BrunoCaetano's avatar


25 points

Nice video, Dekkers!

9:57 - when you say we should have a linear range to lead river, it means only one size? If so, a small one, right? Because I dont see too many bluffs in our range, once we called a overbet turn.

Maybe turning As7x in bluff, but it could be a very good x/r river also. Or you would prefer do not have a x/r range on this river spot?


Jan. 29, 2019 | 2:09 p.m.

Thanks for the content, Ryan.

I could not watch it in better time, as I just got away of a staking team and decided to start playing with my own bankroll. So this topic is so important for me.

Two questions, please.

  • Do you think we should consider in any way our Average ROI? Of course I read the description of what it means in Sharkscope, but I didn't got it clearly. I found out that players who didn't had a big hit have a higher Average ROI than it's Total ROI. Anyway, do you think it is a number that we should approach or just ignore as it is not the real one?

  • I got curious about your SNG schedule. There is any video about it or can you comment more so that we can have a better idea about the field size you most play?

    Thanks again.


Nov. 11, 2018 | 3:22 p.m.

Very nice series, Gusma!!

It is crazy how the ranges change also in a final table. I would never be calling 100% of my hand in the BB in the spot 22'. Now I will.

And congratz for joining RIO. Merecido

Aug. 18, 2018 | 12:40 p.m.

I feel so sorry for your accident, Bradley. I am from Brazil and we, tropical country, do not pay much attention to the winter sports. But your videos are helping me so much that I had decided to watch the skeleton competition in the Olympic Games to support you. Feel sad for you, but you will recover soon.

About the video, speechless. Thanks again.

Jan. 20, 2018 | 5:08 p.m.

Thanks for the video Bradley. I used to think that I had more grit than others, but in my teste I got 3.9, or 60%. And 60% might be the average. Maybe it is one reason that I am getting average results last months. Improving it now.

Thanks a lot and also hopping that you get a great result in Olympic Games.

Sept. 19, 2017 | 1:07 p.m.

Thanks for the video, great tips for micro online players like me. I am going to my first live tournament next thursday. After that I will give you a feedback here.

July 25, 2017 | 1:44 a.m.

Comment | BrunoCaetano commented on Button Vs Blind

Wow! Such a great content. I enjoyed a lot. I am sure that my weakness is the maths part of the game and videos like this helps me to improve a lot. Thank you so much!

One question: there are hands in our calling range that are almost break even. Do you think that worths calling or prefer to keep your stack for a better spot?? (ex: JTs vs SB shoves = only 10.6 chips profitable)

Thanks again

June 20, 2017 | 2:25 a.m.

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