BriOD's avatar


23 points

Great video. Seems like there's untapped potential for large edges.

March 16, 2022 | 1:35 a.m.

How'd this guy get a HUD on the app game?

Feb. 6, 2022 | 6:20 p.m.

I'm new to PLO (NL player) and am currently working my way through PLO videos. Would it be a mistake to try to concurrently learn PLO5 while learning PLO4?

Feb. 3, 2022 | 2:29 a.m.

is your standard open 2.5x and your standard 3b 3x, or is it an adjustment you make for this tourney?

May 27, 2015 | 4:20 p.m.

i also ran the KJs hand through the advaced hand feature in HRC. 1st image is the utg open range, followed by HJ flat range, and then what it spits out. Says it's a shove by .16. imo those really small +ev spots should be taken with a little caustion. especially in a spot like this where I'm making some very basic assumptions. Would like to know what anyone thinks of my range assessment.

May 21, 2015 | 5:42 p.m.

May 21, 2015 | 5:39 p.m.

May 21, 2015 | 5:39 p.m.

May 21, 2015 | 5:39 p.m.

would love to see a video of just this thatisluck guy blasting off, that shit was epic!

As for the limping stratehy w the J8ss. I'm not a fan. It becomes pretty impossible to balance that range. I know you mention mixing in big pairs and big As, but it's just not going to compensate for all the hands you want to limp, and it means that you can just never raise bttn with those stack dynamics.

May 21, 2015 | 2:32 p.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Super Tuesday HH Review

really like integrating CRev into these videos. Think it's the best way to take your game up a level. As for the 22 hand....I know it's unlikely, bet is there any % of the time omygot is raising 34s utg there? or is it such a small % of the time it doesn't factor in. you said he's a good consistent reg, so i wouldn't expect him to be raising 34s utg, but if there is a non zero % of the time I am wondering how it would affect the calculations. Also as played, if he does jam, do you fold? I would assume he's only jamming hands >22. but at the same time it's a ridiculous price you are getting. I only ask because calling jam and losing has to be factored into calculations, not just losing the 1764.

May 21, 2015 | 1:47 p.m.

I think this video is great. IMO it shows the difference between someone who is good at poker, and someone who is great at poker. I think it emphasizes how a lot of good players just get stuck in their ways, and don't adjust to changing dynamics. I think you could speak volumes in the contrast in opening sizing, and defending ranges, and the reasons everyone gives.

April 8, 2015 | 9:52 p.m.

interested to hear other people thought's on the 689T hand where James get's ch raised on J72hhh flop. I followed the line of thinking that James puts out there, but it still seems suicidal. I know very little about PLO. Why can't villain be ch raising other flushes other than the nut flush? If he's just going nuts with the naked Ah, there has to be a % of the time he treats the Khi flush or Q hi flush like the nuts. You said the guy has been super aggro. I would think he would play off his image and play a wider range of hands for value as well...???

Jan. 2, 2015 | 7:24 p.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Three Handed Pineapple

so leaving the top open...would it be better to put the J up top or the 4 up top? there is the possibility of going 44, and then also just getting 1 4 would give us a good chance at scooping them.

Dec. 29, 2014 | 6:06 p.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Beyond Poker tells

I've watched a bunch of the BT videos, and Blake takes a comprehensive approach to teach you how to make accurate reads. I would call this more of a course than a training website. I think it's well worth it if you're committed to learning.

Dec. 10, 2014 | 11:52 a.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Big $162 (part 3)

The J6ss hand i think becomes pretty face up when you ch raise flop. On that flop there's zero value hands in your range, anything you have for value you raise with pre. I assume he's pretty decent, and can easily figure that out. For that reason more than anything i like ch calling flop, and ch calling turn.

Really enjoyed the series, very well done.

Dec. 9, 2014 | 9:31 a.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Big $162 (part 2)

ok, you covered that right after i hit play lol. i don't think A high has a whole lot of showdown value on that board thugh...

Dec. 3, 2014 | 11:10 p.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Big $162 (part 2)

4 min in, the A4s hand, you talk about the possibility of bluffing. With a player ai in the sb, your bluff will first have to work, and then you'll have to win at showdown vs sb. i don't think there was much in the sidepot...

Dec. 3, 2014 | 11:10 p.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Big $162 (part 1)

19 min in, my gut reaction was the 77 is a fold. Haven't watched the results yet, but ran the math. Need 38.5% vs his range to break even. He would have to have 66+, KQs, ATs, AQo. Not too far a stretch, but i don't think it's a range that's normal. The guy does have some pretty solid numbers over a lot of hands...

Dec. 2, 2014 | 6:21 a.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Beyond Poker tells

I agree that the best practice is putting in the time at the tables, but if you don't know what to look for you're just wasting a lot of time.  This site gives you a framework and foundation on reading nonverbals. A lot of people think they know how to "read" people, but they really have no clue.

May 8, 2014 | 7:52 p.m.

Comment | BriOD commented on Beyond Poker tells

I'm good friends with blake, and have seen a lot of the raw stuff. He says the final product is going to be sick.  I've watched a lot of the videos and walkthroughs. I'm really excited about it. It's going to be revolutionary. 

May 8, 2014 | 7:46 p.m.

88 hand. just fold pre imo. you start off with he's tight. tight players aren't opening that stack with a range that 88 plays well vs.  also you mention calling with like TJs QJs, that would be atrocious imo

2nd 88 hand, checking back flop is a huge mistake.  it's a flop you can easily rep. by checking back you make it way too easy for them to take it away, or value bet you pretty easily.

TJs hand. completely disagree.  pile all day to the ch raise.  1st of all i disagree with the ch raise being a value hand, idk you play with him more, but imo overpairs cbet 100% of the time on this flop.  even flopped sets bet most of the time, it's such a draw heavy board, they just can't be checking big hands that often.  2nd, by just calling the ch raise you're really only giving yourself one card to hit something.  i don't really want to get into fold equity since it doesn't really matter, his range is pretty polarized between air and value, so it doens't matter how much fe you have, but he did leave himself plenty of room to fold

also i think it's a mistake to look at things in terms of, so and so opened with x amount of bigs, so i flat TJs.  imo you should really look at what % of the effective stack they open.  i think some of the flats with TJs are thiner than you might think

95o on bttn, even being the botom of your range, it's just an lol open. now a days people just aren't going to let you get away with opening the bttn too wide

97o hand vs pearljammers JJ. since all draws missed, and it's very unlikely he has a hand that can call imo, i like ch raising river.  

3rd 88 hand, too good a flop to cbet, too many bad turn cards, should be cbetting 100% imo  as played, my first instinct was to call river jam, but im not sure tbh.  you're hand is super underrepped imo, only hand that really beats you is 66, don't see how he could have a Q. also a Q would prob bet smaller on the river, don't think he's getting into a leveling war to try and get you to call an overjam on river w A high

69s isn't a "pretty good hand" pretty terrible defend imo

TT hand, agree with everything you said. on;y thing i would consider is raising the turn.  his bet sizing looks pretty weak, i think you can raise and et a lot of Js to fold, if they don't you have a str8 draw as a backup.  think it's a really good spot to turn your hand into a bluff.

even though i probably come across as overly critical, i really enjoyed the video, i look forward to the rest of them


Aug. 20, 2013 | 10:36 a.m.

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