40 points
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Oct. 6, 2016 | 12:31 p.m.
I don`t understand why you would shove A5s vs a polarised riverbet as you mentioned.
March 31, 2016 | 12:04 p.m.
I have to disagree. I know villain very well and in a game where openraise is usually between 16 and 20 57s and 79s will be at a 100% frequency in his continuing range (maybe 5% less if he decides to 3bet those. He is also not stupid and knows i am very likely very strong. His 2pair/set hands dont really matter for me because, i either stack them anyway or he is smart enough to fold those. But as i said he is capable of bluffraising Flop w/ 57s and 97s and my question is which betsize nets me most money. Btw he is a mathteacher, so potodds and implied odds are well known term to him ;)
March 15, 2016 | 3:58 p.m.
Eff Stacksize 880
Preflop: HJ opr 12, CO call, BU (me) calls (88), SB active Fish 3bets 50 (but low 3bet frequency, so he got a strongish hand almost always), HJ call, CO call, BU call ; Pot 204
Flop: A86rb, SB bets 100, HJ fold, CO raise 250, BU call, SB fold ; Pot 804
Turn: 2, HJ checks, now whats our most winning sizing? Villain is not stupid, he knows i am most likely on a set here and the only hand he might not be folding is 66. He is very capable of bluffing the Flop with hands like 57 or 79. Since 66 doesn't matter we target 57 and 79. What sizing makes us the most money against those hands. If we jam he always folds those.
I did bet 260 on the turn leaving me 320 behind. I think i should have bet just a little bigger like 310 or something.
Now i calculated, his Eq with 97 is 18.18%, i gave him Potodds of 18.6%. So his call is only a very tiny mistake when i deny him implied odds by folding on a T or 5 River for example.
What sizing would you choose?
March 15, 2016 | 2:27 p.m.
just think in terms of hourly. Will your hourly be higher at those 2/4 games? When i started playing 5/10 my hourly at the beginning was lower than my 2/4 hourly which sucked. Every limit needs time to figure it out. Be smart, take shots and gameselect higher tables. GL
Jan. 14, 2016 | 8:47 p.m.
if i lose my stack i would be so pissed, but if i stacked him i wouldn't be much happier ;). I know thats not a very reasonable decision at first sight, but when it changes my mood in the wrong direction so that i might play worse or dont play at all because of that i lose in ev too. (watch tommy angelos quitting video...it fitted quite well for me)
- i think the raise otf is good, his sizing is very small and i don't think he's very strong here ever. turn lead again superweird and difficult, ingame i folded and he showed me 36s (without fd) ;). As i stated my range i felt i don't really need to defend here...
Dec. 15, 2015 | 2:13 p.m.
sometimes there are games where you have to make some losingcalls preflop because nits are not welcome to the game...
a friend of mine told me he plays in a big homegame with almost only fish and he plays around 65 Vpip preflop and everybody else 80+, if he would play 30 vpip he most likely would get uninvited
but yeah fold pre :P
Dec. 13, 2015 | 2:53 p.m.
5/10 6handed, BU straddle 20, SB raise 65 very loose and was difficult for me to play...fancy lines and very much a feel player. SB, BU and me deep around 3.5k. I won two big hands about 20 minutes ago and busted both spots at the table, so for my happyness and because of my tight image i decided to only call pre.
So the action goes:
pre: SB raise 65, I call CO, BU call
Flop: Q93hh, SB bet 80, i raise 210 BU fold, SB call
Turn: Ao, SB leads 250, my turn...
now i have 2 previous hands in mind where i raised his limp pre, flop goes threeway with BB, Flop T52rb, i cbet he call, Turn 2 he leads, i call, river goes check check and he wins with 8To. And another hand where a reg (BB) squeezes 110 pre he calls (BU), calls 210 cbet on Flop 567rb Turn T x/x River 5 reg checks he bets out 450...reg folds he shows A3s...very weird imo not to bluff turn but river in his shoes.
So i think i like my raise on the flop, there is plenty of value to gain here and it should be very though for him to 3bet me with these stacks. Sizing imo to small. Turn again a strange lead from him, my range should be reasonable strong here, My range will probably be like: AQ, KQ,Q9s,99.33.QQ.AhXh,JT, KhTx...given my pretty decent range i felt like i dont even need to defend KK here...
Happy to hear some thoughts
Dec. 12, 2015 | 5:36 p.m.
pretty difficult to get called by worse imo and likely to valuetown yourself, check and hope it checks around. I tend to c/f river. maybe call off a smaller bet by mp
Nov. 5, 2015 | 2:08 p.m.
- i know freedom, thats why i didn't play 5/10 that night, but he played because he thought they are probably the worst cheaters ever^^ and he started shortstack so not too many difficult decisions
- 1.5k by 5/10/20 is like 75bb eff
- i have no proof, they just got banned, by the way Coca has a beard now, pretends to not speak english very well, pretends to be russian and has a wrong pass (Pavel Koka or something not sure and got quiete fat compared to the newspictures)
Nov. 5, 2015 | 2:01 p.m.
at that moment nobody knew it for sure, but people were cautius(some not) and despite the cheating the three moldavian players got owned that evening for 6k
Nov. 4, 2015 | 4:32 p.m.
