call.

Oct. 21, 2016 | 10:27 a.m.

Great video Phil! I think you called in the 779T hand for the same reason you considered value-betting. He's really not going to have many flushes when he doesn't barrel the turn unless he has KKss or some other decent pair w/ ss.

The hand where the flop came KT7 cc and you had AJ cc and turn 9c, don't you think leading is going to be better since he will most likely only fold KT (Call with lower flushes, sets, even QJ)? When you chk and river pairs you will lose value against some lower flushes, and given the flop texture I think a bluff-raise is going to be pretty rare here. I wouldn't expect a hand like K453 to raise bluff this kind've texture.

All in all, good stuff!

Oct. 18, 2016 | 5:17 a.m.

@12:22 top right, is it standard to fold 6789 there pre? Given button's opening range and sb's 3b tendency, it would seem like this is an easy cold 4b spot and not terrible to ocall either. If we get 5b on we're not doing terrible against AAXX at all, we do have position on the 3bettor, and the hand is pretty playable postflop. Wondering what led you to fold there.

Feb. 10, 2015 | 5:11 p.m.

I would love to see calling 4bets oop scenarios 200+ bb deep and what ranges you shove/fold to 4bets oop deep against certain positions. Great vid!

May 9, 2014 | 10:31 a.m.

Cool vid- a few comments/questions:

1) 34suited on 336hh- while there is obviously a merit into keeping in the fish with 1000bb effective stacks in the hand and disguising our actual hand against the blaster on the button- if he is a player with a lot of live experience (who recognizes the importance in keeping in the fish) and is not gun shy at these stakes, I think there is more value in CRing the flop against this type of player.  This is a board where he should be fighting back a lot and given your reputation as well as many leveling factors (he knows that you know this is a flop hes cbetting 100%, he thinks you may just flat call w big hands to keep the fish in etc) I think it's just more profitable to CR and let him spaz/get value now.  I think fish open limping cutoff and villain isoing on button and you calling in BB creates a more aggro/sticky dynamic once you take this line.  Also, it's not like the fish is going to folds overpairs to the board or two overs and flush draw/nut flush draw to your CR.  

As played, I do agree that river is a clear lead...also what was your plan if button bet the river? were you just calling or CR?

2) QQ on J10xcc- don't really understand your decision to take the check calling line against this specific villain.  Normally, youd want to take this line against a) super aggro players who'd make youre life hell by playing back at these boards when deep and w/position. b) guys who give check calling line no credit and go completely ballistic on any runout.  

Im sure you know live pros (even good/solid/winning ones) love to take showdown so I think we just miss a lot of value by adding this to our check call line.  As played, Im not sure what we beat on this runout and when this type of villain bets all three streets.  Unless you think his value range is only flushes (villain should be betting all 2 pair+) What did he have if you don't mind sharing?

I agree with your points that many live pros are incapable of 3 barreling esp against a villain like yourself.  I also agree that if we take something like AA and take this check calling line as the initial 3bettor, it doesnt mean we close our eyes and call down on any runout since we "underrepped" our hand.  But I feel like you are going against your beliefs by calling with QQ in this spot. 

3) J2suited on button- seems like a better hand to 3bet on button and continue to "build our image" rather than call and play a 4 way pot.  Although I guess having button is good enough for us to play this hand- would you be more willing to 3bet if you were in LJ/HJ/CU? 

Great stuff- really enjoyed the content.  I think itll be cool/entertaining if you shared big pots you were bluffing and got caught/got away with it :)


April 22, 2014 | 11:24 p.m.

Comment | CallyBoy commented on Big Game Macau: PLO

Great stuff Rasty- love your thoughts and analysis...really enjoy the high stakes live poker feed and would love more vids on not only the hand histories but perhaps some theoretical/psychological aspects as well of being a LivePro.

July 24, 2013 | 4:51 p.m.

Great stuff Brian,

For the K10o hand, how do you feel about flatting the turn CR and possibly betting/bluff shoving river with your read? Wouldn't you be more inclined to be flatting all value hands on the turn esp w position? I guess you put more value in taking back the initiative and maximizing as much pressure as possible in this given spot?

April 1, 2013 | 5:20 p.m.

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