So a fellow reg told me a hand that happened recently at a 5/10 livegame. Everybody knew something fishy is going on with three of the players (all moldavian players including the 10k hu scammer, but my reg"friend" didn't know that then, we found out the same night)
hand goes BU Livestraddle and call, Coca (Hu-scammer) raises to 120 and the reg was talking to a friend and told him "Look today there is something interesting going on" and decided to not protect his hand as he used to do in this environment. He triggered a stare by 1 or 2 of the moldavian players and now he checked his cards ... KK his stack 1.5k.
Now he assumes the moldavian players have marked at least some Ks and Aces maybe more cards, not sure. So assuming they have a very strong idea about his hand, how do we play it?
He thought about it for a while and said he decided to just jam allin, so he cannot be outplayed postflop if his hand is faced up.
What do you think about the jam, i think it is a fine option, but maybe a committing raise would be a better option?
Unique spot thats why i am curious :D
Nov. 4, 2015 | 4:17 p.m.
Would like to see some thoughts about the AK hand, to me it seemed like trueteller has a ton of Tx combos to call the turn with, so that he doesn't need to defend the turn like superwide, but i might be wrong. Is him folding all twopair and sets enough to justify the bluff?
Oct. 15, 2015 | 8:12 p.m.
I think you should cosinder to check call this hand if you are going to bet the river with this hand strength. In a more exploitive perspective I see a lot of merit to bet a more polarized gameplan on the river because villains over aggressive River stat (if this is accurate) drops down our EV of thin valuebets.
Sept. 23, 2015 | 11:40 a.m.
Hey guys,
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p.s. I hope it is ok to post this, if not please delete this post.
Sept. 10, 2015 | 4:44 p.m.
Cheers RIO Members,
Can anybody answer me which treadmill Ben is using in his videos?
Aug. 3, 2015 | 4 p.m.
Thanks for your comment. What kind of hands would you call instead on the turn? Ingame I thought that I would bet myself most of my two pair combinations. So if I check and check fold K9s i´m going to fold about most of my hands with atleast some showdown value against my assumptions of villians range, because I would play check flop/ check turn with most of my Kx, good Qx type of hands. Villians delayed cbetting range should also include a lot of weak Kx, Qx hands. So I don´t think that I can fold to a ~54% psb.
Best regards
July 9, 2015 | 12:51 p.m.
good question. BB (blue line) best made hands are three of a kind 13.8% and full houses 2.3%. These hands have about 90% against the button range. The next best made hands in BB range are two pairs (22-99) which have around 58% equity against button. So the big gap is a result from the difference our madehands in equity.
BTN has just more three of a kind 16.5% and also better two pairs (TT-KK) which have around 76% against BB range.
This graph should give us a quick look about both ranges in equity. We can see that the black line (BTN´s Range) has in nearly every part more equity then the blue line (BB range). With that in mind we can interpret this graph which range has the bigger range advantage.
I hope that make some sense.
July 8, 2015 | 5:52 p.m.
Thanks Ilares for your response.
I have some thoughts about question 1.
What do you think about cbetting hole range as BTN with 1/3 pot size?
- We got a range advantage here
- Most of our hands like to cbet small here, even Kx and 3x because we get folds from hands with 20-25% equity
- We can easily defend on flop & later streets and realize our equity better with our weak showdown hands (Kx,3x)
BB(Hero) vs BTN
July 8, 2015 | 1:32 p.m.
MP: $261.20
UTG+1: $489.94
CO: $45.24
BN: $396.82
SB: $200.00
BB: $205.46 (Hero)
July 7, 2015 | 5:23 p.m.
Hey Ben,
KK on 822cc, you said you bet your full range there smallish, why so? This bet seems to have almost no foldequity and considering your range with a lot of overcards couldn't you make villains life thougher by betting bigger and actually threatening his stack?
July 5, 2015 | 2:10 a.m.
Hi Tenuss,
very nice video!
I would like to see more videos about the same topic, but maybe you include some more Flop & Turn spots for the next time?
May 8, 2015 | 2:05 p.m.
hey daniel,
how would you play the AK hand in SB shoes (last hand)?
May 3, 2015 | 8:55 p.m.
not working, just the intro does
Feb. 18, 2015 | 1:25 p.m.
I enjoyed your video!
Did you write your on own notes in Notecaddy
or do you know a good site to buy notes?
Thank you very much for your response.
Jan. 12, 2015 | 8:31 p.m.
smoltification thank you for your response. But I mean not the betsizes. I mean the CB frequencies. Like he will cbet the flop 20% of the time. Does this matter for our defending range? I mean the exploitive way.
Jan. 11, 2015 | 2:16 a.m.
Hi Vincent,
thanks for your nice video!
But I´am a little bit confused with the 1-A formular.
Can you maybe explain more how the cbet frequencies
are involve in the 1-A calculation?
If Reg A cbets 20%, so we can go tighter like x% of 1-A.
And Reg B cbet 100% we can go with a wider range than 1-A?
What for default assumptions we can make on which cbet frequencies?
Jan. 10, 2015 | 3:29 a.m.
Jan. 1, 2015 | 2:45 a.m.
I really enjoyed your video. You give a lot of good content in this video. So please continue with your series! Thanks!
cavino +1 same question, why do think this combo is particularly good for bluffing flop, you block kk and qq but also hands like AK,AQ which i guess are hands you want him to fold, isn't like 33, 9T or something better leads?
I thought AKs will most likely be a better preflop passive defend because of the better playability postflop. But you prefer it the other way around. Cany go little deeper into detail why you think so.
Thanks :)
Nov. 11, 2016 | 9:29 p.m.